Fri, Feb

Not a ‘Republican’ but a People’s Recall


RANTZ & RAVEZ- Which one are you a member of: the American Independent Party, Democratic Party, Green Party, Libertarian Party, Peace and Freedom Party, Republican Party?

Last but not least, do you belong to the Party of the People – those who just want to be happy and see their tax dollars spent wisely by caring and honest elected officials from any political party? I’m talking about the No Party Preference (NPP) Party.  

There is an election to Recall California’s Governor Gavin Newsom scheduled for September 14.  This has been called the “Republican Recall” by the media and Democratic elected officials. In reality, however, it is not a “Republican” or any other political party’s Recall. It is clearly the People’s Recall.  This includes people from all political parties who are fed up with the governance of the State of California from Sacramento to San Diego by only one political party. 

And Governor Newsom is clearly in charge of leading that party, squandering billions of dollars on a wide variety of programs costing the hard-working taxpayers their hard-earned money. But it is all up to the Governor and his allies in both the State Assembly and State Senate to serve all the people of California, not just certain groups. Clearly California is a one direction Democratic political machine with little concern for any of the other recognized political parties that are also represented by elected state officials. 

When it comes to legislation, the Democrats draft and push the legislative through the Assembly and Senate and onto the Governor’s desk for his signature and implementation. We the people from all parties live with those results good or bad. We must accept laws that cost us more and more each and every month. Laws that impact our quality of life and the cost of living in California.  

California is a once proud land of unlimited opportunities where prosperity, peace and happiness was available for all who made the effort to work and find it with a little effort. But this land is now negatively impacted by an out-of-control homeless population. We see this in Los Angeles from North to South and points between – from downtown to Ventura Blvd. in Woodland Hills, from East Los Angeles to the Pacific Ocean. These areas and more are packed with people living on sidewalks and streets in motorhomes, alleys, bus stops and everywhere a person can park a stolen shopping cart containing various items often stolen while shoplifting in local stores.   

California is much more politically diverse with more than six recognized political parties engaged in state politics. The population of around 39.6 million people occupies land from California’s northern border to the land south of San Diego at the Mexican border. Every community in California is represented in Sacramento by a total of 80 Assembly members and 40 members in the Senate. Of the 80 Assembly members, 59 are Democrats, 19 Republicans, 1 other and 1 vacant seat. On the Senate side, there are 40 members -- 31 Democrats and 9 Republicans. 

Clearly with a Democratic Governor and both the Assembly and Senate occupied by large numbers of Democrats, there is little to no room for opposing views to be moved forward during political debate. A well-balanced political body is important if we are to bring objectivity and fairness to the surface for all people living and working in the hundreds of cities around the state. California lacks balance in state political offices, and we all suffer from that. I was once told by a current California State Assemblyman that he believed California politics failed to represent the people of the state because of the imbalance of elected state officials. It is obvious to me that his comment is honest and accurate.  

Why am I voting to recall Governor Newsom as a NPP voter? Governor Newsom has helped destroy the California where I grew up. I was born, raised, and educated in Los Angeles. I worked with the LAPD for over 53 years and served on the LA City Council for 12 years. 

I have known this city from my youth and all through my law enforcement and political life. I know LA and Orange County and many other regions of our state – and have seen it slowly deteriorate year after year from a lack of leadership and concern. It is time to stop the madness and send a message to Sacramento that we are not going to take it any longer. We want our state to flourish with paved roads, good schools, safe communities, and jobs for all who want to work. Is that too much to ask for? 

I am voting to Recall Gavin Newsom and hope you will too. It is time to send that message to Sacramento. There is hope that the Recall will pass. If it doesn’t, you can expect the same old lack of interest and concern by California State elected officials.   

LAPD STATS AS OF August 8, 2021: 

The LAPD is at 9410 officers, down from 9991 as of July 4, 2020. Murders are up 23.2%.

When it comes to supporting the LAPD, you have to look long and hard to find the true supporters.  

LA County Supervisor Sheila Kuehl

Believe it or not, no one came forward with a photo of LA County Supervisor Sheila Kuehl at a Valley event. The $50.00 reward will be donated to the LAPD Topanga area Police Station. 

Thank you.


(Dennis P. Zine is a former and retired LAPD Supervisor, former and retired 12-year Los Angeles City Councilman and current General Manager at Bell Canyon in Ventura County.)


Tags: Dennis P. Zine, RantZ & RaveZ, Recall Gavin Newsom, The People’s Party, No Party Preference (NPP)