Wed, Mar

$600,000 Purchase of Tasers Delayed Following Public Comment. Shocking.


ERIC PREVEN’S NOTEBOOK - The premise was simple: Drivers in South Georgia had the option to go through a fake DUI checkpoint or take the exit.

The only catch? People who got off at the exit were met with the real DUI checkpoint.  “Those are the ones we’re looking for ... if they choose to get off this exit, up here is actually where the checkpoint is,” the Sheriff told the local station. 

Drivers who chose to risk the DUI checkpoint were in the clear.  “There are only four things that would get you arrested: if you’re driving impaired, if you have a warrant, if you have a suspended license, [or] if you are carrying drugs.”  

I can think of several reasons to avoid a checkpoint with law enforcement.    

Checkpoints are effective, but they cause more pain than progress and cost Angelenos money that they don't have. This is not super clever.    

If you want to save more lives, there is a flashing light crosswalk on Tujunga north of Riverside, near the YMCA, that is highly effective.  

Pedestrians who enter the cross area, trigger a light show that reduces speed immediately.  


Apple emoji:

Nick Melvoin dots the "I" in Melvoin with an apple. The subject line on an email I received from him recently was "An exciting step for the kids of LA."  

I thought for a moment it was an official response to my plea to the Mayor's office who he has worked closely with, to stand up and decry the shocking retaliation against one of the city's most treasured critics (and swimmers) by one of its most treasured partners (and not for profits).   

I was wrong.   

So, let's dispense with any claim against me for refusing to admit when I am wrong. 

What did Melvoin want?  A beefy max contribution to his Educator for School Board campaign. Sigh.   

He's not a bad guy, and you can call yourself an "educator" in California if you are one. 

If, you're an administrator at the school, better to call yourself the administrator. 

If you are a "watchdog buttkicker" and you submit that as a ballot designation for office, sorry, Charlie. 


Cut it short: 

I called for a vote on the Kinder Morgan Tank Storage Terminals, LLC, item extending to 2024 operation at the marine oil terminal down at the Berths. I thought Curren Price might want to recuse himself, on account of his 2nd wife being Del Richardson, who has never met an area she won't clear out through proper legal channels. She's an eminent domain specialist and Kinder Morgan has an enormous appetite for land.  

A few eyebrows were raised at the City migrating in approximately $600,0000 in Youth money from LA County Probation.

Notwithstanding the ongoing horror show at the county wherein, over 100 probation youth were shuttled from one decrepit, "unsuitable" if you believe the BSCC facility, to another.  #VeryBad  

The LA County Board of Supervisors even canceled their closed session. They love going back there, so this is #VeryBad. 

It was pointed out that $600,000 is the exact same sum that the county almost spent last week on 150 new Youth Probation Tasers. 

The Axon, Inc. dimension arose, as it does. 

Angelenos will never be able to forget, how Mitchell Englander, felon, and Herb Wesson Jr., not yet a felon, and Mark Ridley-Thomas MRT awaiting trial for federal corruption charges in August, were all involved with Bob Blumenfield (even) to stick 4400 Tasers, under the seat in the truck full of bodycams coming up to LAPD from Arizona.  Englander had gone down there to raise money from the good guys/bad guys.  Hold nose here.  

We were reminded of how MRT deployed a pepper spray smoke screen... and then, last week, the $600,000 order for 150 Tasers at $4,000 a pop, was delayed following public comment. 

The board wants a coherent set of rules for shocking a young person with 50,000 volts. And here. 

Naming the Venice Pier, the Ruth Galanter Pier is an insult to Ms. Galanter, according to a member of the public well versed in seaside bacteria. "LA public health is constantly noting higher bacteria counts near our piers. Nobody wants to be remembered for a high bacteria load," even if it is explicable as related to high seagull output.  

Nobody made a motion to get good data on the gull scat, but Krekorian took a few moments to talk compost, again.  

Hypocrisy and methane are indistinguishable. Krekorian wanted to praise Koretz for the composting matter they've been turning to week in, week out.   

The Council President declined to allow a vote on the Kinder Morgan item, but still hearing Krekorian discussing his plan to expedite compliance with renewable energy goals was lame. 

As chairman of the Budget and Finance committee, it was Krekorian's decision not to bring up the retaliation items for a vote, quite yet.  Soon.  

During the comments that had to endure at 25:50 in his 18 item Budget and Finance committee meeting on Monday, he seemed rattled.  

At least a few speakers noted that he had called a special meeting agenda, chock full of stuff, but with no general public comment to tie it all together.    

Clever strategy because 90% of the speakers were applauding him on the procedural agendizing of the treasured Justice Fund. Renewal. 

If the many Justice fund advocates or similarly, the Griffith Park Pony advocates who called in to Wednesday's council - the ponies have been suffering from lameness and depression - if they knew that their heartfelt political firepower was being used as a muddier of real criticism, they'd be disgusted.   

One speaker, said, "It's so appalling, the racial discrimination in the fire department, your head would pop off, Blumenfield... this is some of your worst work yet. It's age discrimination." 

One speaker said, a long-time Deputy city attorney with a disability had been told by the city that he had been transferred out of "operational necessity."  In his lawsuit, he had alleged that that was code for "retaliation" against him.  

And speaking of retaliation, Mr. Krekorian was highly irritated when a speaker suggested that he "... and Mr. Adrin Nazarian reconnect and interview the folks at the East Valley YMCA about clipping the membership card of a very good longterm member, who happens to be a critic of your... "diligent work." 

Krekorian, clapped back, "I'm sorry this is not on the agenda." 

Preven, "Right, I'm asking you to do it." 

Krekorian, "You're time has expired."


Kick the Tires: 

There was time during Wednesday's brief council meeting to compliment the council-based mayoral candidates, and Karen Bass.  58:30  link.  

The USC debate on the 22nd was fun and capably co-moderated by @Elex_Michaelson of FOX and @Erika_D_Smith of the LA Times.  

Kevin Deleon performed well, as he told Rick Caruso that Caruso could only dream of accomplishing what DeLeon had himself accomplished in his lifetime. 

Caruso, to his credit, has several upscale malls and has cuddled (contributed) to Paul Koretz, and -- he's a very generous man.  Someone pointed out that Caruso had given money to every candidate on the USC stage, last night, but not DeLeon. 

DeLeon emphasizes that his mother worked for very very very Rich people, and how she made his entire journey possible.  

Feuer is a chirpy, scrappy guy, but Mr. Caruso can certainly throw a punch. 

At one point, Caruso turned to Feuer almost on cue and reminded him that he was mired in an odious corruption scandal.    

Buscaino, played the Buscaino card, a younger version of Caruso, without the wealth and success, but more Eagle Scout hostility than a young Huck Finn.  Dammit, we can do this!  Do what? 

Trujillo? Ballot measure.  

Karen Bass had the greatest moment of all... at the very end, as the cameras were widening out... and everyone was listening, she talked about being the only woman on stage... 

Times up.  

The camera had widened out so you could barely see her... she appeared like a tiny little Herb Wesson without the mustache.  He's back, by the way. 

One speaker said, "Now the public is really going to get screwed."  


Last word:

No word, yet, from Supervisor Kathryn Barger's office, other than to say that her office: "was able to connect with the North Hollywood YMCA. I requested that they follow up with you regarding your membership."  

Thanks to John Lee for his diligent work in the Cyber Fraud space...and thanks to Mike Bonin, who is not comfortable, but hopes he's wrong, but still voting no on item 37.  And thanks to Council President Martinez, who agreed with Bonin, but voted yes.  It's very hard for Nury Martinez to let go of the pandemic, a near-perfect pretext to block open meetings.   


(Eric Preven is a longtime community activist and is a contributor to CityWatch. The opinions expressed by Eric Preven are solely his and not the opinions of CityWatch)