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Bad Breath Solutions


WELLNESS--Okay we’ve all been there. We go on a date, lunch with a friend, or we meet somebody at an event and all we can notice is their bad breath! How do we react? Do we tell them or do we just pretend not to notice? 

I have certainly met people on numerous occasions where each time they have had halitosis and I am often left thinking “I wonder if their spouse, mother, best friend, or somebody has ever told them? I know I for one would want to know.

While how and when to speak with somebody about this touchy subject is important, let’s focus on ways we can improve our own breath and how to avoid future bad breath scenarios and awkward conversations.

The truth is, bad breath can be caused by numerous issues within the body including disease, infection, indigestion, and from the simple act of fasting. It may also be exacerbated by vitamin supplements or medication. If you’re concerned with ongoing halitosis, see your doctor and get to the root of the problem. In the meantime, here are some of the best options that will help: 

  • Neti Pot – Often halitosis is caused by sinus infections or congestion due to a cold or allergies. Ongoing buildup in the sinuses can draw bacteria to itself and cause an unpleasant odor. An ancient tradition that involves rinsing the nasal cavities with a lukewarm saline solution can help to rid your body of bacteria, germs, and even infection. 
  • Tongue Cleaner – Sometimes food buildup can remain on our tongues which may cause an offensive odor. Find an effective tongue cleaner from the drug store and use it daily. Getting rid of excess accumulation on the tongue with this speedy process will help. 
  • Smart Mouth – This mouthwash was first promoted on the television show The Apprentice many years ago. It works! Smart Mouth has a patented zinc technology that helps to offset bad odor and eliminate it quickly and effectively with the positive effects lasting for up to 12 hours. It does have food coloring which I don’t like but in small amounts, it’s fine. 
  • Floss & Brush – These are obvious suggestions but worth mentioning. Flossing daily not only helps to fight bacteria and plaque below the gum line, but it may also reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke. Replace your toothbrush every 2-3 months to avoid bacteria overload. Also get your teeth cleaned and checked at least twice per year at the dentist. 
  • Liver Cleanse – Serious bad breath can be caused from toxicity within the liver. This may be the time when a diet change and detox should be considered. There are many herbs and plants that you can take daily including Milk Thistle, Wheatgrass, and Chlorella, but a 7-14 day intensive cleanse is recommended to help clear out excess sludge and possible chemicals and toxins within the liver and gallbladder. 
  • Oil of Oregano – This super immune booster will not only help to lower your incidence of getting sick, it also assists in killing odor-causing germs and bacteria in the mouth and nose. 3-5 drops of oil of oregano under the tongue regularly will definitely help. You can also add the drops to water and gargle for a thorough rinse. 
  • Get your Gut Healthy – Most people are walking around with poor gut health and digestion. Imbalances in our gut can lead to bad breath due to improperly digested food. Take a probiotic supplement daily, eat fermented foods such as kefir, kimchee, kombucha, and sauerkraut, and consider Biome Medic, the breakthrough product that helps to rebuild gut health within 6 weeks! Use your personalized $50 discount code jaybradleylifestyle. 
  • Oil Pulling – This amazing practice helps to kill excess bacteria in the mouth and gums and has been shown to whiten teeth and help receding gums as well. Try swishing with coconut or sesame oil daily for up to 20-minutes making sure to pull it between your teeth and gums. Do it while sending emails or scrolling through Facebook.


(Jay Bradley is a Youthful Aging, Wellness & Lifestyle Coach Living in Los Angeles. http://www.JayBradleyLifestyle.com. He is the Best-Selling Author of LIVE LOOK FEEL, The 12-Week Guide to Live Longer, Look Younger & Feel Better!)


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