Wed, Mar

Grin All You Want, Mr. President, But the Mideast and Southern Border Blood Is On YOU


LEANING RIGHT-No, everything is NOT fine in the world now that the Orange Man has left the White House, and now that President Joe Biden is now in charge.

Because even those tired of the Trump/Tweet Era aren't exactly embracing how well Wall Street is doing while Main Street isn't doing so hot.

Because even those tired of the Trump/Tweet Era aren't exactly embracing all the blood and death suddenly raining in on Israeli and Hamas civilians from missiles coming from the sky.

Because even those tired of the Trump/Tweet Era aren't exactly embracing all the human trafficking, kids in cages, resurgence of migrant caravans, and anarchy at our southern border.

Because Americans, by and large, don't expect Israelis to die--and civilians HAVE suddenly died while huge segments of the Israeli population are in bomb shelters mere months after President Trump left office.

Because Americans, by and large, never cozied up to Hamas, who has a horrible and arguably criminal habit of hiding their missile batteries behind civilian targets such as hospitals and schools and housing projects....and which has led to the deaths of many Palestinian civilians, no matter how hard Israel warns civilians to evacuate before the military targets are eradicated.

Because Americans, by and large, are entirely opposed to Hamas working in the AP Tower in Gaza City, and operating inside the same building (which had to be destroyed) that sheltered both the Associated Press, Al-Jazeera, and Hamas ...

... while the US President learned about it from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu after last weekend's call.

Because Americans, by and large, never wanted to support Hamas (and, by extension, their Iranian overseers), because they recognize that Israelis do whatever they can to avoid civilian deaths in Gaza, while Hamas has no problem whatsoever targeting civilian targets that are of no military threat to them.

Because Americans, by and large (with the exception of those indoctrinated saps who support Ilhan Omar and her fellow "Squad" members) don't support the "pro-Palestinian movement" that purports to start war and terrorism, only to decry it when it inevitably leads to Israel defending itself.

Because Americans, by and large, don't want a flood of foreign national being embraced with food, shelter, health care, and American resources when so many of our own citizens are REALLY hungry and lack employment (and aren't vaccinated yet).

Because Americans, by and large, didn't expect newly-elected President Joe Biden to rip open a new and divisive wound at the border after the last Administration (as with the Mideast issue) so painfully closed up that wound.

Because Americans are having to contend with a sudden surge of record inflation. while stimulus checks are both rewarding Wall Street and enabling/encouraging Americans to NOT work. 

Hence we have Wall Street and "the 1%" doing just fine, thank you very much, while those NOT invested in Wall Street and who are looking to either run a small business, buy a home, or both, are wondering how to proceed. 

And for those paying attention to the larger world, things aren't too optimistic.

President Donald J. Trump is OUT of the White House.

President Joe Biden is IN the White House.

Vice-President Kamala Harris, assigned to fix the border crisis, is NOWHERE to be seen at the border.

Increasingly, NO ONE believes what spokesperson Jen Psaki says (to be honest, it's not hard to feel sorry for her, having to spiff up what is clearly a chaotic and incoherent series of foreign and domestic policies from the new Administration).

So there WILL be a time to dispense with the grinning, Mr. President...and that time is coming nigh, indeed.

Because frankly, Mr. President, there's not too much to grin about right now.


(Kenneth S. Alpern, M.D, is a dermatologist who has served in clinics in Los Angeles, Orange, and Riverside Counties, and is a proud husband and father to two cherished children and a wonderful wife. He was termed out of the Mar Vista Community Council (MVCC) twice after two stints as a Board member for 8-9 years and is also a Board member of the Westside Village Homeowners Association. He previously co-chaired the MVCC Outreach, Planning, and Transportation/Infrastructure Committees. He was previously co-chair of the CD11 Transportation Advisory Committee, the grassroots Friends of the Green Line (which focused on a Green Line/LAX connection), and the nonprofit Transit Coalition, and can be reached at [email protected]. The views expressed in this article are solely those of Dr. Alpern.)


Tags: Leaning Right, Kenneth Alpern