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With President Trump’s Mental Illness Comes a Talent


THE VIEW FROM HERE-“Sure, I'm willing to do that...Proud Boys, stand back and stand by! But I'll tell you what...somebody's got to do something about Antifa and the left." President Trump Sept 29, 2020 

As the entire world knows,  Chris Wallace moderator of the Presidential debate,  asked Donald Trump, “Are you willing tonight to condemn white supremacists and militia groups and to say that they need to stand down and not add to the violence in a number of these cities as we saw in Kenosha and we've seen in Portland?” Trump declined to criticize White Supremacist or militia groups, but instead Trump singled out Proud Boys saying they should “stand by” as “somebody’s got to do something about Antifa and the left.” 

“Stand by” means to be present and ready for action and Trump identified the targets, “Antifa and the left.”  What phrase from American history is closest to “stand by”?  “Don’t fire until you see the whites of their eyes,” by William Prescott at the Battle of Bunker Hill. 

With Trump’s Mental Illness Comes a Talent 

We’ve been warning since February 2017 that Donald Trump suffers from serious mental illness and the main opposition to speaking about Trump’s mental problems has come from the Democrats. Trump is unique in that his mental disorders are among the few which can be diagnosed without psych tests and without private interviews because the diagnostic criteria are publicly displayed.  Perhaps the best description of Trump’s mentality is a narcissistic Histrionic with paranoid features. Trump’s Cognitive Deficit? Time for Americans to Read up on the DSM-5, by Rick Abrams   http://bit.ly/2rAcO3G DSM-5 Histrionic Personality Disorder 

Unfortunately, public discussion of Trump’s mental disorders did not coincide with the Dems’ desire to re-take power. If one combined Trump’s unconstitutional behavior from basically day one with his mental instability, the moderate GOP and the moderate Dems could have Nixonized Trump in early 2017.  The moderate GOP did not want to lose control to the far-right wing in Congress, but the Pelosi Dems did not want to share any power with the moderate GOP.  Rather Pelosi Dems viewed Trump’s insanity as her route to seize power of the House, the Senate and then the Presidency. 

Trump’s mental aberration, it turns out, contains a secret weapon – a talent to say whatever pleases the crowd.  It is not based on any intellectual assessment any more than an opera singer’s musical gift is based on intelligence.  Histrionics exist upon the cheers of crowds, and people at either extreme cheer the loudest.  Had the Dem 2016 presidential candidate field been wide open and the GOP closed, Trump would have run as a Dem and today he’d be promoting Socialism.  However, the GOP field was open. 

In running in the GOP primaries, all Trump initially wanted was publicity for negotiating better deals for his properties, e.g. Miss America, The Apprentice, and various hotels and golf clubs.  His talent to say whatever brought cheers from the far-right wing surprised even Trump.  He was like a kid with a jack-in-the box toy. He’d turn the crank and up would pop jack. Finally, Trump exclaimed in amazement, I could “shoot someone on 5th Avenue and not lose one voter.”  It turns out that his criminal conduct with Covid-19 with resulting in 200,000 + dead has not cost him one vote. Why is that? 

Why Does Trump Get Away with His Criminal Insanity? 

Western civilization is a deeply dichotomized culture, especially in the United States. June 21, 2018, CityWatch, The Dangers of Dichotomy: The Saved vs. The Damned, by Richard Lee Abrams   Just as people learn a language from earliest days, people develop their world view from infancy.  

Overwhelmingly, Christian America believes that it possesses the exclusive truth making it alone saved and everyone else is damned.  Since they are by definition good, everyone who does not agree with them is evil.  

For a few hundred years, this dichotomous way of thinking was not dominate in our political parties.  July 2, 2018, The New Yorker Magazine, The Rise of McPolitics, by Yascha Mounk.  

As the two political parties coalesced around different ideologies, the common ground for a consensus government eroded. Politics no longer was a matter of wheeling and dealing and trading favors but became winner-take-all contests where a party would rule without regard to what one-half the nation thought. 

We had a rare chance with the GOP Tax Reform Bill which was based upon bipartisan economics that the United States had to abandon the worldwide tax base policy and come into line with everyone else in the world.  December 28, 2017, CityWatch, How Pelosi’s Disinformation Helped Pass the GOP Tax Bill, by Richard Lee Abrams   Had Pelosi permitted DEM support for the joint GOP-DEM bill, then the moderate GOP would be free from Congress’ right wing Freedom Caucus.  

Not only would the tax bill wiser contain policies, but it could begin a consensus government where the moderate GOP and the moderate Dem could form a centrist coalition. 

Trump would have abandoned the Alt Right to gain the accolades of the center and thereby he would have become the psychological captive of a centrist alliance of GOP and Dems.   

Instead he is hostage of the Alt Right.  Pelosi Dems, however, wanted the whole ball of wax and they were certain that by pushing the GOP into the arms of the far right wing, the DEMS would gain huge majorities in the House and Senate and then banish Trump either via impeachment or in November 2020.  

December 2017 Was The Nation’s Alea Jacta Est Moment 

Julius Caesar knew that when he crossed the tiny Rubicon River in Northern Italy, he had passed a point of no return. “The die has been cast,” he reportedly exclaimed.  Rather than the GOP tax bill’s destroying America and allowing the Dems to take over all of Congress, it was a success.  After the moderate GOP made its deal with the Freedom Caucus to pass the tax bill, it learned that it no choice but to stick with the odious far right.    

The Pelosi Dems Double down in Divisiveness 

Pelosi’s approach to race relations boils down to a single word, “Deplorables.” Although uttered by Hillary Clinton and costing her the 2016 election, Deplorables is the D-word for Whites.  The Pelosi Dems have dichotomized the nation far more than the Alt Right. Although the Alt Right is more physically dangerous and organized into private militias, the Dem anti-white racism exists at the heart of the Dem Party. Trump told the Proud Boys to stand by, but he did not call Blacks the N-word. 

Why does the party which uses the full D-word, Deplorables, think it will win in November 2020?


(Richard Lee Abrams is a Los Angeles attorney and a CityWatch contributor. He can be reached at: [email protected]. Abrams’ views are his own and do not necessarily reflect the views of CityWatch.)
