Tue, Mar

Trump, Newsom, Garcetti, Hahn: FAILURES!


GUEST COMMENTARY--Yes, all 4 have bowed to the almighty dollar instead of protecting the lives of the citizens they represent. 

Today, Garcetti admitted on national TV (Where he likes to play lately), that he opened LA too soon. Tell that to all the sick and dead he has on his hands. 

For the past 2 weeks, county supervisor Janice Hahn has been tap dancing on KNX-1070 about the virus and the county not making the tough decisions. This week, she admits she is looking at it differently than last week.  

Then take our Governor … PLEASE!  

Bowing to business interests and the interests of himself and the rest of the people who feed off the state budget, he too opened too soon with contradictory bars to meet and ignoring them all. 

And of course, our fearless leader in Washington. 

Democrats-do nothing-this guy is burying himself. JOE, stay inside, it is healthier and safer. No need to debate him ... he debates himself and rats out and turns on all his advisors. 

And finally-Congress and Senate: I call on you all to forfeit your pay and that of all of your staffers  on July 31 if you do not pass an additional bill saving millions from entering poverty and being evicted.  

All these elected officials should be held to blame for the deaths and sickness caused by their lack of action and greed. 

What happened to "By the people, for the people"?


(Jay Handal is a long-time neighborhood council and community activist and owns a business in Los Angeles.)
