Is It Time To Sell Your Single-Family House In California?
HOUSING WATCH - New laws that took effect on January 1 end single-family home zoning in California.
HOUSING WATCH - New laws that took effect on January 1 end single-family home zoning in California.
HOUSING WATCH - For as long as California has been a state, local governments have decided where housing will and won’t go and how much to allow.
PLANNING WATCH - From the Dog Bites Man Department: The recently adopted Los Angeles 2021-2029 Housing Element met its first legal challenge, with the likelihood of more to come.
JUSTICE WATCH - Everyone is entitled to an opinion about “justice” for a 14-year-old girl who was an unintended victim of a ricocheted bullet fired by an LAPD officer after responding to desperate 911 calls that a male suspect inside the North Hollywood Burlington Coat Factory had badly hurt several people and had a gun.
DEEGAN ON LA—One thing is for certain in a simmering concern in the Mid City area:
COMMENTARY - We cosmopolitan coastal progressives tend to look down on any hint of conspiracy theories, especially after the plethora circling the drain of the Trump oligarchy.
PLANNING WATCH - In case you have doubts, LA’s Planning Department has assembled a long list of planning projects they worked on in 2021.
A Citywide Sign ordinance, a Collection Bin ordinance, amendments to the Cornfield-Arroyo Seco Specific Plan, a Home-Sharing Ordinance amendment, a Local Emergency Code amendment, a Mello Act ordinance, a Private Detention Centers ordinance, a Processes and Procedures Ordinance, a Restaurant Beverage Program Ordinance, a Ridgeline Protection Ordinance, a Temporary Signs on Construction Walls Code Amendment, a Transportation Demand Management Program update, a Vacation Rental Ordinance, a Ventura-Cahuenga Boulevard Corridors Specific Plan amendment, a Westwood Village Specific Plan amendment, and a Wildlife District ordinance.
In addition to these prospective ordinances, the City Council adopted three planning-related ordinances in 2021: a Cannabis Location Restriction ordinance (Adopted June 22, 2021), amendments to the Floodplain Hazards Management Specific Plan (Adopted April 14, 2021), and a Protected Tree and Shrub ordinance (Effective February 4, 2021).
But, for those skeptics who think the planning glass is nevertheless mostly empty, there are seven categories for you to ponder:
As for the citywide General Plan elements, they should be updated every ten years, and these long overdue updates should be completed prior to the preparation and adoption of new Community Plans. These citywide elements include Air Quality (1992), Conservation (2001), Health (2015), Safety (1996), Mobility (2015), Infrastructure (1972), Open Space (1973), Public Facilities and Services (1969), Noise (1999), and Housing (2021). Of these, only the Housing Element is current, and its singular focus on up-zoning means it is headed for failure.
Melting into the shadows of green-lighted high-rise apartments with high vacancy rates, are LA’s ever-increasing homeless. These Angelinos desperately hope they can make it through LA’s winter without joining the 1000 people who have annually died on LA’s streets.
Planning is more than the regulation of private real estate ventures, what is left behind when planning departments abdicate their role in preparing, implementing, and monitoring policies for an entire city. In LA the General Plan includes citywide plans, as well as local Community Plans. What they have in common is that they address the city’s entire land area. This includes what is visible at street level, located below, and the environment in which all of the categories above reside. This means that municipal plans must address design and architecture, urban forest, housing and homelessness, infrastructure and public services, climate and environment, and mobility. When they don’t, the result is the bleak Los Angeles that we encounter every day.
(Dick Platkin is a former Los Angeles city planner who reports on local planning issues for CityWatchLA. He serves on the board of United Neighborhoods for Los Angeles (UN4LA) and co-chairs the Greater Fairfax Residents Association. Previous Planning Watch columns are available at the CityWatchLA archives. Please send questions and corrections to [email protected] .)
THE VIEW FROM HERE - A glance at Los Angeles City Council shows no White domination. Our longest serving White councilmember (putatively Irishman Mitch O’Farrell) is also Native American and Gay.
THE DOCTOR IS IN - If you're beholden and dogmatic to a political, psychological, or quasi-theological way of thinking, then perhaps this piece isn't for you.
THE VIEW FROM HERE - When Joe Biden had 200 million shots in the arm a week before his deadline to have 100 million shots in the arm, he did not say, “More good Dem got shots than bad GOP, who are out to kill the rest of us.”
EDUCATION WATCH - When Los Angeles Unified School District’s new rockstar superintendent, Alberto Carvalho, formerly of Miami-Dade County Public Schools (MDCPS), concluded his remarks at a press conference on Dec. 14, the first question he received from the media was not about vaccine mandates, teacher shortages or the omicron variant.
THE DOCTOR IS IN - This article may be a toughie for those who want to read this.
THE VIEW FROM HERE - When LAPD Det. Mark Fuhrman first took the stand during the July 1994 preliminary hearing of the O.J. Simpson trial, he looked every inch the movie star as OJ himself.
PILL POLITICS - "The result of the House Oversight Committee investigation is clear: American families are suffering from outrageous drug prices, while Big Pharma rakes in record profits."
THE VIEW FROM HERE - One problem with extremists is that the more they are proven wrong, the more they double down on their errors.
PLANNING WATCH - If your read the LA Times or imbibe mainstream media news, you have been treated to endless stories about smash and grab robberies of up-scale stores, as well as follow-home robberies.
THE VIEW FROM HERE - While the city of Los Angeles has long been a criminal enterprise, an intriguing question is whether Eric Garcetti is the actual LA Don or is there some power behind the throne?
I thought it being the holidays and all, a little light hearted look at the follies by Northeast LA’s Councilmembers might be in order. That would be Kevin De Leon (CD14), Gil Cedillo (CD1), and Mitch O’Farrell (CD13), to be exact.
GUEST COLUMN - Los Angeles and San Francisco have been hammered by a brazen crime trend: the “smash-and-grab” robbery.
LA REDISTRICTING - Representatives of advocate groups and individuals pleaded for equity, justice and improved economic opportunities in conjunction with community assets, first with the Commission (LACCRC 2021), then the LA City Ad Hoc Redistricting Committee, and finally with the City Council.
RantZ and RaveZ - We have seen TV news reports of groups of young thugs and robbers caravanning in business areas and swarming into high-end retail stores in various cities across California and other communities.
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