WELLNESS--While I’m no fortune teller and can’t guarantee what the future holds, one thing is pretty clear; how we feel today is a good indication of what is to come in the future. Our emotions act as our internal GPS or guidance system as to our final destination.
For years there have been books and speakers touting the power of the law of attraction and quantum physics. What we think about long enough becomes our reality. To make this even more clear, I believe it is what we feel that attracts the strongest and those emotions then create our thoughts. Often this can be a down-right scary concept for those who deal with ongoing depression, negativity, worry, sadness, or fear-based thinking. Talk about bringing us even more to worry about!
It is often suggested by many experts that we simply choose a different thought. Snap out of it basically and choose differently. If only it were that easy.
Some days when everything is going well and we’re happy and rested, feeling good comes as second nature. But what about those days where we feel lethargic, heavy, or we’re dealing with a scary or painful event? What then?
As somebody who deals with depression and anxiety myself, I know first-hand that it isn’t always easy. And if we’ve been stuck in the same cycle for years, it can be difficult to find the inner faith or belief that things will ever change.
But here are some practical tools to begin implementing into your life so that you can “snap out of it” and move into a more positive frame of mind and emotional space.
- SAY THANK YOU – When your life feels down and out, finding things to be grateful can be hard. But this is exactly what we need to do. We are responsible to train our minds and focus on the positive. By writing down a minimum of 5 things that you’re grateful for each morning, you will notice a renewed sense of optimism that you didn’t feel before. No matter what is going on in your life, you can find 5 things that you’re thankful for. Start small and be consistent even on the days when you feel good. This regular practice will eventually begin re-programming your inner dialogue.
- GET CREATIVE – Find something that feeds your soul and makes you feel good. Often, we literally have to push ourselves to do something fun! What is it for you? Did you give up on your painting or singing or dancing years ago because you were busy or it was too expensive? What’s missing in your life? What truly makes your heart sing? What energizes you? Once you answer then commit to making it happen. Don’t let the need to be perfect stop you from enjoying the pleasure of a creative task.
- START DREAMING AGAIN – I for one gave up on my dreams this year. I got very practical and thought “why bother.” Sometimes the pain of not achieving what we want kills our spark. I dare you to start dreaming again. What the heck do you want to do in life? What is your biggest and most outrageous vision for your life? The one that you’re afraid to voice for fear of sounding crazy. Yes, that one. Bring it back into the forefront of your mind and feel deeply the emotions that it brings up when you meditate and visualize its outcome. Do it daily and see how quickly the Universe responds to bring you the right people, circumstances, and events to make it happen.
- FIND A HEALER – Sometimes we are so blocked that nothing seems to help. This is a time to hire somebody to assist you. Often you’ll need to experiment to find the right fit. Try hypnosis, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), talk therapy, Reiki, life coaching…something! Don’t just wallow in your unhappiness, do something about it once and for all. If you continue to do what you’ve always done, you’ll continue to get what you’ve always gotten. Shake things up and decide today that YOU WILL MOVE THROUGH THIS no matter what!
- GET INSPIRED – Nothing helps you out of a slump more than reading an uplifting book or listening to an inspiring audio during your drive. Go and see a live performance or visit the art gallery. We all need to be reminded of this stuff and nobody walks around permanently happy and optimistic. It takes work. Re-charge your spiritual, creative, and emotional batteries daily. Not once per week but daily. If you want to change your future, you’ll need this more than ever.
None of us are in this alone. We all get down at times and sometimes we remain there for far too long. If we can just get our good days to outweigh the bad, we WILL begin to see a positive shift in our life. Uplifting events and people will be drawn to us like magnets. The better it gets, the better it gets.
As my shaman reminds me often, “it's okay to be okay” but in this case, I am suggesting to you that “it's okay to be GREAT!” You have permission to be happy, to shine, to thrive, and to live the life that you truly dream of.
(Jay Bradley is a Youthful Aging, Wellness & Lifestyle Expert Living in Los Angeles. For More About Jay and to Book a Wellness Coaching Session, go to: http://www.JayBradleyLifestyle.com. He is the Best-Selling Author of LIVE LOOK FEEL, The 12-Week Guide to Live Longer, Look Younger & Feel Better!)