Thu, Oct


The Personality Traits You May Need to Fight a Criminal Charge


LEGAL - Your personality alone won’t be the difference between being found guilty of a crime or being found innocent. The evidence for or against you and the quality of your legal representation typically play the biggest parts.

Still, that doesn’t mean that possessing particular personality traits won’t prove helpful as you navigate what is often a stressful and challenging situation. Here are some of the many desirable personality traits:


Resilience can be among the most important personality traits to possess when you’re facing a criminal charge and becoming familiar with the differences between sexual battery vs. sexual assault. Such criminal charges can be emotionally taxing, especially when you’re worried about being sent to prison or facing hefty fines.

Being a resilient person may prove helpful for remaining focused on the case and your goals within it and staying positive. You may also find your resilience helpful if you face setbacks.


Anyone can feel confident when they have the very best legal representation for a criminal charge. However, you may also benefit from having confidence as a general personality trait.

Confident people can sometimes find it easier to make decisions, interact with the people involved in their case, and present arguments that sound well thought out. However, it’s important not to show excessive confidence that may be viewed as deceitful or narcissistic.


A simple DUI might move through the court system fairly quickly, but that’s typically not what you can expect with a serious crime. Felony charges, for example, can sometimes sit in the system for over a year with little to no movement. There can also be delays between when you’re arrested and when charges are filed.

Knowing that you won’t be able to know the outcome of your case for several months can be challenging. That’s why having patience is so crucial. Having patience for delays and setbacks may result in fewer feelings of frustration.


The average legal case can have many twists and turns. New evidence can turn up that has the potential to help or hinder your case. As a result, adaptability can be a crucial trait to have.

Adaptability may make it easier for you to adjust to the various changes that may need to happen throughout your case. The most common changes typically relate to defense strategies. Your chosen lawyer may recommend changing your defense strategies as new evidence comes to light.


It’s only natural to be emotional when you’re facing criminal charges. Being found guilty can sometimes mean going to prison, and that’s a scary prospect. It’s easy to feel out of control when thrown into high-pressure legal cases, but it’s crucial to practice self-control.

Having this trait may make it easier to manage yourself in stressful situations and show yourself in your best light. You can maintain your professionalism and potentially make better decisions for your case.

Your personality isn’t going to win your case, but certain attributes may help you as you navigate the legal system. Self-control, adaptability, confidence, patience, and resilience, are just a few of the many traits you may like to work on as you face serious criminal charges.



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