Sun, Feb

Testosterone Alert! You Can Stay Youthful, Vibrant and Healthy! Here’s How!


WELLNESS--If you’re a man in his 30’s, 40’s, 50’s or beyond it is well worth looking into your Testosterone levels. In fact, getting a full hormone panel regularly which includes a series of vital tests such as Testosterone, Estrogen, DHEA, and Thyroid to name a few, is an important tool in your goal of remaining youthful, vibrant, and healthy. 

Your doctor won’t normally suggest hormone tests since it is often over and above the usual requirements of an annual physical. Perhaps it’s time to take your health into your own hands and communicate with your physician about your desire to get them checked. 

Many guys when presented with the idea of Testosterone replacement have visions of angry, overstuffed bodybuilders when in reality, those images are often due to a higher than normal level of Testosterone mixed with other steroids. 

For the everyday man who wants to increase energy, burn fat, build lean muscle, lower the risk of disease, increase cognitive function, and experience a more stable and upbeat mood, Testosterone may be the answer. 

I was one of those men. Just a few years ago I found out that my T levels were lower than expected. Despite doing all that I could with exercise, diet, and nutrition, they remained on the low side of normal. I was still fit and lean but I suffered from bouts of depression and often felt unrested in the mornings after a long night’s sleep. I didn’t make the connection until I did more research. 

My doctor suggested that I try a low dose of bio-identical Testosterone replacement therapy. Within a very short period of time, I felt an increase in energy, a more restful sleep, and my mood seemed stable and positive. I also noticed that I didn’t need to work out as arduously in order to get the results I once did just years before. For me, Testosterone was a godsend. It was as if I had cleaned the spark plugs of my body increasing the effectiveness and energy of all aspects of my health. 

After much research, I truly believe that Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy is the answer for many men who are looking to not only increase their longevity but also to feel better along the way. 

Testosterone can be taken via gel or cream, injection, patch, or from a pellet that is placed under the skin. Once you’ve done the initial blood work or saliva panel, an endocrinologist or hormone specialist can go over your best options and whether or not you’re a candidate. Keep in mind that many general practitioners will tell you that “you’re fine for your age” which may not always be the ideal for those looking to be at their optimal. 

Some of the benefits of increasing your Testosterone levels: 

  • Increased Physical Energy
  • Better Cognitive Function
  • Deeper and More Restful Sleep
  • Increased Libido
  • Stabilization of Mood and Decreased Depression
  • An Increase in Bone Mineral Density
  • Less Body Fat
  • Increased Lean Muscle
  • Decreased Risk of Certain Diseases 

Testosterone replacement is surprisingly affordable and not just for Hollywood’s elite. Men all over the world are beginning to understand that the fountain of youth involves more than just eating well, exercising, and keeping a positive attitude. Sometimes, we need help from outside sources. In this case, a Bio-Identical Hormone that mimics our bodies own production, giving us a more vital and youthful appearance with a renewed zest that we may have thought had long passed us by. 

*Always consult with your physician before beginning any hormone-related treatments.


(Jay Bradley is a Youthful Aging, Wellness & Lifestyle Coach Living in Los Angeles. http://www.JayBradleyLifestyle.com. He is the Best-Selling Author of LIVE LOOK FEEL, The 12-Week Guide to Live Longer, Look Younger & Feel Better!)


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