Mon, Feb

Beware of Kangaroos


ONE MAN’S OPINION-While all the gold in California may be in a bank in Beverly Hills in someone else’s name, true fault rests with kangaroos.

The term kangaroo court began in California during the gold rush era when people were cheated out of their gold mining claims. Although it has been applied worldwide, kangaroo courts’ home stomping ground has remained California.  

According to Wikipedia, kangaroo courts ignore recognized standards of law or justice and intentionally disregard their legal or ethical obligations. Judges invent bogus evidence in lieu of actual facts and will alter court records to cover up their tracks. 

Kangaroos have been jumping about courtrooms since the beginning of recorded history. Sodom is the most famous example in Western Civilization with its four corrupt judges: Shakkarai ("Liar"), Shakrarai ("Habitual Liar"), Zayyafa ("Deceiver"), and Male Dina ("Perverter of the Justice"). 

In 1887, Lord Acton explained this phenomenon: “Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” The dilemma for the people in a Republic is that the courts must have the power to constrain and restrain the executive and legislative branches of government, but what happens when the courts are run by liars, deceivers and perverts? 

California State Auditor Elaine Howle addressed this issue in her April 25, 2019 report, “Commission on Judicial Performance, Weaknesses in Its Oversight Have Created Opportunities for Judicial Misconduct to Persist.” 

Despite the sham of judicial retention elections, judges are political appointees who owe their power to the people whom they are supposed to control. The proper role of the judiciary is NOT to capriciously send innocent people to prison or to rob us of our property. In a Republic, the courts’ role is to protect us from the crooks whom We the People foolishly elect to public office. In fact, the existence of corrupt judges was one of the reasons set forth explicitly by the authors of the Declaration of Independence to justify our break with Great Britain. If myopic King George had installed honest judges, there would have been no revolution. In today’s California, things are as bad as they were in Colonies in 1776. 

As the State Auditor Elaine Howle found: “A strong judicial oversight agency is essential to maintain a fair and impartial judiciary that limits the potential for judges to abuse or misuse their power.” She then identifies its inherent weakness: “Since its inception in 1960, the Commission on Judicial Performance (CJP) has been the single agency responsible for investigating complaints of judicial misconduct.” 

Only a dunce or a crook would have a single oversight agency where the gatekeeper is the defendant. Ms. Howle continues, “CJP also delegates responsibility for evidentiary hearings on alleged misconduct to three judges appointed by the Supreme Court of California.” (Bold added) This set up is no different than letting the Manson Family decide what evidence would be used against Charlie Manson. Who in their right mind would let the defendant decide what evidence may be used?

No wonder so many minorities are railroaded into prisons while the Harvey Weinsteins run amuck for decades. No wonder Attorney Richard I. Fine was locked up for 14 months after he exposed that all the Los Angeles County judges were receiving hundreds of thousands of illegal pay. No wonder judges may invoke Cal Const. Art VI, Sec 10 to discriminate against Jews who “refuse Jesus Christ” or against anyone else they dislike. A cadre of judges runs the evidentiary hearings. 

The Judicial Code of Ethics, which the CJP is suppose to enforce, states: “Impartial means the absence of bias or prejudice in favor of, or against, particular parties or classes of parties, as well as the maintenance of an open mind in considering issues that may come before a judge.” … “A judge shall require lawyers in proceedings before the judge to refrain from manifesting, by words or conduct, bias or prejudice based upon race, sex, gender, religion, national origin, ethnicity...” (Code of Judicial Ethics p 18/67.) Yet, the CJP finds it OK for judges to use their personal racial, ethnic and religious biases in running their courtrooms. 

The Code continues: “A judge shall accord to every person who has a legal interest in a proceeding, or that person’s lawyer, the full right to be heard according to law.” Yet the CJP allows judges to exclude attorneys and parties from hearings if he does not like their ethnic or religious background. In fact, he may alter their evidence to satisfy his whims. No one reading a case should be so naive as to believe that the facts the court states have any relationship to reality. They may be true; they may be fiction. 

These are fundamental bedrock corner stones of any judicial system: impartiality, facts are not altered by the judges, judges are accountable for their misdeeds. Zero accountability pollutes the entire system. The pre-WWII German courts were less corrupt than California judiciary. The Nazis had to create a special court in order to do their thuggery. 

Volksgerichtshof (People Court) was a Sondergericht, an unconstitutional special court, which the Nazis set up in 1934. They attacked anyone who offended the powerful. California has no need for a Sondergericht since that is how our judiciary already functions. Who really thinks that anything other than a corrupt judiciary would allow the destruction of the homes of more than 60,000 poor people so that billionaires can built luxury units? Does anyone think than anything other than a corrupt judiciary would openly rule that the LA City Council does not have to follow the law? Are the people in Koreatown so naive as to think it was inadvertence that the City Council unanimously approved each limited parking project? Without judicial accountability, corrupt judges allow the super wealthy to turn our society into a third world country. 

The result of a corrupt judiciary is rats that carry typhus and MRSA from City Hall -- coming soon into our homes in the Valley. A corrupt judiciary results in the worst traffic congestion in the world coupled with worst streets in the nation along with the highest cost of housing and the nation’s worst homeless crisis. Just as Lott and his family fled Sodom before the destruction, so too the innocent poor and the Family Millennials are escaping from LA. Their exodus is decimating our future tax base; future Angelenos will go broke paying back the billions of dollars the city is borrowing from Wall Street.  

It must be hideously demoralizing to be a decent judge caught in the corrupt system. How long can people avert their eyes and pretend not to know? How long can people pretend that their silence is not complicity? But what can they do? Complain about an epidemic of misconduct and then have people discover lewd and lurid pix on their computers?


(Richard Lee Abrams is a Los Angeles attorney and a CityWatch contributor. He can be reached at: [email protected]. Abrams’ views are his own and do not necessarily reflect the views of CityWatch.) Edited for CityWatch by Linda Abrams.