Hike the High Sierra, See the Future Unfold
THE ENVIRONMENT - Do you want to develop the superpower of seeing decades, even centuries, into the future?
THE ENVIRONMENT - Do you want to develop the superpower of seeing decades, even centuries, into the future?
CLIMATE WATCH - Deadly fires, persistent drought, extreme floods and lost homes are part of the California Legislature’s stark forecast for the effects of climate change.
CLIMATE WATCH - The canary in the coal mine is dead. He died of heat prostration.
CLIMATE WATCH - It’s entirely possible that doomsayers of the world, though widely ridiculed, could be on target about the prospects for global societal collapse.
CLIMATE WATCH - California’s once-abundant salmon runs are on the verge of collapse.
EPA WATCH - This essay was written before I got word that:(a) hundreds of women and others were surrounded by Capital Police and facing arrest in militant protests on behalf of recently stripped abortion rights outside the illegitimate Christian Fascist United States Supreme Court on the morning of Thursday, June 30, 2022;
CLIMATE WATCH - America loves its military. It should, because it’s the most expensive defense force of all time.
CA SENATE BILL 54 - The legislative path to reducing plastic waste in California became significantly clearer on Tuesday when the Assembly Natural Resources Committee voted 9-0 to approve a bill that targets the production of single-use plastic packaging and foodware in the state over the next decade.
CLIMATE WATCH - Last year, worldwide energy-related CO2 topped 36B tons. That’s a new world record.
FOSSIL FUELS - Mother Earth’s affair with coal goes back in time to when swampy forests predominated the planet 360 to 299 million years ago during the Carboniferous Period of the late Paleozoic Era.
THE ENVIRONMENT - Nothing so illustrates the mindset of green politics, particularly in California, as the word “natural,” which is taken to mean unspoiled, pure, and better than the workings of man.
CLIMATE WATCH - Humans have a tendency to believe everything will be pretty much the same in the future as it has been in the past.
CLIMATE WATCH - The United States is moving fast on climate change—in the wrong direction.
WILDFIRES - The Fresno Bee’s Editorial Board has gone on record opposing the lawsuit, by the John Muir Project of Earth Island Institute, against a huge commercial logging project in Yosemite National Park.
SCOTUS AMONG US - It appears that Republicans on the Supreme Court are preparing to light our planet on fire
THE ENVIRONMENT - The moment may be at hand for Californians to turn the tide on a sea of plastic waste that environmentalists say is destroying life in the ocean, contaminating drinking water and stuffing state landfills.
THE CLIMATE - The Arctic is turning into a dream come true for doomsayers. It’s heating way too fast! Nostradamus is dancing in the street.
CLIMATE WATCH - Climate change and global warming, which is the largest part of the ‘change’ aspect, is suddenly getting the kind of special treatment that’s reserved for national tragedies.
GREEN POLITICS - The color green has long been associated with envy, but increasingly it’s becoming a pigment of mass delusion.
CLIMATE WATCH - Ted Scambos, a polar scientist with 20 trips to Antarctica under his belt, makes a living trekking across glaciers,
CLIMATE WATCH - “I’m absolutely convinced we will get a low-carbon, no-carbon economy at some point in time.
CLIMATE WATCH - Australia’s federal election May 18th turned left with a new power broker named climate change.
CLIMATE WATCH - In case you have lingering doubts about the reality of human-caused global warming, hop on an airplane to parts of India or Pakistan and spend a few days.
GUEST COMMENTARY - This November, the Massachusetts electorate will vote on a ballot initiative that will have profound consequences:
CLIMATE WATCH - Woody biomass, or burning trees to produce renewable energy, is spreading beyond the shores of Europe, where it’s wildly popular and outpacing solar and wind.
CLIMATE WATCH - The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) recently dropped a bombshell announcement that should have garnered news headlines in the major global and U.S. media, but did not.
CLIMATE WATCH - Deaths from exposure to emissions from vehicles, smokestacks, and wildfires have increased by more than 50 percent this century, with poorer countries bearing the brunt of the impacts.
DRINKABLE WATER - The California Coastal Commission tonight rejected the proposed construction of a desalination plant in Huntington Beach, sealing the controversial project’s fate after more than 20 years of debate.
CLIMATE WATCH - The planet is wheezing, coughing and sputtering because of vicious attacks by worldwide droughts aided and abetted by global warming at only 1.2C above baseline.
CLIMATE POLITICS - As energy- and climate-related legislation passes through committees in the California legislature, some lawmakers are refusing to vote on bills critical to the state’s transition from fossil fuels.
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