Mon, Feb

Good Bone Health is Depends on Good Probiotics … Say What?


WELLNESS--Pro means for or in favor of, and biotic means bacteria. Probiotic is a favorable bacterium for your gut. Most people think they are only great for your digestion and elimination, but more and more studies are indicating that probiotics are an important component in order to help many of our health functions. 

Bones are one example of the wide array of probiotic health benefits. According to the National Osteoporosis Foundation, 54 million Americans are currently living with or at risk of developing Osteoporosis. The NOF estimates that 1 in 2 woman over 50 and 1 in 4 men will break a bone due to osteoporosis. By the year 2020 it is estimated that 50% of Americans will have low bone density. 

There are many reasons Osteoporosis occurs. The causes range from low calcium, imbalanced hormones, inflammation, poor diet, and an unhealthy gut. Regarding gut health, there have been multiple studies as of late indicating the link between healthy probiotics and better bone health. The mechanisms by which this happens includes a decrease in gut inflammation in turn leading to an increase in bone density among other reasons.  

While there are some medications for osteoporosis, they have not proven very effective, and many people agree that the best way to avoid and often treat this disease is through nutrition and supplementation. It is important to start with healthy vitamin D levels along with Calcium and probiotics in order to prevent the initial thinning and weakening of bones in the first place. These days many doctors are checking vitamin D3 levels, which is crucial in maintaining many health and immune related functions in the body. 

There is a powerful link between bone weakness and cigarette smoking so adding bone health to the already long list of what people should not smoke cigarettes is fair. Exercise is another way to strengthen those bones. Lifting weights and even brisk walking is a great way to add strength to our bones. 

Adding probiotics will decrease inflammation and in turn help to prevent leaky gut. This occurs when the body is not absorbing nutrients because the mucosal lining of the gut is not fully healthy and in place. Probiotics also help to build the short chain fatty acids, which in turn help to strengthen the bones. 

Very often the probiotics in yogurt are not enough to reach the levels needed for optimum health. There are many options out there for probiotics and I like Mercola. His do not need to be refrigerated and they work very well in building the probiotics levels in the gut. Take your probiotics and keep active as a couple of ways to maintain bone health well into old age.


(Christian Cristiano is an acupuncturist in LA, TV host of Wellness for Realists and writes on wellness regularly for CityWatch. Christian can be reached at 323.935.3420. twitter: @CristianoWFR)




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