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Can’t Get motivated? Here’s How to Get Unstuck!


WELLNESS--We all have reasons for doing things. We wash our car because it’s dirty, we get married to take our relationship to the next level, or we work extra hours so that we can earn bonus money. For day-to-day activities we don’t really need a burning desire to do something. We just do it because it makes logical sense, brings us joy, or it just needs to get done. 

But when it comes to something that many of us may resist such as exercise or making better dietary choices, unless we have a burning WHY, most likely we won’t stick with it. Figuring out the motivation behind our actions is often the best way to predict our long-term success. 

If we take fitness for example, there are numerous reasons WHY you may do it. For me, I’ll gladly admit that vanity keeps me in the game. I want to keep my 6-pack and look terrific for my age. I have an inner competition with myself to see if I can look better at 50 than I did in my 30’s. Of course the beneficial health effects also push me but that’s an added bonus. 

If looking good doesn’t fuel your fire, then you’ll need to discover your own driving force. If you have kids for example, being here to watch them grow up can be a huge motivator and if you’re unhealthy now, the odds aren’t as good that you will. Perhaps you’re in a career in the health field and people look up to you. Your motivation then comes from walking the walk and doing all the things you talk about in order to set a positive example. Perhaps inspiring others through your actions excites you. Whatever it is, finding your WHY is essential to getting unstuck and keeping your motivation for the long haul. 

While short-term goals such as weight loss for an upcoming wedding or school reunion can be a great kick-start, it’s not a good long-term WHY because as soon as the event, goal or achievement is reached, the fire often goes out. 

Dig deep! Find out what makes you tick and get to the core of WHY you’re unmotivated and then begin doing things to change it. Rediscover your passion for living. If you’ve tried and failed before, then welcome to the club. Everybody has had disappointments in life and we have all experienced failure of some type. Don’t let past events keep you from the life of your dreams! If you persist and work to uncover what is honestly and truly driving you, you may never feel unmotivated or complacent again. Often finding your WHY comes down to determining what your core values are and learning to live in alignment with them. 

If you are really struggling to figure out your WHY, then shift your focus away from you. Then begin looking for all of the reasons why doing a certain thing such as taking care of your health can help others. When we bring it back to how we can serve and inspire, we move away from too much self-emphasis and we get back to the real reason we’re here; to help make this world a better place one person at a time.


(Jay Bradley is a Youthful Aging, Wellness & Lifestyle Expert Living in Los Angeles. http://www.JayBradleyLifestyle.com. He is the Best-Selling Author of LIVE LOOK FEEL, The 12-Week Guide to Live Longer, Look Younger & Feel Better!)


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