Sat, Oct


Studio City, Wisconsin


ERIC PREVEN’S NOTEBOOK - "Please be quiet. If you make any more noise, I'm going to recommend that the council president exclude you.” 

This was Fauble riffing with Curren D. Price who doesn’t mind whacking a mole or two in public comment when Krekorian needs to relieve himself or kibbutz with a lobbyist.  

Paul Krekorian announced that he won’t run for Congress, per a statement the other day.: "Circumstances have presented me with the responsibility of a lifetime in serving as President of the Los Angeles City Council during a time of extraordinary challenges...addressing the ongoing crisis of homelessness…" 

One speaker wondered, "Sir, could we name a public restroom at the Universal Metro Station the Brad Sherman, or should we ask Ms. Raman?" 

Another reported that a colleague had been excluded but there had been no related paperwork. In the form of an official notice of exclusion.   "Was this a ‘take my word for it, situation?’" 

A signed document might make sense, 

If we lived in a world where the presumption of regularity was intact it wouldn’t be necessary.  But as REM put it, “stand in the place where you live.” 

There is a lot of inherent controversy in city hall activities.  Leaving the RSVP list to the police officers like Duarte and Graciano would make sense if they didn’t have to constantly defenestrate everybody. 

Mr. Candido, referring to Stefan Fauble as Mr. “Bauble” is priceless.  An independent survey, by one opinion writer, not Gustavo Arellano or Jon Peltz, found that calling Fauble, Bauble was a big fat LIKE.  

Other findings in the survey, include Rihanna-level ratings for the so-called puppet.  

The puppets, routinely test higher than all of the city council members, the city attorney, the controller, and both mayors.  The only one who tests higher is Sergio Perez of the Controller's office. 
One mayor, worried about being associated with the puppets said, “The puppets are well-informed and funny but not woke.” 

Giving Pledge:  

Charities sometimes use shocking images of starving or sick children with diseases in advertisements to solicit donations. The message is aimed at the humanity in all of us…  

If you’ve never seen a St. Jude’s spot, they’re intended to tug on your heartstrings during times lots when there are no car chases.  

Leslie Marin, a competent and intelligent anchor on KCAL noted the other night during a hot (but boring) pursuit. “He was going seventy, but now appears to be going 25.” 

“Some people are willing to go down to four tireless rims to get away,” co-anchor, Jeff Vaughn said. 

“I saw one can of beer, do we know if he has a six-pack or maybe a twelve-pack, in there... Desmond?”  

Desmon Shaw is a veteran chopper reporter.  

Leslie nailed it when she said, “Desmond, it appears that the hazard lights are on. Does that seem to be the case?” 


On Friday, the chase in city hall was two-pronged:  Get the protestors out.   And pump the Inside Safe numbers.  

Marqueece Harris-Dawson, who until Krekorian's deep fake last week, eluded to earlier or I'll get to it in a minute, was sailing toward the next historic City Council Presidency, jumped up as if he were in a telethon. 

He wasn't raising money, he was thanking Mayor Bass and posting more Inside Safe numbers... "we just housed another 54"  like they used to do at the Muscular Dystrophy Association telethons with Jerry Lewis, or the KCRW and KPCC public radio fundraisers, with Madeline Brand and Larry Mantle.  Angle on: 

KCRW just got a major donation from a not-for-profit.  

KPCC just got a grant from... a lovely civically minded corporation.  

One idea: how about a telethon fundraiser to raise money to house the homeless?   

We're halfway there, with the posting of the “just housed” numbers that are becoming a thing along with the pet adoptions.  

Maybe the public will spark to the various heroes and sheroes of the City Council touting the Inside Safe numbers, to quiet the protest.   

Maybe the same retirees, who are desperate to spend the fixed income dollars on something positive, will chip in.    

Certainly, the hearts are all in the right place, but the good people who try to put the money into 'good use'... well, google Hurricane Katrina Fraud!  Or the Mayor's fund of Los Angeles and KPCC.  "Behested" 

The whole spirit of charity and giving and helping has been corrupted by.... well, a virus.  

Smart Speaker: "Sit down, Dr. Ferrer!  Not that kind of virus." 

Harris Dawson said hosing people was deeply moving... that he was proud "to be engaged in this work.“ 

Paul Krekorian, couldn’t resist. And announced that he had recently put people inside, as well. Critics wondered if he meant, "had them arrested."    

"Mr. Grabner, Please leave the chambers…" 

The public cried, out, “How many, sir?” 

"Ms. Lewis, has to go, Sergeants." 

Gustavo & Peltz:  Public safety

Steve Lopez is understandably chronicling the prospect of the inevitable aging, and Gustavo Arellano is duking it out every single day, but not with the MAGA folks as intended, he’s been fending off KnockLA!    

In New York, you get the New York Times, and in Los Angeles...  

If you liked Starsky and Hutch, you'll love Gustavo and Peltz.  

It's a show set on Twitter, working title: "Good woke, Bad woke." 

The show starts with the guys in a coffee shop agreeing on the most concise assessment of the MAGA crowd yet. 

“It’s like, I’m terrified of what I don’t understand and I only know how to process that as anger because I can’t look inward." 

Fist bump.  The guys get up from the booth, leave a nice tip, and head out to the car. 

"With all due respect, there’s a difference between opinion and disinformation, which the right wing seems to be hellbent on putting forth these days."  

They pull out into traffic, “Totally, these days Woke is: “Wise, Open, Knowledgeable, and Empathetic,” so it’s a compliment.” 

“Yeah, those who use it as an insult are showing their true nature,"  

High five!   

Ground to a halt in traffic, “Good woke is caring for the more vulnerable, being thoughtful, understanding how we can be better, fighting the urge to be defensive. “ 

“I agree, Bad woke is virtue-signaling, language policing, social media mobbing, guilt-associating, character-assassinating, demolishing nuance.  

Smart Speaker: Liberals pretend only good woke exists and conservatives pretend only bad woke exists. 

Nothing wrong with a civil discourse on duty getting a little spicy on a consensual basis.   

Caution: In this next short section, the main characters disagree.  

Col. Gustavo Arellano cited the publicly available city budget to show how Kenneth Mejia misrepresented the police budget during the Mejia campaign.   

Mr. Mejia, unlike the Chief of Police Moore, declined to speak to Gustavo of the LA Times.  

Col. Jon Peltz, of KnockLA and many other publications, was annoyed, "What I don't understand is if Gustavo is so personally confused by the budget, why does he not ask a police reporter at LAT for help? Or an editor? Or just decline to write the article if he can't figure it out.” 

Gustavo, be like, "No, that's the urban legend going around because people don’t read the whole thing or just remember certain points. Again, all in the columna!"   

Peltz slaps back, "There is no urban legend going around. Gustavo just refuses to do any independent analysis on the police budget or actual reporting on it. 

Studio City, Wisconsin: 


Brad Sherman is shown in foot socks with a constituent. 

Adrin Nazarian was once the number two to Paul Krekorian.  This was a million years ago before he ran for State Assembly.  Once he got elected, he preferred to push the message out through state-sponsored howdy-do eblasts like, “ March 26, 2020, Asm. Nazarian's Resource Guide for Seniors and Vulnerable Populations”.  

One such item caught my attention because it was right during election time.  His re-election, to be specific.  

“Hi Eric,
Thank you for your email and for attending last night’s coffee chat. I have forwarded your request to the Assemblymember’s scheduler and our campaign coordinator. They should be reaching out to you soon with the Assemblymember’s availability. 


Vanessa Carr

Field Representative” 

Reply:  As long as he's taking questions - a good one might be "are you attending the open forum on Friday? If not, why not?"


Dear Fellow SCNC Stakeholders, 

The Studio City Government Affairs Committee invites you to the Studio City Library for a pair of Candidate Open Forums leading up to the November elections.  

Taking place at 5:30 PM, over the next 2 Friday evenings, the forum kicks off tomorrow with attendees including Mark Reed (Congressional Candidate)  Mark Meuser  (Secretary of State Candidate), Rudy Melendez, (State Senate Candidate), Roxanne Beckford Hoge (State Assembly Candidate), as well as  Alex Villanueva (County Sheriff Candidate), G. Rick Marshall (State Board of Equalization) and five Superior Court Judge candidates, Tony Cho, Patricia Hunter, Sydne Jane Michel, Michael Ribons and Veronica Sauceda.  

Ask questions, voice your concerns on issues and meet the candidates.  Join us.  Friday, October 26th & Friday, November 2nd 5:30 PM - 9:00 PM Candidate Open Forum  Studio City Library 12511 Moorpark Street Studio City, CA 91604   Copyright © 2018 Studio City Neighborhood Council, All rights reserved. 


We are writing to you because you appear on the November 6, 2018 General Election Ballot.   

To Mr. Nazarian’s credit, and ours for capturing him, he showed up and engaged with his challenger, Roxanne Hoge. The link is at the Studio City Neighborhood Council Youtube Website.  

We cannot say the same thing for Brad Sherman, the congressman who recently announced that he had secured federal funding for a project that the public will never support because it is predicated on giving over precious open space to a high school regulation basketball court.   Google: Prop K does not stand for Krekorian.         


On Thu, Oct 25, 2018 at 1:55 PM  Noah Sachartoff <[email protected]> wrote:    


Following up on our conversation over the phone yesterday, I am writing to reiterate that Congressman Sherman will be in Washington during the October 26 forum, and his schedule is booked solid through election day. Therefore, the Congressman will not be able to participate in either forum.      

We appreciate you reaching out to the campaign and inviting Congressman Sherman to what will surely be an informative pair of events. In future election years, please be sure to reach out with more advance notice so we can attempt to make it work with his schedule.      

Thanks again,    



On Thu, Oct 25, 2018 at 2:43 PM, Eric Preven wrote:  

Hi, Noah:  November 2, 2018 is available for the Congressman.  Are you saying he’s totally booked and can’t even send a staffer in his stead to address the stakeholders of Studio City?      

Please ask him to call me on the mobile today.     

Thanks, Noah.      

Eric Preven        


On Oct 25, 2018, at 4:25 PM, Noah Sachartoff  wrote:   

Eric,  Regarding the Congressman's availability on November 2, please see the email below in case you have not already.   Feel free to call me at our campaign office if you have any further questions.  

On Thu, Oct 25, 2018 at 4:43 PM, Eric Preven  wrote:   

Thank you.  Is there a convenient time for me to speak to the congressman, before tomorrow’s event?  

On Thu, Oct 25, 2018 6:16 pm Noah Sachartoff wrote:   

Interested constituents can view the October 24 debate including Congressman Sherman and Mark Reed, hosted by the League of Women Voters, in its entirety at the Burbank channel on YouTube. The debate begins about 5 minutes into the video.       

Best wishes to the Studio City neighborhood council on your forums.      


On Friday, October 26, 2018 9:10 AM To: [email protected] Cc: [email protected]; Barnett, Alex <[email protected]>; [email protected]; Yarnell, Brook <[email protected]>; [email protected]  

Subject: Serious problem: Fwd: Candidates Refusing to Debate: The Unpardonable Sin of Politics      

Nobody has reached out to defend the Propositions, Bauman.   

Let the record reflect that all five of the below Democratic leaders, whose opponents are showing up, are unable to make themselves available for an appearance before their constituents in Studio City.   

Very glad that Noah sent the annual Burbank Youtube yuck fest. It's a great way to make it seem like anyone who wants to hear a discussion with an incumbent is a rabid hater of what we all believe in.   

Noah/Sherman, please respond to the question about what timeframe the Congressman had in mind when he stated that "one debate was sufficient."   

And the Audio (which I understand may not have been a Sachartoff Production) is totally out-of-synch. Great deflavorization technique from LWV, though.  Nobody in their right mind would share a bad link. btw - the debate starts at 11:00 minutes in, not 5 minutes in, as you wrote.  

How about earning some votes in Studio City?  As Congressman Sherman said himself in the horrible debate video "we've been doing this... for 11 years."    

Rita Zwern:  "Questions should not be addressed to a single candidate?"   

Why? Because the League of Women Voters is MAKING DEMOCRACY WORK FOR ALL! 

Brad Sherman:  "The Hallmark of Democracy is the willingness of all members of our community to treat each other with courtesy and respect, not just the ones we agree with."   

Rita Zwern.  "This is a candidate forum, not a Town Hall.  Please do not disrupt the forum."      

Brad Sherman: "No better birthday present than what the League has given us.  A chance to discuss the issues facing our country... my opponent attacks me for not debating him in Camarillo.  I represent the San Fernando Valley. "     

Smart Speaker: Studio City is in the San Fernando Valley...  and we invited you, Congressman Sherman and the  Secretary of State Alex Padilla, and State Senator Bob Hertzberg, and  State Assembly member, Adrin Nazarian. We even invited,  Tony Vasquez of the State Board of Equalization.  

Bauman, is Studio City going to be our Wisconsin?    

It does not help that Hertzy and Nazarian made had state-funded howdy-do coffees, just last week on the public's dime.  

Optics Analysis: Bad Sherman.


(Eric Preven is a longtime community activist and is a contributor to CityWatch. The opinions expressed by Eric Preven are solely his and not the opinions of CityWatch)