Tue, Feb

Does Los Angeles Have a Homeless Crisis or a Stupidity Crisis?


VIEW FROM HERE--Judge David O. Carter has decided that the cause of Los Angeles Homeless Crisis is racism against Blacks.

Blacks comprise between 8% and 9% of the city’s population, but reportedly they are now 34% of Los Angeles homeless population.  Judge Carter shows no concern for the other 66% of LA Homeless. That’s stupid.

Judge Carter believes that white racism is the cause of the high percentage   Black homeless.  Let’s assume that is true. What causes the other 66%?  Don’t ask Judge Carter because his long-term solution depends upon his belief that it is all white people living in R-1 neighborhoods.  (Judge Carter is silent about the crimogenic city council which operates according to criminal vote trading agreement which has approved 100% of the destruction of poor people’s homes.)

What is Judge Carter’s Brilliant Solution to Solve the Homeless Crisis?

End R-1 Zoning!  White people have caused homelessness by their racism against Blacks which prevents Blacks from living in R-1 neighborhoods.  According to Judge Carter, 75% of all the city’s residential neighborhoods are zoned R-1. Thus, that zoning must be the cause of homelessness. Judge Carter’s screed, oops I mean his April 20, 2021 Order, fails to mention that R-1 zoning applies to only 16% of the city’s land. 

Of course, the more important question is how did LA get a homeless crisis when its population had been stagnant and certain areas of increasing homelessness like Hollywood have had a drop in population while experiencing an increase in construction?   

According to the US Census Bureau, Hollywood’s population in 2010 was 198,288 ppl, but by 2019, its population had fallen by 1.3 % to 195,729 ppl.  How did anti-Black racism decrease Hollywood’s population while increasing homelessness?  Don’t expect Judge Carter to answer since the data are at odds with his racial beliefs  – it’s gotta be the evil white people living in R-1 homes.

Asians comprise 11.6 % of the city and are about 1% of the homeless.  According to the media, America s flush with horrible anti-Asian bias and has been forever.  What is Judge Carter’s explanation for Asians drastic under representation among LA’s homelessness? Don’t expect Judge Carter to answer since the data are at odds with his racial beliefs.

Misdirection is a Classic Ploy to Deceive

Magicians and propagandists know that misdirection is great way to deceive – focus people’s attention away from what is actually happening.  In pre WW II Germany, propaganda focused on Jews as the cause of Germany’s ills.  The traditional American scapegoat in addition to Jews has been Blacks and the Dem abuse the Blacks with their propaganda like the GOP abuse Blacks and other minorities.  The difference between the Dem and the GOP abuse of Blacks is that the Dem make the Blacks the eternal victim while GOP make Blacks and now Mexicans the villains.  Both parties ignore Blacks, Mexicans, Asians, etc as individual human beings in favor of building political power and lining their pockets with campaign dollars.  Nothing sells better than racism tinged with hate and fear.  The abuse can be Judge Carter’s woker anti-white racism or Donald Trump’s Histrionic racism against anyone who does not like him.  Pick a group to blame and ignore data.

How Can Hollywood Have a Surge in Homelessness with a Decrease in Population

Other than Judge Carter’s belief that white people living north of Franklin Avenue must be the cause, the other theory is that we have not built enough new apartments.  Both are ludicrous notions.  If Hollywood had not built a single new dwelling unit since 2010, it would have more vacancies today than it had in 2010 and hence fewer homeless people.  As anyone who has eyes can see, Hollywood has been constructing apartments all over the place - not only high rises but so-called In-fills. 

The only way to create a homeless crisis in Hollywood, while the population declines is to destroy poor people’s homes, specifically rent controlled units (RSO). Unless the RSO units were being destroyed, poor people would stay housed.

Another data point which Judge Carter ignores is that more births do not increase the demand for housing.  When new births are subtracted from the population, one sees that there is a significant drop in home buying range of population, While a few families might want a larger place after a baby arrives, when they move to a larger place, their old place becomes vacant.

Los Angeles’ birth rate has been dropping which is what CityWatch and others have been saying for over a decade.  As Millennials aged and became Family Millennials ready to begin families, they could not afford homes in LA and hence they emigrated. Many went to the Inland Empire and others went out of state.  Thus, the Millennial exodus resulted in fewer births and that means a decreased demand for housing. When the age bearing age of a population decreases the birth rate drops.

Even those who remained have had a declining birth rate which is linked to the high cost of housing. Children cost money and with large part of income going to Wall Street to pay fraudulently hyper rents and mortgages, people postpone having children. Yet, housing prices continue to increase as the prime home buyers leave. Don’t ask Judge Carter why because reality does not fit into his theory that white racists are the cause of all ills.

If one wishes to promote a racist theory for the recent rise prices of single-family homes in Los Angeles, let’s blame Judge Carter as he appears to be white.  Soon after Judge Carter’s April 20th screed indicated that all R-1 areas should be re-zoned multi-unit, home prices escalated – again.  Of course they did! When a developer can buy into a nice R-1 neighborhood and construct a 4-storey mixed use project, he will pay 2, 3, 4 times the Living space value for a single family home.  The first developer buy increases the selling comps for all nearby homes.  If your looking to move to a family friendly city, what better thing to do than sell your LA home for $1.5 Million and move to Austin Texas where you can substantially upgrade your quality of life for $600,000.00?

The number one factor which causes the value of LA family homes to increase is the difference between Living Value and Developer Value.  As soon as a developer knows he can build whatever he wants, he will pay a premium for a R-1 home.  This phenomenon has been in operation for years and has resulted in both Family Millennials and employers leaving Los Angeles.  Because stable families are the best resource for a stable work force, employers follow the workers.  It is a symbiotic relationship.  Both the workers and the employers have to relocate, but that dynamic has reached the take off point.  Employees can now find higher salaries with significant lower costs of living, better schools and less traffic congestion in Texas, Tennessee, the Carolina’s.

Here’s the Basic Fact Which Judge Carter and the Other Woker Anti-Whites Forget

Destroying residential neighborhoods will only increase housing costs and drive out LA’s Family Millennials.  You can lie and pretend that LA is growing while it is shrinking, but after a while facts override myths.


(Richard Lee Abrams has been an attorney, a Realtor and community relations consultant as well as a CityWatch contributor. The views expressed herein are his own and do not necessarily reflect the views of CityWatch. You may email him at [email protected])
