Tue, Mar

Bloomberg Has to Rescind his Decision to Quit!


ONE MAN’S OPINION-The rationale for Mayor Pete, Mother Klobuchar, and Tom (Slavery Reparations) Steyer to drop out of the race made sense, but that logic does not apply to Mayor Bloomberg.

If the ersatz socialist Bernie Sanders were to head the Dem ticket, Trump would be set for a huge win in November 2020. But their withdrawal meant that the moderate, non-Socialist vote would not be diluted. In fact, the proper sequence for Bloomberg to become the Dem nominee required that Biden prevail big time on Super Tuesday in order to stop Bernie from becoming unstoppable. 

Misuse of Data Could be the Problem 

Eons ago, the infamous Barry Goldwater adviser, Harry Jaffa, showed that politicos, who otherwise may be very capable, make really dumb mistakes. Contrary to the misconception, Dr. Jaffa advised Goldwater against the use of the phrase, “Extremism in the pursuit of virtue is no vice.” Later pundits pointed to that inopportune remark as crucial in Goldwater’s political demise. As Goldwater did not understand his own philosophy, Bloomie may not understand his own data. Thus, he made the miscalculation that he should withdraw in favor of sleepy Joe. 

Bloomberg became a multi-billionaire by his use of data and by building a computer that was compatible with applying that data to financial markets. Did Bloomberg’s decision to support Biden result from misplaced faith in his own data as applied to politics? Had Bloomberg been in the race since day one, then Super Tuesday’s showing would have had a different meaning. Bloomberg entered late when a lot of people were emotionally committed, and it would take some time for them to re-orient themselves. Bloomberg announced his intention in late Nov 2019 while Sanders and Biden have been running since 2008. An ocean liner cannot turn on a dime and so, too, political commitments. 

Reassertion of Group Right Portends a GOP Win or Civil War 

When leftist Group Rights advocates emerge after the Democratic Convention nominates Biden, they will stimulate the right-wing Whites to vote, which is how Trump got elected in 2016. Simultaneously, the Leftists will alienate the Dem centrists. 

Biden is so beholden to the black voters than he has no wiggle room and he cannot hold on to the Hispanic vote in the West unless he caters as much to them as his does to the blacks. Un-PC reality check: Hispanics dislike Blacks. If Hispanics see Biden as too pro black, they will not vote for him.  The best thing Biden will have going for him to hold on to the Hispanic vote will be the mentally unbalanced, uber-Trumpista Stephen Miller spewing anti-Hispanic hatred. Pelosi’s Identity Politics and her new love for anti-Semitism will also pull Sleepy Joe towards the racist left wing. All Joe Biden will have to run on will be Democratic Identity politics. He has no viable economic credentials. 

Joe’s Record on the Economy Sucks Royally 

Under Obama-Biden, we had the longest post-WW II recession because 90% of productivity gains went to the 1%. Wall Street got trillions of dollars from Obama-Biden, while Obama-Biden sent the white middle class into bankruptcy court where Wall Street gobbled up their homes. Then, there was the Obama-Biden deal with Big Pharma which unleashed the Opioid Crisis on the whites in the Rust Belt. Obama’s-Biden’s economic track record made a Trump presidency possible. 

Biden’s Business Experience Is Bupkis 

Biden was first elected to the Senate in 1972. He has zero business experience and hence zero credibility. In this respect, Biden is actually worse than socialist Sanders who finally succeeded to become a millionaire. 

Bloomberg Can Speak to the Moderate GOP 

Bloomberg’s $56.3 billion shows that Trump is a financial nobody. Trump would be wealthier today if he had let Bloomberg handle his inheritance. Stop and think of the impact of a Bloomberg’s candidacy on the moderate Trumpists who still cling to the notion that Trump understands business. 

Only Bloomberg has the background to deliver economic well-being to middle America. Do centrist voters want to hear endless harangues about how whites made other people poor or do they want to see a clear road map of how Bloomberg will restore economic viability to middle class America without regard to race, creed, color, etc.? 

Data Improperly Used is Disaster 

Ironically, Bloomberg, the data maven, may have seriously misinterpreted Super Tuesday. Stopping Sanders’ march to amass a majority of the delegates opened the way for Bloomberg. Anyone, including Bloomie himself, who thinks that Bloomberg had to win any state on Super Tuesday is seriously misreading the situation.  

Bloomberg is acting like a diving champion who has climbed half way up to the high board and sees the guy ahead of him get a 9.5 and then climbs back down, forgetting that even if he gets only a 9.3, all his best dives are ahead of him. Maybe Bloomberg needs to recall that bank TV ad, “We Have Only Just Begun.” Although the song was oriented to the young when it was written in 1970, today it also brings nostalgia to older Trump voters. There was a time when Americans pulled together rather than allowing themselves to be pulled apart. 

Bloomberg’s Quitting Portends Terrible Times  

Only Bloomberg can speak simultaneously to economic success and to the social center of America in his effort to unite the old and young, to merge the moderate GOP with the moderate Dems, as well as make clear to Americans of all backgrounds that they too may improve their standards of living. The time has come to let the extremes twist in the wind. Most assuredly, Bloomberg’s abandoning his campaign to Biden invites disaster on the nation: either Trump wins, which will lead to more authoritarianism, or Biden wins, leading to civil war due to the Democrats’ racist identity politics.


(Richard Lee Abrams is a Los Angeles attorney and a CityWatch contributor. He can be reached at: [email protected]. Abrams views are his own and do not necessarily reflect the views of CityWatch.) Edited for CityWatch by Linda Abrams.


Tags: Richard Lee Abrams, One Man’s opinion, Michael Bloomberg, 2020 presidential election, Identity Politics, Joe Biden, Big Data