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Devastating Impact of Gun Violence on Young People


GUN CONTROL - Young people in the US experience high rates of injuries and gun deaths. They are also hugely affected when a loved one or someone they know is shot or killed with a gun.

Exposure to gun violence, gun homicides, and non-fatal shootings affects millions of lives and intensifies racial inequities – a major problem that has been affecting the country for centuries. Black and Latin youth are among the minority groups that are greatly affected by youth gun violence. This is because of the policies that have led to the creation of segregated neighborhoods and underinvesting of these communities. Firearms in college have had a major impact on the mental well-being of young people. When study institutions and neighborhoods are common grounds for gun violence, many generations will be negatively impacted.

Effects of gun violence on the youth in America

You need to read free essay examples online on gun control to see how the effects extend beyond individuals who are shot. Youth gun violence statistics show that close to three million young people witness shootings every year. By reading collected gun control argumentative essays, you’ll realize that more than 3500 young people aged between 0 to 19 are killed and 15000 are wounded in a year due to gun violence. This affects how they think and behave. Some break down while others live in fear of the unknown. Accessing an argumentative essay like gun control essay and pro gun control essay will help you find some the following facts that have been unearthed by researchers:

  • Guns are the leading cause of death among young people

This is one of the leading problems in America. Compared to other developed countries, young people are twenty-one times more likely to be murdered with guns.

  • 60 percent of children and teen murders are homicides

Young people are greatly affected by gun and domestic violence. 85 percent of victims of gun homicides are under 13 and most deaths happen at home. Close to a third of these deaths are linked to family violence or intimate partners.

  • 35 percent of gun deaths among youth are suicides

The cases of firearm suicide have been rising gradually over the years. The firearm suicide rate has increased by 55 percent over the last ten years. For the youth, having easy access to firearms increases the risk of suicidal death by nearly three times. Studies have shown that more than 4 million children in America live in homes that have at least one loaded gun. When firearm access is combined with suicidal ideation, the results can be lethal. Most of the children who die by gun suicide usually access the firearm at home.

Young people who live in cities are at a higher risk

Studies have shown that more than 90 percent of the hospitalization of young people for firearm injuries has happened in urban areas. These injuries have major consequences. Nearly 50 percent of wounded people are disabled after being discharged. Teenagers hospitalized for a gun assault in urban areas are eight times more compared to their counterparts in rural areas. Young people who live in urban and low-income areas are more likely to be part of teenage gun violence statistics compared to their counterparts in rural areas.

Impact of exposure to firearm violence on young people

  • Young people who get exposed to gun violence are more likely to abuse alcohol and other hard drugs. They also tend to experience post-traumatic stress, anxiety, and depression. This leads to violent behavior and engaging in criminal activities. It also makes it harder for young people to achieve their academic and career goals.
  • It erodes physical health. When young people are exposed to firearms and violence, they are less likely to indulge in outdoor activities and improve their physical health. Studies have found that young people are more likely to engage in physical activities if neighborhood safety is increased.

Stress affects academic performance and wellbeing

Students exposed to teenage gun violence are less likely to go to school and get good grades. They also tend to have lower concentration levels in the class. Black college students are twice more likely to miss school due to safety concerns compared to their white counterparts due to safety issues.


While firearms were developed to help people protect themselves, they’ve done more harm than good, especially to young people. The youth can be protected from gun violence by conducting background checks on people who want to own firearms. People with histories of teen gun violence should not be allowed to have guns. Also, parents need to keep loaded firearms away from young people to prevent suicides. When all these recommendations are followed, our country will be safe. Apart from that, children and teenagers will easily achieve their academic, career, and health goals.

(Mary Cardoza is a prominent academic writer and blogger. She spends her workweek publishing articles that aim at improving awareness of a wide range of issues affecting young people. She loves reading poems and interacting with children during her free time.)