Mon, Mar

Angelenos in a Panic Now to Prepare for the Coronavirus Emergency!


EMERGENCY PREP--Why is it that too many, not all, but many people wait until the disaster is here to “prepare”?

I’m pulling my hair out wondering when we are going to get this right.  

The shelves at stores are empty of some emergency supplies like hand sanitizers, water, can food, and toilet paper as is the case in Australia.  

So here we are again. People in my field, Emergency Management, are always scratching their heads in trying to find new ways of getting people to take proactive action in preparedness rather than reactive action during disasters.  

Here are my simple thoughts on what you can do now: 

  1. Don’t run out and buy gimmicky supplies (face masks) at triple the normal rate now.  Price gauging is in effect in some areas and most face masks won’t help prevent you from getting the Coronavirus anyway. 
  1. Follow the advice of professional agencies like the World Health Organization (WHO) and local experts, such as the County Department of Public Health.  Wash your hands frequently! Above all DO NOT GO TO WORK IF YOU ARE SICK! 
  2. Take emergency preparedness seriously at ALL times. When skies are “blue” is the time to prepare by educating yourself in protecting yourself and your family and stocking up on supplies at normal costs. If you do this then during the next disaster you will be ready! 
  3. Don’t panic, stay calm and continue to treat everyone with courtesy and respect. 


(Mona Curry is the Emergency Manager at the Los Angeles Police Department.)  
