Thu, Mar

OMG, Trump Says and Does Crazy Things!


THE VIEW FROM HERE - Donald Trump has now been exhibiting his personality disorders for nine (9) years, and guess what?  The Dems are shocked that Trump says outrageous things and he means them. Duh!  On October 9, 2017, in Trump’s Cognitive Deficit? Time for Americans to Read up on the DSM-5 (See  Donald Trump) , this column diagnosed  DJT with two personality disorders: Histrionic  and Narcissistic .  During his first term, Trump’s predominate disorder was Histrionic PD. After his first term, his Narcissistic Disorder with paranoia features controls his thoughts and action. 

We Had Two Chances to Remove Trump from the Political Scene 

There was the first impeachment which Nancy Pelosi sabotaged by stopping the evidence collection for the Senate trail, knowing that with more testimony the GOP leadership, who hated Donald Trump, would cooperate to Nixonize him or vote to convict and bar him from future political office.  The GOP leadership and other astute observers knew, however, that more witnesses like the superb Col. Alexander Vindman were necessary for enough of the Trump base to cast him adrift. Fox News was already backing away from him.  See Prof Feldman (“Harvard Law Professor Noah Feldman’s Roadmap to Nancy Pelosi’s Subversion of Impeachment”)  

Let’s be Clear about Pelosi’s Perfidious Role 

Elections cannot protect the Republic, making the impeachment in the House and conviction in the Senate one of Congress’ integrity constitutional duties when a mentally ill person becomes President and his actions constitute “High Crimes and Misdemeanors.”  (US Const. Art II, Sec 4) Then Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi’s personal power rests in her controlling the Dem purse strings for elections, and if Trump leaves office, her power is greatly diminished. She needs danger and furor to maximize fundraising and hence to aggrandize her personal power. In order to advance her own personal power, Nancy Pelosi stopped her toadie Rep. Adam Schiff from calling all the witnesses that were required and she prevented Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler, to his eternal discredit, from calling a single fact witness. Pelosi’s behavior was worse than throwing the 1919 World Series – a treacherous betrayal of the public.  She had a constitutional duty to present all the evidence to the Senate.  A mere House impeachment without conviction in the Senate is a political stunt. 

Seldom does opportunity knocks twice, but after the January 6th insurrection calling for the lynching of Vice President Pence, the nation had a second chance to remove Trump from its political life.  This time, however, Nixonization would not suffice since Trump was out of office, and thus, there would have to be Senate vote to convict and disallow Trump from running for office again.  Many who attacked The Capitol believed in their souls that their cause was just and that Donald Trump was going to follow them to the Capitol to save the Republic.  He never showed up, the election was certified, Trump left the White House without a fight, and Trump’s followers were arrested. Realizing that they had been betrayed, many of the rioters wanted to testify during the second impeachment, but Nancy Pelosi would not allow it.  

When the House Managers were desperate to obtain testimony from a serving GOP House member to break the log jam so that other Republicans would testify, Nancy Pelosi withheld from the House Managers, e.g., Jamie Raskin, that Rep. Herrera Beutler (GOP-WA) had agreed to testify.  If Beutler testified against Trump, other GOP would testify as well as the irate rioters. Because Pelosi withheld the fact that Rep. Beutler would testify, the House Managers lacked the evidence to prevail.  As a result, Trump was not convicted. (Beutler voted to convict.)  Pelosi wanted Trump to be running amuck in the GOP Party on the theory whatever was bad for the Republicans was good for her career. Her constitutional duty be damned! She is now running again to be House Speaker. 

Pelosi Had Worked on Polarizing the Nation for Decades 

Pelosi’s  theory was that when the minorities were the majority of voters, they could “wash away the White,” aka, replace White Americans with minority Americans.  The Dem Party would gather up all the minorities starting with the Blacks in order to isolate the Whites in the GOP Party.  This Group Rights approach to politics had been rejected by the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution in favor of individual inalienable rights.  Individual rights, however, are a terrible basis for a Group Movement.  Pelosi’s Identity Politics was not the first to use this terrible idea.  The Soviets did it with the Kulacs in the 1930's and between 6 and 10 million Ukrainians starved to death.  It is the same format which the German Nazis used where the oppressed German People were the victims of the Oppressor Jews who needed to be exterminated.  Pelosi’s Wokeism classifies Whites and Jews as Oppressors and all minorities as Oppressed. Individual responsibility vanishes. Not matter how exemplary an individual person may be, he is an Oppressor if he is a Jew. No matter how many babies Hamas murdered, how many women Hamas raped, how many hostages Hamas is holding, no matter how many Gazans are killed as Hamas human shields, it is still the fault of the Jews.  Hence, the Biden Administration’s flood of Blood Libels against Netanyahu, Israel and Jews in general. 

Group Rights politics are based on the ideology that society is divided into two groups: oppressors and the oppressed. Pelosi selected the minorities to be the Oppressed and Whites and Jews to be the Oppressors.  This polarization had devastated much of Europe for centuries, and in America, it had resulted in the Civil War.  When a nation is polarized, the “other” is all evil and no compromise is allowed. Both sides are controlled by their most extreme faction. 

Once polarization starts, both sides find that it is great way to make money and gain power.  See Hate Money   Nancy Pelosi’s Identity Politics is now called Wokeism and the GOP has become the dangerous MAGA cult. 

The Impact of Trump’s Losing the 2020 Election 

The first time around, Trump’s Histrionic Disorder predominated; thus, he was content to make flamboyant statements and tell outrageous lies. His one area of sanity was his Middle East policy and that was done by Jared Kushner and Amb. David Friedman. Trump’s paranoia alerted him to the danger of Iran.  Hypersensitive to being a loser, Trump also knew in his bones, that the Obama Doctrine’s deal with Iran was a gigantic threat to the United States.  Kushner and Friedman gave Trump the Abraham Accords where he could receive cheers while implementing the most vital foreign policy initiative since Reagan said, “Tear down this wall.”  As a Histrionic, Trump rightfully basked in actually bringing peace to the Middle East. 

Narcissistic Injuries Create Monsters 

The loss of the 2020 election was a deep narcissistic injury from which Trump will never recover.  People keep asking, “Does he really believe he won?”  It is likely that Trump has become delusional.  When his narcissistic injury coupled with his paranoia, Trump was no longer a buffoon, but instead, he transformed a lethal threat to anyone whom he sees as an enemy.  Narcissists personalize everything.  Notice that Trump makes everything about him. He will make America Great Again; not that Americans will do that. If he has Gold Start Families present, the spin is always how great Donald is to honor them.  The military owes allegiance to him personally. Dissenters, like Liz Cheney, merit execution. Trump speaks in terms of superlatives; there is no moderation and no gray areas. He is the best ever and Biden Harris are the worst ever. Paranoia has been described as systematic delusions of persecution and/or grandeur.  When paranoia is part of the Narcissist’s grandiose sense of self-entitlement, nothing less than the destruction of enemies will do.  

So Why is Trump Doing So Well? 

Thanks to Nancy Pelosi, in our polarized society, Wokers and MAGA are convinced that they are holy and the other is evil.  Thus, the Dems are totally blinded at how atrociously they behave.  The current example is Joe Biden’s calling Trump’s supporters “garbage” in response to some third rate comic’s comment that Puerto Rico is an “island of garbage.”  Since the comic and not Trump said it, his garbage joke was hard to attribute to Trump, but Joe Biden voluntarily said Trump’s supporters were garbage, recapitulating Hilary’s calling Trump supporters “Deplorables.”  That comment lost her the election.  Let’s remember Biden had said that people who did not support his Voting Rights Bill were like Sheriff Bull Connor who sicced police dogs on Civil Rights demonstrators.  Biden has used horrible words to describe Trump and has issued non-stop Blood Libels against Netanyahu, Israel, Jews, See Blood Libels  Kamala Harris recently falsely accused Jews of committing genocide in Gaza, and recently (Nov 1, 2024) she sent out actor Mark Ruffalo to stir the anti-Semitic pot over Gaza, ignoring the fact that American Jews have been shot due to such incendiary lies.  When Woke Dems say “Israel,” they include us American Jews, as we learned during the UCLA Campus demonstrations where UCLA and Mayor Bass allowed the Jewish students to be constantly harassed. Federal Judge Scarsi set the record straight. 

Nancy Pelosi Group Rights, aka Wokeism, brought this lethal internecine war upon us. See Pelosi   No matter who wins the 2024 Presidential election, it will a disaster for America. 

(Richard Lee Abrams has been an attorney, a Realtor and community relations consultant as well as a CityWatch contributor.  You may email him at [email protected])

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