Sun, Feb

New Marijuana Law Punishes 18-20 Year Old Students, Employees


GUEST COMMENTARY--ON January 1, the new State and City Marijuana laws kick in. 

At first glance, one would think that finally the State recognizes that legalizing marijuana will be a boon to the city and state coffers. 

But, day by day, studying the law exposes flaws that will cost people their jobs and  living quarters and will ensure they struggle to get by. A new way to create unemployment. 

The law states: 

If you have a medical recommendation, you can purchase at a medical marijuana shop, the medicine you need. IF you do not have a medical recommendation, you must be 21 to purchase. 

The law also states, as of January 1, you must be 21 to work in a collective. So all current employees 18-20 years old get screwed by the new law. College students now have to find a way to make a living, even though all current employees MUST have a medical recommendation to work. 

While you must be 21 to be a bar tender selling alcohol, that is understandable because you cannot purchase alcohol until you are 21. 

This is wrong, unfair, and just plain contradictory and stupid. 

I personally called Assemblymen Bloom and Sebastian Ridley-Thomas.  NO REPLY! 

I urge the State and City to amend the law and stop hurting the very future of our region. We have enough homeless already. 

And if you think the age laws are dumb, wait for my next article on "Social Equity" in the cannabis business.

(Jay Handal is Co-Chair of the NC Budget Advocates, treasurer of the West Los Angeles NC and Los Angeles Police Commission Hearing Examiner. Mr. Handal’s views are his own.)
