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Medical Mistakes That Cause Birth Injuries in Newborns

Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash


HEALTH - Birth-related injuries to infants remain alarmingly common. They often leave lasting impacts not only on the child but also on their parents. Families place immense trust in their physicians to guide them through the joy of bringing a child into the world, but when preventable mistakes occur, that trust is shattered. Parents may face the heartbreaking reality of lifelong caregiving, watching their child struggle to reach milestones or endure a reduced lifespan.

For expectant parents, understanding the preventable mistakes physicians make that lead to such injuries is essential in advocating for safer outcomes. Here are medical mistakes that cause birth injuries in newborns.

Neglecting to Monitor the Baby during Labor

A common error made by physicians and labor and delivery staff is failing to monitor the fetus during labor. Doctors need to track the baby’s progress, often using a fetal heart rate monitor to identify signs of fetal distress. When distress is detected, immediate action is required, sometimes necessitating an emergency C-section to ensure the baby receives adequate oxygen.

Neglecting to monitor during labor and delivery can result in hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE), a condition caused by insufficient oxygen supply to the baby’s brain. This can lead to permanent damage, potentially resulting in lifelong conditions such as cerebral palsy or epilepsy. Contact a lawyer to fight for a birth injury settlement if you suspect that your child’s injuries could have been prevented with proper monitoring.

Medication Errors

Medication errors are a frequent type of medical mistake, often involving incorrect prescriptions or dosages. Physicians may prescribe the wrong medication or an improper dose, and nurses might administer either the incorrect medicine or an inaccurate dosage to patients.

Errors can also occur at the pharmacy level, where a pharmacist might misread a prescription or dispense the wrong medication or amount. There are cases where doctors and pharmacists fail to review a patient’s chart or medical history thoroughly, risking allergies or harmful interactions with other medications the patient is already taking.

Misjudging the Child's Weight

Physicians routinely monitor a baby's size during ultrasound appointments to assess whether a safe vaginal delivery is possible. This step is particularly important for identifying situations where delivering a larger baby naturally may not be feasible, allowing time to plan for a C-section in advance.

Failing to recognize that a baby is too large until delivery begins can result in serious complications. The use of techniques such as forceps or vacuum suction may become necessary, and emergency C-sections, linked to higher risks, could be required.

These scenarios can lead to oxygen deprivation for the baby, potential muscle or ligament injuries, and excessive bleeding for the mother, underscoring the importance of proactive monitoring and informed decision-making.

Not Performing an Emergency C-Section

Birth injuries to a baby can occur in various ways during labor and delivery, particularly when a cesarean section is not performed despite being medically necessary. Emergency interventions, such as an induction or cesarean, may become critical due to complications like placental issues or insufficient amniotic fluid, among other risk factors and indications of distress.Proper prenatal care and vigilant monitoring by medical professionals are essential to determine whether natural labor is safe or if an emergency procedure is required.

Unfortunately, errors such as failing to conduct a necessary cesarean, negligently performing the procedure, or mishandling medications given to the mother can result in harm to the baby, highlighting the need for careful and competent medical oversight during delivery.


Understanding the typical errors that may arise during childbirth is essential for safeguarding both the mother and baby. Have a knowledgeable and experienced healthcare professional who can identify and manage potential complications during labor and delivery to help prevent severe birth injuries.



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