Sun, Mar

Chris Murphy: A Six-Week Timeline of Corruption


TRUMP ADMIN HARD FACTS - Bernie Sanders and AOC may be making headlines, but they are not the only ones in the Democratic camp calling out the egregious corruption of Donald Trump, his bestie Elon Musk, and their billionaire buddies. 

On March 6, Senator Chris Murphy of Connecticut gave a blistering speech condemning the rampant and unprecedented self-interest appallingly exposed in just the first six weeks of the new administration. 

Backed by an easel detailing hard facts, he laid out unvarnished and incontrovertible truths on the Senate floor. 

These included:

  1. The launch of Trump’s meme coin, literally allowing the president to mint his own money and, through manipulation its sale, enable anyone seeking favor to privately funnel money directly to him.
  2. The gutting and manipulation of watchdog agencies like the NLRB, CFPB, and OSHA to benefit Elon Musk, the billionaires in the cabinet, and others whose favor Trump curries, all at the expense of the American taxpayer.
  3. The Eric Adams quid pro quo and the weaponization of the Department of Justice to reinforce a system of political retribution and favoritism, leading to the resignation of many of our most qualified and principled public service attorneys.
  4. The blatant use of government contracts and stock deals to reward Trump’s allies, enriching them through taxpayer-funded opportunities, and further consolidating his hold on the reins – and whips – of this government. 

Yet, Republican Senators continued their lock-step support of the administration. 

The only potentially positive outcome is that the Trump and DOGE minions did not feel that they yet had the power immediately haul Murphy out in a black hood and chains and sequester the Senator where the sun never shines. 


Watch it yourself. It certainly won’t be covered on Fox News. Unless sliced and diced to be held up for ridicule.



This may be one of the most important and damning documents circulating on the internet. Hopefully with Murphy’s creds and credibility it will continue to gain traction. 

And as the weeks roll on, more and more public officials break from the appeasement approach of Schumer and the corporate Dems, to speak out against the travesties wrought by Trump both within and outside the United States. 

Granting Americans and others around the world some hope. 

The speaking tour initiated by Bernie Sanders against the Oligarchs R US administration has attracted overflow crowds even in deep red states, braving winter weather to listen to a progressive view of what is going down. Joined by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on his later engagements, they attracted over 30,000 to an outdoor rally in Denver’s Civic Center Park. 

Others taking center stage in the charge to revitalize the demoralized line standing against Trump imperialism, are Congressman and constitutional law professor Jamie Raskin of Maryland, already on Trump’s shit-list for his stellar work on the January 6th Select Committee, and Senator Mark Kelly and Navy veteran of Arizona who is incensed about the treatment of American veterans by DOGE, shocked by Musk calling him a traitor for traveling on Senate committee work and denouncing Putin’s routine bombing of Ukrainian hospitals, and the recently revealed off-the-cuff and insouciant approach to serious military decisions about America bombing Yemen. 

Yup. Speech is not free unless your initials are DJT, floating on a mass of lies masquerading as misinformation. 

Unfortunately, there are always those who wish to emulate the purported leader of the free-ish world, and the cascade of scurrilous actions emanating from the White House will only serve to embolden copycats at all levels of American government and a resurgence of anti-democratic behaviors around the world. 

Justifying his active participation in further genocide in Gaza by supplying Israel with more murderous ordinance because he was driven to it by Hamas not heeding his direct order to release more hostages? Really?! 

And both the right-leaning and left-leaning corporate fake-news continue to drive partisan divisiveness for the sake of pushing up ad sales. Sigh. 

Now that scandals are exploding so quickly that they are already yesterday’s news on arrival, just as the hurricane of presidential executive orders inundated opposition in the early days of Trump’s reign drowning out people’s expectations of decorum and due process in a torrent of the unbelievable shredding of democracy. 

Even the most die-hard MAGA adherents are feeling betrayed by their Once-Upon-A-Time Hero’s pell-mell gutting of critically necessary services at his billionaire backers’ behest. 

At some point Twinkie-Toes will be spinning so fast from all the lies he’s frothed out that Humpty-Trumpty will take that great fall, and it will be up to the rest of us to re-assemble the world. Again. 

Meantime, lawsuits and presidential decrees are building up, undermining public protections, destroying any shards of credibility left, and granting rampant opportunities for abuse to those who certainly need no help on that front. 

As Murphy said in his initial remarks: “When bad behavior gets normalized, it no longer feels like bad behavior, even if that behavior is hurting people.” 

The unbelievable becomes the believable, and the believable becomes acceptable. 

Unless we pursue meaningful and measured consequences for the First Con-Man. 

Other worthwhile views:

Bernie’s takedown of Trump and his billionaires on March 25: 


Jamie Raskin addressing the growing Constitutional crisis created by the Trump administration on The David Pakman Show on March 22:


OAC address over 34,000 outside in Denver with Bernie on March 21:

(Liz Amsden moved from LA to Vermont and is a regular contributor to CityWatch on issues that she is passionate about.  She can be reached at [email protected].)

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