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Intuition – How to Use Your Super Powers


WELLNESS--We all have intuition. It is that subtle and quiet voice within us that works to keep us safe, protected, and on track towards living our best life. 

What some people don’t realize is that it can speak to us in different ways. 

For many people, intuition is also known as a gut feeling that literally sends them a physical sensation in the pit of their stomach. Others have visions spurred by their intuitive voice while many will hear messages. 

In order to tune in and allow our intuition to guide us, it’s important for each of us to figure out how it shows up for us in our daily lives. 

We all have one main super power that comes in the strongest, while many of us have at least two working for us at all times. Here are the four main ways that our intuition tries to reach us, also known as the intuitive senses: 

Clairvoyence – “Clear-seeing” has been referred to as psychic abilities. These people often enjoy visualization, imagining bright colors and specific details and when somebody is speaking to them, they will usually see images or symbols. Clairvoyants tend to learn best by reading or viewing something rather than listening only. They may also receive symbolic messages through their evening dreams. 

Clairaudience – Known as “clear-hearing”, these people hear messages. Sometimes it will be a quiet whisper such as a person’s name or the description of a particular item. They are especially attuned to the words in songs and audio. They may enjoy listening over talking and are usually very connected to animals and plants. 

Clairsentience – These people known as “clear-feeling” experience an emotional response in their body which is aligned with particular messages. They may get a gut feeling, pressure in the head or other areas of the body and can undergo great anxiety or joy depending upon the situation. Often large crowds can make these people feel unsettled since they pick up on the energies of others rather easily. They are known as empaths. 

Claircognizance – “Clear-knowing” people get an inner knowing that something is accurate. If for example, a friend expresses health concerns, the claircognizant will feel an inner confidence that this person will be okay if in fact, the situation is fine. These individuals can often tell very quickly whether or not somebody is being truthful or lying. They are especially sensitive to those who stretch the truth or live in denial. 

Our world is shifting dramatically and it’s more important than ever to move into the intuitive way of living. To do this we must put our emotional and spiritual health first, making it a priority on a daily basis. This will be different for everybody but regular yoga, meditation, breath work, chanting, journaling, reading uplifting books, and even creative endeavors such as painting or music will help you to tune in to this powerful and important voice. The more you use it, the more confident you become with its accuracy.  

Review the list above and learn about your super powers. Become more and more familiar with the ways in which the Universe is leading you. You’ll soon begin to experience increased happiness, fulfillment, growth, and lasting success. 


(Jay Bradley is a Youthful Aging, Wellness & Lifestyle Expert Living in Los Angeles. http://www.JayBradleyLifestyle.com. He is the Best-Selling Author of LIVE LOOK FEEL, The 12-Week Guide to Live Longer, Look Younger & Feel Better!)


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