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Stop Worrying and Start Living … Here’s How


WELLNESS--Have you put all of your energy into building a business, finding love, or creating a life-long dream only to be disappointed by the results? Maybe you feel exhausted because you’ve done all the right things and taken the steps you’ve been guided to and still you ask “where is my stuff?!” 

You’re not alone. Most people sit in one of two categories. The first are those who have managed to bring in exactly what they’ve wanted only to discover that it hasn’t offered them the lasting joy they thought, or group two is still praying, working, and stressing over not accomplishing what they truly desire and wondering when and if it’ll show up. 

What’s the missing link in both groups? They are both living in a world where the illusion of more stuff, a new relationship, or something other than what they have now becomes their main objective to find happiness. 

Now, there is certainly nothing wrong with desires. They are what keep us going and they give us motivation and something to look forward to. And yes, nice stuff does make us giddy for a short time. But when those very goals overtake our present moment awareness and sideswipe our happiness, we have a problem. 

If we pay very close attention, we can start seeing the signs of this movement off course. We begin spending more time living in the future then we do in the here and now. We may become cranky, tired, or negative or perhaps we begin feeling down and we lose faith. These are all signs that not only are we slipping into a destructive frame of mind but we are also running our spiritual and emotional batteries dangerously low. 

There are steps to take in order to re-charge BEFORE we find ourselves totally burned out. Here are 6 steps to take that will help you to stop worrying and start living: 

Meditation - I know that sometimes when you’re down the last thing you want to do is meditate. But even 5-10 minutes of quiet time focusing on your breath may be enough to lower your stress and bring you back to center. Having a consistent meditation practice may prevent the emotional rollercoasters from happening in the future too. 

Serve - Another thing that you may feel less likely to do when absorbed in your own pain is to give back to others but often that is EXACTLY what you need. When we feel like victims in our own lives, it helps to offer those less fortunate our time, money, or whatever it is that we can give. It acts as a reminder that our lives really aren’t so bad after all and we gain a new perspective. 

Rest - Often the best thing that you can do when you’re feeling stuck or down is to sleep! Rest not only turns off our active brain temporarily but it also renews our physical health, which is directly tied to our emotions. Allow yourself some rest without feeling guilty or ashamed. Often a 20-minute nap is all you need to feel better. 

Journal - Getting our thoughts out of our head and onto paper is imperative. When we carry around goals, to-do lists, resentments, frustrations, and even dreams, we can get overwhelmed. By writing down each and every thing that comes to mind, we make room and have less clutter, leaving us feeling lighter and more focused on the here and now. 

Get Creative - When we can get re-acquainted with our inner child by being creative, it is the best way to feel fulfilled. While material things or love or an exotic vacation is awesome, what we are truly yearning for is creativity and play. Paint, sing, play dress-up with your kids, or do something that makes you laugh and forget about your current worries. Being playful is key to bringing you back to the moment. 

Read - Reading uplifting material every day, whether it is spiritual or motivational, will connect you with the positive messages you need to stay on track. It is so easy to slip into the traps of negativity so connecting to uplifting words or audio is more important than ever!



(Jay Bradley is a Youthful Aging, Wellness & Lifestyle Expert Living in Los Angeles. http://www.JayBradleyLifestyle.com. He is the Best-Selling Author of LIVE LOOK FEEL, The 12-Week Guide to Live Longer, Look Younger & Feel Better!)


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