Mon, Mar

Educate the Education Elite: Stop Shaking Down the Taxpayers!


ALPERN AT LARGE--Both the credibility of California's Education Elites, and the Governor and accompanying Political Elites who enable them, just hit rock bottom.  

The inappropriately named Proposition 13 rightfully and properly went down in flames, with approximately 55% or more voting NO to more school funds.

In a nutshell: Do Californians, including the majority who are Democrats, trust our Education Elites to spend our money--spent with good intentions in ever-increasing amounts (and an ever-increasing percentage of our state budget) for decades--in a proper and transparent fashion?

Decidedly, the answer is NO.

Do Californians love our schools, our children, and our youth?

Decidedly, the answer is YES, which is part of why Californians voted NO on Proposition 13, and why Angelenos previously voted NO on the Measure EE that Mayor Garcetti and LAUSD Superintendent Austin Beutner arranged to end a LAUSD strike.

As with the City measure, where the credibility’s of Garcetti and Beutner were shown to be decidedly more unfavorable, the failed Proposition 13 shows how underwater Governor Newsom is with his own credibility.

Proving that...

1) Californians might, for the most part, hate Donald Trump--but they aren't too thrilled with their governor or local mayor, either. 

It's not hard to conclude that the majority of Californians, especially the Democratic homeowning taxpayers and the remaining Republican counterparts, do NOT trust THESE current Democrat leaders running the state and cities into economic oblivion.

Newsom? Garcetti? The Legislature more interested in overbuilding luxury homes than middle-class and affordable homes?

Sacramento that diverts promised road monies to OTHER transportation priorities and breaks the promises to the taxpayers who trusted them?

City, county, and state leaders who care more about those among the homeless who are breaking the law than those with homes obeying the law?

Let's face it: if Governor Newsom or Mayor Garcetti, for whatever reason, decided to resign, there would be very little sadness by the voters who probably regret voting for them. 

2) Naming this Proposition 13? How DARE you!

Contrary to those in this state who foolishly forget why the taxpayers voted for Proposition 13, this nation--and even California, which is part of this nation--was founded by those who were willing to fight to end taxation without representation.

Contrary to those who bow and genuflect to the government who either they worship or want a piece of, the public sector is supposed to serve the majority...and NOT the other way around.

Contrary to those who are NOT horrified by the lousy, corrupt, and non-transparent way that state, city, and county governments in this state increasingly misspend and take their taxpaying voters for granted, this endless demand for more money--when past tax/bond measures have been misspent in an obvious manner--maybe you should be like the tin man and beg the Wizard for a heart.

3) The Education Elites are NOT putting funds into the classroom and are NOT building or restoring infrastructure properly.

For those don't know already, the K-12 population in California is DROPPING in a dramatic way, and those attending traditional public schools are steadily declining while the number attending charter schools continues to increase.

Sure, there are misbehaving charter schools, but at least parents know where their money's going, and can cough up more in a direction that results in a substantive and beneficial result.

The main reason we haven't given up the system entirely for school vouchers.

Because the Californian Taxpayer still cares about those among us who cannot get access to better-funded education. 

The Taxpayer cares, while the Educational Elites behind these measures care more about financially benefiting those who've driven too much of our public education into the proverbial ditch, and who want a money grab for those administrators and contractors who deserve a pink slip, not a raise. 

To Governor Newsom, Mayor Garcetti, and all the Education Elite who are betraying and shredding the credibility of a system that should be run by front-line teachers and parent advocates for their children they care about and love.

YOU are hurting Education in California through your endless shilling and grifting, and you've done it for decades. The gig is up.

And the spirit of the REAL Proposition 13 is still alive and well, thank you very much.


(CityWatch Columnist, Kenneth S. Alpern, M.D, is a dermatologist who has served in clinics in Los Angeles, Orange, and Riverside Counties, and is a proud husband and father to two cherished children and a wonderful wife. He was (termed out) also a Westside Village Zone Director and Board member of the Mar Vista Community Council (MVCC), previously co-chaired its Outreach Committee, and currently is Co-Chair of its MVCC Transportation/Infrastructure Committee and Vice-Chair of its Planning Committee. He was co-chair of the CD11 Transportation Advisory Committee and chaired the nonprofit Transit Coalition and can be reached at [email protected]. He also co-chairs the grassroots Friends of the Green Line at www.fogl.us. The views expressed in this article are solely those of Dr. Alpern.)
