Wed, Jan

Hamas Joe Gaslights the Nation


THE VIEW FROM HERE - Evil social movements usually have deep roots of which the society is unaware similar to how the behavior of serial killers derives from the upbringing and often from genetic factors which we do not yet understand.  So too with Hamas Joe. 

The ills which polarization inflict on a society have been known for eons.  Abe Lincoln best phrased it as "A house divided against itself, cannot stand." The Founding Fathers knew the havoc and misery which the religious wars had brought upon Europe.  Lincoln also made another observation which applies today although the particular issue was settled by the Civil War, “but I do expect it [The Union] will cease to be divided.  ¶ It will become all one thing or all the other.”  

Will the US remain a Republic or will the US devolve into totalitarian democracy where Might Makes Right and corrupts the rule of law, as Lord Acton warned, “Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely”?  With the rise of MAGA and Wokeism, the nation already sees the corruption brought about by powerful forces which trash the US Constitution while pretending to speak in its name. 

MAGA’s Transgression are Flamboyant 

Due to Trump’s mental disorders, Histrionic Personality Disorder (HPD) and Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD ) with paranoid features, his disregard of basic American values is obvious. Upon descending the escalator at Trump Towers, his calling Mexicans criminals and rapists, Trump staked his campaign upon polarization and lies, which his spokesperson Kellyanne Conway renamed Alternate Facts.  Anyone with an iota of psychological ability could see Trump’s disorders on display when he showed the doctored photo of his inauguration crowd while claiming that his crowded as many times larger than Obama’s.  Anyone who was surprised that Trump would claim that he won the 2020 election should retire from being a political pundit.  The only bona fide question was whether Trump’s mental disorders deluded him into believing that he won or whether they allowed him to shamelessly lie and eventually urge his supporters to hang Vice-President Mike Pence.  Trumpism, aka, MAGAism, however, is less lethal to the Union than Biden’s Wokeism. 

Biden’s Lethal Wokeism 

As previously related, when a nation becomes dichotomized into the Evil vs the Good, it is on the path to ruination. See Dangers of Dichotomization Due to Christianity’s claim that it alone leads mankind to Salvation because it has the sole and only one Truth, Westerners have the group archetypes that their group alone is holy, but all others should be eliminated; hence, the Spanish Inquisition.  Islam is a similar religion where death to all non-believers is a holy cause.  As CityWatch has previously shown, America took a tragic turn away from Centrism in 1950 after the American Political Science Association (APSA) proposed that America split itself between two political parties with mutually exclusive political agendas.  The Formula for Polarization, See McPolitics    

It took decades and billions of dollars, but American Centrism as the real governing coalition was destroyed.  The most dangerous culprit in this polarization has been Nancy Pelosi, who plans to resume Speakership of the House after the 2024 elections. Long story short, Pelosism holds that when the minority of the voters are the majority of voters, they will vote away the rights of White America. While law enforcement advised Pelosi to stop making existential threats against the Alt Right as they were paranoid and violent, she doubled down on her polarization after the publication of the far-right wing French book, The Grand Replacement, in 2011.  While it argued that White Europeans would be replaced by Muslims, Pelosi’s Identity Politics morphed into Wokeism where the world was divided into The Oppressed (all minorities) and The Oppressors (Whites and Jews).  Meanwhile Pelosi was using her political power to impose Wokeism on to colleges, businesses and government.  Unnoticed by 99.8% of Americans, Jews were being eliminated from college professorships, as were dissenting Black scholars who did not toe the Woke party line, and Jewish students were harassed on college campuses. 

Anti-Semitism was the core feature of Pelosi’s Identity Politics. Wokeism explained how Blacks would replace Whites.  While Blacks are only 14% of America. The Alt Right was fed the nonsense that since Blacks are too dumb to take over, the Great Replacement was being directed by Jews.  The first time most Americans heard this belief was after Payton Gendron murdered 10 people at the Supermarket in the Black section of Buffalo, NY.  See Wikipedia 

While the public heard about the Alt Right Tiki Touch parade at Charlottesville in 2018, chanting, “Jews shall not replace us”, virtually only one knew that Pelosi’s Identity Politics had become core to Wokeism and its marginalization of Jews as Oppressors.  The recent pro-Hamas anti-Semitism is mandated by Wokeism’s doctrine of intersectionality, i.e., moral right and wrong are divorced from a person’s actions but depend solely on their actor’s status of Oppressor or Oppressed.  Hence, all Jews are Oppressors, and all minorities are victims.  Thus, Jews are always wrong, while any minority such as Hamas is always in the right.  That’s why on October 8th, the day after the Hamas pogrom, college campuses where cheering Hamas’ wanton murder of 1200 Israelis and their friends. 

Although Joe Biden at first professed support for Israel, Pelosi and her Wokers had already started their pressure campaign on Biden.  Starting in Spring 2021, Biden had abandoned his campaign promise to be a centrist and instead he steadily moved into the anti-Trump - anti-White, Woker camp. He likened any Whites who did not support his Voting Rights Bill to Sheriff Bull Connor who had unleashed police attacks dogs on civil rights demonstrators 1963 during the civil rights marchers.  The harm Pelosi’s Wokeism posed to Biden was foreseen, but Biden succumbed

In 2023 as the pro Hamas campus protests increased, Biden was MIA except to increasingly repeat false claims against Israel. The Woke media has readily repeated Biden’s falsehoods, with CBS being the worst offender.  Biden has been most strident in his promotion of the key Hamas strategy that Jews are indiscriminately murdering Gazans, while independent military analysts report that IDF has done the most to protect civilians of any nation including the United States.  

Biden’s Pro-Hamas Anti-Jewish Propaganda Has Reached Ludicrous Proportions 

The Biden Administration still blames the IDF air strike in Rafah for indiscriminately bombing of civilians when the entire world already know that his claim is totally bogus.  The IDF bomb, which landed where intended and killed the two terrorists who were the targets, was too small to impact the Rafah fire at the civilian camp.  What is now known is that Hamas was storing military explosives among the civilian population where the fire storm erupted.  At this time IDF does not know whether some errand debris from the attack reached the civilian area or whether Hamas set off the explosion. The Biden pro-Hamas narrative remains his official party line that the IDF targeted civilians. 

Why Is Hamas Joe’s Constant Support for Hamas Dangerous for Americans? 

Hamas Joe has shown his increasing commitment to Hamas’ winning the war.  The latest proof is Biden’s latest cease fire proposal, which Biden falsely presented as Israel’s proposal.  The idea that Israel would have endorsed allowing Hamas to win the war and continue to govern Gaza is more absurd than Trump’s claim he won the election.  

More disturbing to Americans should be not only is Biden gaslighting America, but also its similarity how Biden gaslighted us about disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan and the Taliban’s immediate seizure of power. Although the Dohar Agreement was negotiated by the Trump Administration, Biden allowed the Taliban to ignore all its obligations which allowed the Taliban assume control as the American forces were leaving.  Furthermore, Americans had made express promises to protect and evacuate the Afghans who had cooperated with the US, but Biden abandoned them to torture and death. Even MSN does not conceal Biden’s Perfidy  A long quote is necessary: “Thirteen service members lost their lives, thousands of American citizens and tens of thousands of allies were left behind, tens of millions of women and girls were abandoned to lives of sexual slavery, and tens of millions more were consigned to starvation and violence. ¶ And yet, the Biden administration touts this withdrawal as an "extraordinary success." [Bold added] 

When Biden’s absurd cease fire plan leaves Hamas in control, he is gaslighting all of America.  It’s a repeat of Afghanistan; it will be a horrendous disaster which he will claim is an “extraordinary success.” Why has Biden become Hamas Joe?  Answer: to promote the Wokeism where Jews, all Jews, by definition are oppressors and exterminating Oppressors by any means necessary is a laudable objective.  If this is not Biden’s game plan, then let him step back while the IDF destroys Hamas – no one else in the world can do that.

(Richard Lee Abrams has been an attorney, a Realtor and community relations consultant as well as a CityWatch contributor.  You may email him at [email protected].)

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