Fri, Jan

Crimes Against Humanity


GUEST COMMENTARY--Let's call the homeless issue what it is. A crime against humanity. 

Every County Supervisor, City Council Member, the City Attorney and especially the Mayor, should be charged with human rights violations. 

Forget having the ACLU get injunctions. 

Forget filing bull SH-T lawsuits against surrounding cities for homeless dumping. 

The facts are clear: 

This group of elected officials is so out of touch. Every other city street is clean. No tents, crap, piss, broken stolen bicycles, drug dealing, prostitution and more. 

The other cities have City Attorneys that know how to write ordinances that protect both citizens who are homed and unhoused. 

While LA’s Mayor … Mr. Garcetti … pushes initiatives like clean streets and vision zero, more streets look like third world streets and more people are dying in bike and car/pedestrian accidents. 

This is failed leadership at the very least, but truly crimes against humanity.


(Jay Handal is Co-Chair of the LA Neighborhood Council Budget Advocates committee.)
