Wed, Feb

Negligent Leadership Runs Rampant in Our City, County, and State


RANTZ & RAVEZ-I will begin with the smooth-talking “do as I say and not as I do” Governor of California.

That smiling face flamboyantly dining at one of the most expensive restaurants in California (French Laundry), our own Gavin Newsom. He who has failed California in so many ways, that it’s not difficult to illustrate them to my RantZ & RaveZ readers who are coping with Stay-at-Home and Safe-at-Home Regional Lockdowns as well as other major inconveniences that have negatively impact our lives. 

Governor Newsom has closed a wide variety of business in the Southern California area including in Los Angeles and Orange counties. This lockdown is scheduled to run for three weeks, which includes the Christmas Holiday - a holiday shared by millions of people around the world.  

Shopping for gifts for family and friends will be severely impacted by the limited capacity of 20% at the few businesses that are permitted to remain open. What this means is that many holiday gift purchases will be made online, negatively impacting local small business owners who are barely surviving the pandemic.  

The elected Sheriffs in at least seven Southern California counties have stated that they are not supporting the Governor in his mission to destroy businesses and families. The Long Arm of the Law will not arrest or challenge Americans who violate the Governor’s stay-home orders. This type of resistance by law enforcement is very unusual in our society. I say bravo to the Sheriffs who have stood up to the Governor and his move to place law enforcement professionals in the middle of the COVID-19 situation.   

Let’s discuss the Governor’s support for increased taxation of those who have any form of income.  

While some ballot measures failed in last month’s election, the Governor is supporting new and increased taxes for future elections. He is supporting the implementation of the next phase of the eventual $15 minimum wage that is scheduled to take effect on January 1, 2023. The next increase will be $13 for 25 or fewer employees and $14.26 for more than 25 employees, starting in 2021. 

It is nice to know there will be continued increases in the minimum wage up to 2023. The question is, will there be any businesses left to apply for a job? When you drive down the streets in your local business districts, check to see how many buildings have vacant with “For Lease” signs displayed in the windows.    

The Governor is at the top of the mountain, making appointments to coveted state positions. Appointments to run agencies such as the California Department of Employment. It’s interesting and sad to report that the state approved millions in unemployment benefits to prisoners serving time in California State Prisons. This includes people incarcerated for murder and other heinous crimes. Just another example of how much corruption and incompetence exists in the California’s government operations under Governor Gavin Newsom. 

Remember these situations when it comes time to vote in the next election. 

Meanwhile, here in LA:    

First, Mayor Garcetti called police officers “KILLERS,” then he caved to certain anti-police groups and anti-police elected officials and directed the LAPD be defunded by $150 million dollars. Los Angeles officials are now pushing to eliminate 951 LAPD officers and 1,900 city workers to address a budget gap that is expected to reach $675 million dollars by the end of this fiscal year.     

The basic function of municipal government is to provide safety and services to all people. This includes residence, business, and visitors. This is a priority that brings safety and civility to residents, business owners and others who venture into the community. 

In Los Aneles, it’s the LAPD and LAFD that provide basic safety and security for all people. The LAPD with their 21 local community police stations provides services to a population of over four million people. The LAFD, with 106 fire stations throughout Los Angeles, provides medical and fire services to the Los Angeles population. When dedicated members of law enforcement or fire services are reduced, we are all at risk of becoming victims of crime or emergencies. 

The current LAPD COMPSTAT Citywide Profile as of 11/28/20 shows the following stats

The LAPD reports a total of 9833 officers and that number is shrinking every day. Hundreds of LAPD personnel are expected to retire this coming January which will continue to lower the number of LAPD deployed to “Protect and Serve” you and your family. 

Homicides (killing of a person by another) are now at 308 which is a 28.9% increase over last year. GTA total is now at 19,231 which is a 35.7% increase over last year. Has your vehicle been stolen yet? Other interesting crime stats include a 33.2 % increase in shooting victims with 1,168 victims shot. There were 2,588 reports of shots fired which is a 32.4% increase compared to last year. 

As you can see by the official crime stat numbers reported by the LAPD, we need additional not fewer officers to provide safety for all. 

If you are upset with the way Los Angeles and California government officials are failing us, I urge you to obtain and complete the Recall Gavin Newsom Petition. 

I signed the petition and encourage you to sign and circulate it. Download the petition and complete it as directed. It is time for all of us to let Governor Newsom know that we are not happy with the way he is managing the state. It is not about Democrats or Republicans. It is about California and what is best for our state. 

Petitions can be obtained on-line at “RecallGavin2020.com.”   

(Dennis P. Zine is a former and retired LAPD Supervisor, former and retired 12-year Los Angeles City Councilman and current General Manager at Bell Canyon in Ventura County.) Edited for CityWatch by Linda Abrams.