Thu, Oct


California: Selling Credits for Forest Protection Didn’t Work Before … Why Does Air Board Think It will Now?

BEGREEN--This past June 17, four members of the California Assembly sent a letter to the California Air Resources Board, granting cautious blessing to the air board’s proposal for saving the world’s tropical forests. That proposal, the California Tropical Forest Standard, was crafted over the last decade by air board staff and would set guidelines to improve the integrity of tropical forest-based carbon credits.

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Nowhere to Hide from The Terrible Truth of Climate Change

BEGREEN--In June, I delivered a keynote presentation on Australia’s vulnerability to climate change and our policy challenges at the annual meeting of the Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society, the main conference for those working in the climate science community. I saw it as an opportunity to summarize the post-election political and scientific reality we now face.

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Will Republican Climate Change Proposals Work?

BEGREEN--The Republican Party's stance on climate change has been shifting. Prominent conservatives who once might have been labeled climate deniers have begun acknowledging the reality that our climate is changing. Though not all have accepted the role of humans in causing that change, many now say that human action must be a part of the solution, releasing conservative climate policies to counter environmental policies from the left, including the Green New Deal.

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Biodiversity at Risk! Bavarians Vote to Stop Extinction

CLIMATE CHANGE--The world is in the throes of an extinction crisis unlike any throughout paleoclimate history, a.k.a., the Sixth Mass Extinction -- keeping in mind that the normal “background rate” for extinction is 1-to-5 species gone per year. But, what if it’s five every 24 hours? 

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To Clean Up the Planet, Clean Up Washington

BEGREEN--For decades, majorities of Americans have favored swift, meaningful action on climate change. They understand that we must transition away from dirty fuels and toward clean, renewable energy. Yet despite this overwhelming support, Congress has repeatedly failed to act.

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Re-Inhabiting Planet Earth

BEGREEN--“I believe that for a moment I thought the explosion might set fire to the atmosphere and thus finish the Earth, even though I knew that this was not possible.”

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Can Cities Like LA Help Preserve the Butterflies and the Bees?

BE GREEN--Many pollinator insect species like bees, butterflies, and hoverflies are on the decline, due in large part to habitat destruction driven by conversion of land to agricultural fields and urbanization. But, while cities are generally considered to be poorer in biodiversity than rural areas, new research finds that urban areas could actually play a key role in conserving pollinator communities.

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Rich People: A Threat to Our Very Planet

BEGREEN--We either keep fossil fuels in the ground, or we fry.

That’s the conclusion of another new blockbuster study on climate change, this one from the National Academy of Sciences. Our fossil-fuel industrial economy, the study details, has made for the fastest climate changes our Earth has ever seen.

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'We Are Speeding Towards the Precipice of Irrevocable Climate Chaos'

BE GREEN--As world leaders are meeting at the COP24 in Poland to discuss how to achieve goals outlined in the 2015 Paris climate agreement, scientists and activists are raising alarm about "brutal" new research published by the Global Carbon Project on Wednesday which offers the international community a "reality check" by showing that carbon emissions will hit a record high this year.

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Climate Change Denier-in-Chief … Not as Effective as He Would Have Us Believe

BE GREEN--Long before assuming office, President Donald Trump established himself as a climate change denier, one firmly opposed to most legislation aimed at environmental protection. In his first year in office, he’s shown himself to be determined, yet somewhat ineffectual, at rolling back environmental protections put in place by former administrations.

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The Thomas Fire Could Become the Largest Wildfire in California History … No Rain Likely ‘til Next Year

BE GREEN---As a December megafire continues to spread, there are new indications that occasionally extreme fire weather will persist across Southern California for at least two more weeks, with an urgent new weather forecast for the next few days. California's terrifying, Dantean December will last a little longer. (Photo above: The Thomas Fire approaches a home on December 12th, 2017, in Montecito, California.)

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'Ecological Armageddon': Warnings from Scientists as Flying Insects Disappear

BE GREEN---A new study published Wednesday, revealing populations of flying insects like bees and butterflies plunged more than 75 percent in German nature preserves over the past 27 years, has scientists calling for further research into probable causes such as climate change and pesticide use, and raising alarms about a potential "ecological Armageddon." 

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Finding a Common Language on Climate

BE GREEN--If you don’t already agree with me on something, odds are I can’t convince you I’m right.

There’s plenty of science showing that the global climate crisis is already affecting us, that vaccines don’t cause autism, and that humans evolved from a common ancestor with apes. Yet many Americans don’t believe in man-made climate change, the safety of vaccines, or hum›an evolution. (Photo above: Cuba after Hurricane Irma.)

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