Thu, Jan

If at First you don’t succeed, Try and Try Again! 


RantZ and RaveZ - Former Los Angeles City Councilmember and Mayor, Eric Garcetti, is a man with many influential friends in HIGH PLACES and a lot of experience, patience, and determination when it comes to politics and political appointments at various levels of American government.    

Since Garcetti has been a strong supporter of both former President Barack Obama and President Joe Biden previous to their elections as Presidents of the United States, his loyalty and support for Biden has never wavered and may pay off for Garcetti in the end. 

When President Biden was running for President, Garcetti traveled to other states and helped on the Biden campaign trail.  That type of loyalty is often rewarded with a variety of political favors or positions.  Favors like appointments to various government operations like key positions in the new administration or possibly appointment as an ambassador or other coveted positions in America or other countries.    

When you look at the process and qualifications for the position of Ambassador, it is at the pleasure of the President with clearance and confirmation by various appointed and elected federal officials.  

In July of 2021, President Biden nominated Garcetti to become the Ambassador to India.  Along the road to confirmation, allegations were presented by L.A. City personnel regarding Garcetti’s knowledge of alleged sexual harassment by Garcetti’s senior advisor Mr.  Rick Jacobs.  The initial allegations involved LAPD Metro Officer Garza and was a major Los Angeles news story for a period of time, and a lawsuit filed by Garza in Los Angeles.  The Garza allegation was compounded by the former Garcetti communications director Naomi Seligman who also alleged sexual harassment by Jacobs.  Two public allegations filed against the senior Garcetti advisor by members of the City of Los Angeles family.  This has caused many to question if Garcetti is worthy of the title Ambassador. 

Along the process, Garcetti’s parents hired a lobbyist to see if they could move the confirmation process along in Washington, D.C.  Unfortunately, that did not prove effective along with other influencing options.    

As a former L.A. City Councilmember and police supervisor for many years, I traveled with former Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa on various international city trips.  I recognized the LAPD’s security protocol and security for the mayor while in the city or away on city business travels.  For the Mayor not to witness the serious allegations against Mr.  Jacobs is very interesting.  That matter will be resolved in court.     

So, former Mayor Garcetti is now out of office and in need of a job to support his family and deal with life as many of us do.  He must pay rent or a mortgage, utility bills and transportation to name just a few of the many financial responsibilities we all have in common that are all covered while residing in the Getty Home.  Including security and transportation when leaving home and conducting city business.  The Mayor of Los Angeles is the mayor 7 days a week 24 hours a day.  Always on call for any and all sorts of emergencies.  As they say, it comes with the job.        

What is next in the continuing sage of Garcetti and his appointment as Ambassador to India?

With the new year, President Biden has re-submitted a second request for Garcetti’s appointment as Ambassador to India.  The first request was submitted on July 9, 2021.  From July 2021 until January 2023 no confirmation has been approved by Washington, DC.  Only time will tell if the second request is approved.  So, we will wait and see what happens next.  More to come on the Garcetti road to India where the population as of 2020 is 1,326,093,247……. 


(Dennis P.  Zine is the author of RantZ and RaveZ and a contributor to CityWatchLA.  The column is published twice a month to enlighten readers on issues impacting Los Angeles and your community. Dennis is a 55-year member of law enforcement and a retired elected public official.)