Thu, Mar

Six Ways to Celebrate Without a Holiday Hangover


WELLNESS--Okay let’s face it, the holidays are ALL about celebration. And with that usually comes a lot of excess and gluttony. That is part of the fun! 

The problem occurs when we begin acting unconsciously and in turn consume too much food, alcohol, and sugar without really taking time to enjoy and savor it. Often when we start on this slippery slope, we don’t know when or how to stop. In our minds, we think “oh hey, it's the holidays, why not?” But what usually ends up happening is one massive holiday hangover afterwards. 

So, this year why not indulge and celebrate with awareness?

Here are some tips on how you might do that: 

ONE … WATER - For each alcoholic beverage, drink one sparkling or still water in between. This not only helps to properly hydrate your body but it also reminds you to slow down. You’ll end up consuming less alcohol while still enjoying the social aspect of having a drink in hand. 

TWO … LESS IS MORE - Put less food on your plate than you normally would. Often our eyes are bigger than our stomachs. You can always go up for seconds or thirds if you are still craving more. 

THREE …  SLOW DOWN - Eat more slowly and chew your food completely. The very act of slowing down and savoring each bite will not only make you feel more nourished, it will prevent you from over-stuffing yourself and feeling bloated later on. 

FOUR …  MOVE YOUR BODY - Do your best to fit exercise in. Instead of deciding to take the week off, why not go for a family hike or continue your gym regimen in between the festivities. You’ll burn much of what you’ve consumed and you will also avoid that sluggish and unmotivated feeling that often accompanies too much partying. 

FIVE … LESS IMPULSIVE - Be more conscious. Ask yourself “do I really want this extra cookie or am I just acting out of impulse?” Then if the answer is yes, take it and enjoy every delicious bite. Otherwise, step away and get back to the socializing and festivities. 

SIX … BE GENTLE - Stop judging yourself. If you decide that this is your week to break your healthy eating and exercise routine then at least do it fully and completely. Avoid beating yourself up and be totally in the moment. We get nowhere when we condemn ourselves so whatever you do, do it with love and self-acceptance and leave your critic behind. 

You got this! Now go have a wonderful time during the holidays and enjoy yourself abundantly. Just do it in a new way, one that is more mindful and aware, and one that leaves you feeling empowered, satisfied and fulfilled when January rolls around. 


(Jay Bradley is a Youthful Aging, Wellness, Lifestyle Expert Living in Los Angeles. http://www.JayBradleyLifestyle.com.  He is the Best-Selling Author of LIVE LOOK FEEL, The 12-Week Guide to Live Longer, Look Younger & Feel Better!)

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