Sat, Feb

Letter to the Editor: Inglewood Unified’s missing COVID-19 funds


2URBANGIRLS-A letter to the editor regarding Inglewood Unified.

Dear 2UrbanGirls,

I have been keeping up with your coverage of the ongoing issues within Inglewood Unified.  I am an employee and wanted to bring something to your attention.

Employees continue to complain about not being paid COVID pay for working through the pandemic.  To my understanding, the district used close to $100,000 towards the graduation ceremonies at SoFi stadium.  Why do we have to pay?  It was free for the ceremonies to be held at The Forum because of the free days the city got under the community benefits agreement.

What community benefits do Inglewood students get under the SoFi deal?

We are dangerously close to being completely absorbed under LACOE because enrollment continues to decline.  A precursor was the issue with the transportation department being outsourced to the county.

As you said, Inglewood elected Autumn Burke, D’artagnan Scorza and Dionne Faulk, all who claimed to be long-time residents whose sole goal was returning Inglewood Unified to local control.  They lied to us for our votes.

Fed UP


(2 Urban Girls is an occasional contributor to CityWatch. Follow this series, ‘Eye on Mayor Butts’, at 2urbangirls.com.) Photo: 2UrbanGirls.