Tue, Mar

LA Metro Must Justify Withholding Information about Sepulveda Corridor Project--Judge Rules


MY POV - On Thursday, a Judge posted an order which clearly states that Metro must disclose a reason for withholding documents. " The agency must describe each document or portion withheld and for each withholding it must discuss the consequences of disclosing the sought-after information. Conclusory or boiler pale assertions that merely recite statutory standards are not sufficient." In other words, you can't get the information because we won't give it to you is not appropriate or law--and Metro has been stonewalling us for the last 18 months. In my next email, tomorrow, I will circulate the link to the actual decision. The decision speaks for itself--and is really worth reading. 

One interesting, eye-opening sentence about the project in the decision is as follows: "Funding for planning and construction of the Sepulveda Transit Corridor is provided partially by Measure M with the project scheduled to open between the San Fernando Valley and the Westside 2033-2035 ($5.7Billion) and a future extension of LAX opening in 2057-2059 ($3.8Billion). This is clearly part of the misinformation and untruths Metro continually puts out to both confuse and misinform the public and prevent it from knowing the truth about the project. These are irrefutable facts--no tunnel can be built today for less than $2.1Billion a mile-and that's without the time delay before this project starts and understanding that in the last 25 years Metro has NEVER built anything on time or on budget-and all tunnels proposed are 14 miles long--just do the math--not to mention there is zero chance this project can be completed and operational by the 2040's--if at all---and if you take the cost to get to the airport---this is a project that will cost north of $60Billion---and will be obsolete before its ever completed. (One more thought, who would want to be underground for 14 miles in a place where the earth moves--unless you put a shake shop on the train--and even then......)

Among other things to note in the decision is that Metro's counsel complains about my "abusive conduct" from my emails through which I clearly have the right to exercise my first amendment rights--they don't say any of my facts are wrong--they just don't like my tone--but since this country was formed, citizens gave the right to forcefully state their opinions and hold the  bureaucracy accountable--and to be clear, they have never responded to any of my emails (even the nice ones at the beginning) and have never refuted any of the facts I enumerate.  First of all-because Metro has no problem in squandering money-they paid for a lawyer to fly down from San Francisco for the hearing--as if there is a shortage of attorneys in Los Angeles. Secondly, lets really discuss who has been abused--its the Public--let me count the ways: a) No one from Metro ever consulted our community before the proposed routes were drawn putting us immediately on the defensive---this abuse of communities has also occurred in Chinatown (the Gondola Project) and Lawndale--as well as many others; b) Metro continues to intentionally mislead the public about cost of projects, time to build, potential ridership--not to mention misleading surveys; c) Public events are carefully orchestrated so the public finds out only the information Metro wants it to--all questions are screened and candor is clearly missing and d) the lack of safety on public transportation is appalling-- a situation Metro has been aware of for more than 4 years---last week a person was violently attacked at the Pasadena Station.  I could go on--but looking at the facts, Metro is clearly the party abusing public it is supposed to serve. 

In October (at a date TBD) , Bob Anderson (Sherman Oaks) and I are going to arrange a meeting room at the Bel Air Hotel and invite senior executives of  Bechtel, BYD and Metro to a meeting that he and I will moderate and do the questioning--with no prior notice as to the questions---no PR Flacks will be allowed--and registration will be required--only senior executives with actual knowledge of the project to actually inform the Public the truth about the project--full disclosure. We will film the proceedings so there can be no misunderstandings, and the press will also be invited. Bob and I are looking forward to that evening and seeing who will actually attend. 

One last point--since the Mayor wants no cars to drive to the venues at the 28 Olympics, it is compelling now to replace Metro's current executive leadership. Ms. Wiggins only ability is to manage her political board at the expense of the citizens of Los Angeles.  It's really enough--she can't do the job--as an executive and a CEO, in my opinion and many others,  she's pathetic and inept This isn't personal--its business---Starbuck's replaced their CEO after one year because their Board determined he wasn't doing the job. She’s had 3 1/2 years and actually hired a trust coach--that's laughable. How much more time can you in good conscience give her? Time is up... 

On another subject--which is the Mayors’ program of Inside Safe---we also need to add Outside Safe --and follow the governor's directive to end encampments and get everyone off the streets and return the streets to the exhausted majority in this city who have all had enough. We need more business here--not more homeless.  If not, other jurisdictions will send their homeless here--entirely unacceptable---if they arrive by bus, we should provide a return ticket and send them back. We are not and cannot become the Heartland of the Homeless. In addition, Lindsey Horvath who I have dubbed Queen of the Homeless---I do like her--but its really time for her to start to represent the people who elected her--is advocating another increase in the sales tax for the Homeless---the answer to that and all ballot initiatives that are requesting an increase in our taxes, is to revive that 80's saying---"JUST SAY NO". 

Before I go, you have all seen the rash of home robberies over the last 6 months--the city needs to be made safer----November is time to make Gascon find another profession...and vote him out of office. 

That's all folks 

(Fredric D. Rosen is a retired Businessman who has served on multiple corporate (both public and private) and charitable boards. He was Ticketmaster's CEO for 16 years and was responsible for making it the leading ticket company in the world.)