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Five Things To Consider To Avoid LMS Implementation Failure


LMS SYSTEMS - Learning management systems are instruments created to oversee the online training initiatives of any firm.

It transcends administrations and educational methodologies. With the help of this technology, it is now feasible to provide employees with specialized training, develop assessments, run an online community, and provide quizzes to provide online learners with a more individualized experience.  

LMSs are the most effective technique to raise employees’ skill levels and keep a high-caliber workforce that only provides the highest performance peaks. 

Even after such great benefits it offers, LMS has not yet been adopted by many organizations. They still struggle with implementing LMS in their system. What could the problems be? Let’s see the potential reasons for implementation failure.

Reasons why LMS implementations fail

There are several reasons why your eLearning implementation might have failed. Here are a few common ones.

  1. Lack of teamwork 

The LMS installation process is often scheduled to be completed without the formation of a suitable team. This usually becomes the biggest error. Implementing an LMS is never a one-person job. To successfully apply it, you need a well-organized team of professionals because it involves numerous factors. The ideal option is to use the services of LMS implementation specialists to properly and successfully integrate the system into your organizational structure.

  1. Complicated user interface 

Any system or piece of software that is too complicated will always be a significant flaw. The LMS is already created to be overly accommodating of advanced features and functionalities but that complicates its usability. As a result, the system's users are unable to comprehend it, and the entire implementation fails.  

It is good to have multiple features in your LMS but at the same time, one must also remember that it should be easy to understand and the features should be limited but flexible for changing at a later stage. 

  1. Lack of integration 

LMS loses out on great potential if it is not integrated with other applications and features. An LMS is implemented, primarily, to assist employee training, which will improve workflow productivity and organizational efficiency. Only if the LMS can connect and function with the organizational systems and procedures for which you want to train your staff will this be beneficial. Therefore, selecting an LMS that does not offer system interconnections will result in a significant failure of the LMS deployment. 

  1. Over customization 

Just like over-complication of features and user interface is bad, over-customization is also not helpful to employees. Smart customizations can help improve the learner experience but overdoing it will only make it more complex and slow down the learning process. 

  1. Lack of online training content and training 

What majorly decides the effectiveness of your online training course is the eLearning content and the training you provide your employees through it. Make sure that its content is strategically planned and the appropriate level of training is being imparted to the online learners. If the online training material is not comprehensive, it will not reach the output it is expected to produce. 

Things you can do to avoid LMS implementation failure

Now that you know why your LMS implementation might be failing, you can correct them. But you can also keep some other things in mind.

  1. Recognize your employees’ learning requirements 

When you are checking out an LMS, think of what you want to accomplish within your training objectives by the end of a session. This should help you plan your approach to working around the LMS. 

It would be helpful to ascertain what the learner intends to accomplish at the conclusion of the learning session. Your only way around instructional delivery is to either be creative or disciplined. Either way, it should be efficient and support your learner’s experience.

  1. Consider integrations 

Your learning management system (LMS) should be compatible with all of your other programs and apps including HR software, content management systems, and industry-specific solutions. Additionally, it must be able to integrate with outside vendors and other parties. 

The ease of LMS integrations into your job must be taken into account when looking for an LMS for your business, whether it is for monitoring internal standards or corporate training. Try to answer questions like- Is the LMS accessible via the cloud? Is there smooth departmental cooperation?

  1. Have an eLearning strategy 

To use your LMS to its full potential you must have an online training strategy in place. Without it, you cannot benefit from even the best-reviewed LMS with the most comprehensive features. You can ask yourself these questions:

  • What are your goals?

You must choose an LMS according to its capabilities to meet your goals and needs. 

  • Who are the stakeholders?

Your LMS should be able to address the concerns raised by your stakeholders.

  • How will you manage the sessions? 

Consider ROI measurement, corporate course access, internal marketing, etc. 

With these few questions and more, you should be able to devise an eLearning strategy that helps you implement your LMS successfully.

  1. Take help from experts  

Your content quality is of utmost importance. You should get in touch with experts to plan what your online training course should have and what is the ideal way to set it up. You can look up the latest trends in eLearning to understand what your employees would like the most and how they would like it to be presented. But you are also restricted in regard to what type of content is compatible with your system. Most LMS vendors also provide assistance in this matter. You can drop a query with them, or take a one-to-one consultation to resolve doubts and find customized solutions.

  1. Be mobile-friendly 

When selecting an online training course platform, a mobile-friendly LMS is essential. The first and foremost consideration is that not all your online learners might have access to laptops or computers.  

A "mobile-first" paradigm is becoming more popular as mobile online learning gains ground. Millions of smartphones, tablets, and other mobile devices have been developed, thanks to technological improvements, giving online learners access to their eLearning corporate courses at any time and from any location. This calls for an LMS platform to be able to collect data on your staff utilizing a variety of hardware and to offer a smooth viewing experience for users of your LMS on various mobile devices.


An LMS implementation process takes much planning, consistent effort, and support. You need a strategic plan for your eLearning program, knowledge of the LMS that is most appropriate for your business, and awareness of the capabilities inside your own organization. If you have all of this in place, you shall be able to successfully implement an LMS in your organization. 

