Thu, Jan

America’s Constitutional Crises


ONE MAN’S OPINION-By last week, We the People had deteriorated to a state of FUBI or F’d Up Beyond Imagination.

But since then, two events have made the situation exponentially worse. Group Rights have converged rom both the Left and Right Wings. The result is a constitutional nightmare or FUBI ²

Legislation by Kidnapping and Ransom 

Walls are not immoral as Pelosi foolishly claims. All walls do not denote racism, but in this case, Trump’s Wall is racist. There is no danger at the Mexican border to justify Trump’s stopping the pay of hundreds of thousands of federal employees and contractors. He repeats his racist claims that Hispanics pose a threat to the safety and lives of Americans which only a Wall can stop. Trump’s entire shutdown is based on racist lies. This has brought a constitutional crisis upon the nation. 

In our Republic, the President heads one branch of the government and his function is not to legislate. Trump, however, has no use for our form of government, but instead yearns for a government like Putin has in Russia or Kim Jong-Un in North Korea, where The Beloved Leader’s word becomes the law.   

We Have Previously Seen Trump’s Un-American Behavior 

Trump kidnapped toddlers and placed them in cages and blamed it on Obama. The Dems’ response was to raise funds to fatten their coffers. On June 28, 2018, the courts’ ordered the illegally taken children to be returned to their parents. The administration still has not fully complied (USA Today, Jan 17, 2019). The illegal taking of children shows us Trump’s modus operandi. This time, federal workers’ pay checks are being held for ransom to force Congress to abdicate its legislative role and accede to his racist demand for a Wall before he will open the government. Trump’s goal is one thing: in the future, he alone will decide what laws will pass and what laws will be rejected. 

The Attack on Transgender Military Personnel 

The second Constitutional Crisis came as the Supreme Court revived the despicable Transgender ban in the military. What does the military do when the Supreme Court issues a directive which violates the Constitution? In other words, does the military cross the Nuremberg Line and follow an unconstitutional order? Countering that is the American core principle that the military is subject to civilian authority. This is a crisis – either way the military will be wrong. 

Let’s be clear. When America was founded, we had many terrible laws including slavery and the refusal to allow women to vote. Over the centuries, however, we have improved and recognized that each human being has certain inalienable rights as set forth in the Declaration. Slavery is gone, but shall we allow Trump and the Supreme Court to re-institute it? Shall we revive segregation, take the right to vote away from women, and throw Jews out of the military because they “refuse Jesus Christ?”  

The State of California is presently in federal court making the argument that California judges may intentionally falsify evidence against Jews and bar Jews from hearings on the basis that Jews “refuse Jesus Christ.” California contends that all state agencies and departments have to follow the anti-Jewish policy once a judge decides that a particular Jew has no rights. (Calif Central Dist Ct, Case #2:18-cv-06687(PSG)(KSx)) 

Trump attacks Transgenders because he is a coward who attacks whomever he believes is least able to defend himself or herself. Will the military follow an unconstitutional order and expel its Transgender members? If so, what happens when Trump demands that Gays be expelled or that Jews and others who refuse Jesus be expelled?  

Group Rights Are Destroying the Nation 

When Abraham Lincoln said that a house divided against itself cannot stand, he was referring to group rights. Group Rights are not limited to the support of slavery. One sees it manifest in many places and at many times around the world. The English had centuries of war and terrorism due to the Protestant versus Roman Catholic group rights. The Shiites and the Sunnis are still deep into group rights warfare and terrorism. We see it in India and Pakistan with Hindus and Muslims. The American Democrats have their Group Rights agenda which go under the name of Identity Politics and Equality. Too many members of the GOP revel in White Supremacy. Ask as Rep. Steve King, 

Over the MLK weekend, we saw a particularly vile aspect of Dem Group Rights with the story about the 16-year old student Nick Sandmann who, along with his friends, had been called “faggots,” “murderers” and the N-word by Blacks from a group known as the Black Hebrew Israelites (they are not Jews). Then a Native American man, Nathan Phillips, singled out Nick, walked up to within a few inches of him and banged on his drum and chanted in Nick’s face. Bewildered, Nick smiled. For that smile, the media deleted all the vile homophonic and racist slurs by the Blacks (who are one of the Dems favored groups) and then lied that Nick and his friends had verbally attacked and surrounded Mr. Phillips. (We have the full audio. Phillips approached them, and no one hears the kids chant “Build that Wall.”)  

Why did the media broadcast its doctored narrative, purposefully presenting Nick in a false light? One reason may be that Nick belongs to a disfavored group. He is male, young, white, wore a MAGA hat and had been at a Catholic Right to Life rally. Just like Jews who refuse Jesus Christ have no rights in California courts, Nick Sandmann falls into a group which has no rights under the Dems Group rights banner.  

Left Wing Group Righters later posted atrocious lies about Nick’s mother by manufacturing tweets that she supported genocide. That’s where Group Rights brings us – vile lies and vicious attacks on innocent people. Now the Supreme Court has asked the military to step over the Nuremberg Line and expel Transgenders. What will the military do if the Supreme Court also asks it to expel Gays or Jews “who refuse Jesus Christ?” 

Do not say, “It cannot happen here.” It is happening here.

(Richard Lee Abrams is a Los Angeles attorney and a CityWatch contributor. He can be reached at: [email protected]. Abrams’ views are his own and do not necessarily reflect the views of CityWatch.) Edited for CityWatch by Linda Abrams.