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Will Trump Immigration Policies Hinder the Rebuilding of Los Angeles?


ACCORDING TO LIZ - Let’s analyze potential after-effects of one key election pledge of the Monarch-of-the-Misinformed-Masses that allowed him to ascend to Emperor of the less-than-free.  

Wholesale deportation of immigrants. 

Not just the criminal ones but your neighbors. 

Or those that might rape your women or take your job. In the future. 

Without considering the consequences and addled by the constant fear-mongering hype of the alt-right media, voters were swayed to plant the seeds of their own destruction – probably shriveling the national economy by at least $1 trillion a year and making a mockery of promised consumer cost controls. 

Did they really think that without the field hands to grow and harvest crops, future food purchases wouldn’t escalate far above the price of eggs during Covid? 

Who will clean places of work and middle-class homes? Who will handle the trash train of American single-use consumerism? 

Who will labor in fast-food restaurants to supply cheap lunches and snacks to those remaining in America? 

As many as three out of four California farm workers lack adequate documentation to satisfy the scrutiny of the Department of Homeland Insecurity under its mounting Nazification. 

So, who [will] grow our food when the recently empowered Trump troops arbitrarily eject the peons willy-nilly from the agricultural conglomerates west of Los Angeles and the Central Valley? 

Devastating commerce that is the heart of California’s economic health… and wealth, driving the food supply chain that feeds the nation. 

Hunger? Already too prevalent across the country, it too will be magnified. 

Don’t people understand that yanking almost two million undocumented immigrants from the California workforce as well as generating untold economic disruption here, will send consequential ripples rising into an indiscriminate tidal wave sloshing across the nation? 

How such an act would further drive up the trade deficit the Fraudster wants to blame on Canada and Mexico and China? 

And that’s not all. 

Even as he condemns Californians and their leaders, threatening to make assistance in the wake of the wildfires conditional on political concessions, the Felonious Fool has in one fell stroke of his prejudicial pen made the rebuilding of whole swathes of the state virtually impossible. 

In Los Angeles, over a quarter of laborers the building industry so urgently needs to reconstruct what has been laid waste are undocumented. Nearly twenty percent of manufacturing workers – needed to provide the materials both to build and to support those doing so – are equally tagged illegals. Adding the only slightly lesser numbers in both the wholesale and retail trades will certainly slam the brakes on clearing homesites of toxic fire detritus and constrain construction to a crawl. 

Which will push home purchase and rental prices through the roof. Meaning the City will be unable to attract the industry necessary to reboot its already shaky economy. 

Other areas of our lives will be similarly impacted. Like Silicon Valley entrepreneurs, their Southland cousins need skillsets from India and Asia to effectively compete in the global marketplace. 

Talk about cutting off one’s nose to spite one’s face! 

Does the Wobbly Wanker really want to gut the Golden State’s economy and starve Americans to get his jollies? Ejecting millions of people to get rid of a few thousand miscreants? 

Twitter-Brain needs to stop with the lies: undocumented immigrants are actually arrested half as frequently as so-called “legal” residents for drug-related and violent crimes, and the rate for property crimes is significantly less. 

After all, if you didn’t have the papers to keep the job supporting yourself and your extended family, why would you tempt fate by attracting the attention of the authorities? Isn’t it enough to have a target on your back because of your imperfect English and the color of your skin? 

As someone who entered the country on a student visa and stayed lawfully under a variety of visas requiring expensive legal expertise, and who had to navigate labyrinthian channels to obtain permanent status and then citizenship, I can attest to the trials and tribulations that every immigrant, even the legal ones, must undergo. 

The INS (now reinvented as the more sinister USCIS) lost my documents repeatedly and purportedly delivered time-sensitive paperwork to a red-tagged building after the Northridge earthquake – according to their records, signed for shortly after 10 am when first responders had blockaded the building before sunrise. 

In an unrelated open-and-shut temporary visa case, approval was put on hold for weeks because no-one would process the already signed-off certification sitting on the desk of someone who suffered an accident before walking the documents down the hall. 

For too many and too many reasons, the process to secure documented status through legal means is measured in years, sometimes decades. And the rules keep changing, making success an ever-receding target. 

This will accelerate acutely under U-No-Hu-Man. 

Aggravated by fear-driven “bipartisan” support to deny migrants due process, and the absolutely arbitrariness of an incoming administration seeking black-and-white solutions to immigration issues of many shades and colors. 

Gavin Newsom may have capitulated, but Rob Bonta believes that the Self-Anointed-All-Powerful-One has demonstrated “an incredible capacity to break the law” and it has fallen to California to stall malicious strategies by filing lawsuits against any stretching of the law of the land. Laws intended to protect the people, not aberrant egos. 

Angelenos must now stand with Bonta and strongly commit to supporting California’s Attorney-General in this time that tries men’s souls, to “protect and defend [our] people from the abuses and the unlawful conduct of abusers of power” and “take action when there’s any unlawful activity.” 

Fight to ensure that Los Angeles has a future.

(Liz Amsden resides in Vermont and is a regular contributor to CityWatch on issues that she is passionate about.  She can be reached at [email protected].) 

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