Mon, Mar

Make a Difference: Event to Save LA's Trees

VOICES--Become one of the people acting on behalf of the Los Angeles Urban Forest, the awesome, citywide shade-tree canopy that fights climate change and the "heat-island" effect, cleans our air, and captures our rainwater to sustain a livable urbanized world.

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What’s Going on in Inglewood: Failure to Disclose Economic Interests?

VOICES--Mayors, City Councilmembers, City Clerk’s and City Treasurer’s are required to submit annual statements of economic interest to the Fair Political Practices Commission commonly known as the FPPC.  The forms are due by April 1st and are signed under penalty of perjury.  After reviewing the form 700s for all members of the Inglewood city council, we found that Mayor James Butts omitted his investment interest in a home located at 8808 S. 5th Ave. and like other investors, he is making money flipping homes in the city of Inglewood.

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Make History!! Be a Part of the Largest River Clean Up in History!!

VOICES--The LA River needs YOU! Friends of the Los Angeles River (FoLAR) is organizing its 29th Annual La Gran Limpieza / Great RIver CleanUp. Now less than a month away from kicking off three weekends of River CleanUp in celebration of Earth Month. This CleanUp is the Largest Urban River CleanUp in the nation’s history - and it relies on the participation of Angelenos like you to take hands-on action in support of River restoration. 

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Amid Felony Allegations and Perjury Charges, Ref Rodriguez Clings to His LAUSD School Board Seat

VOICES--Refugio Rodriguez continues to “represent” the stakeholders of LAUSD Zone 5… six months after allegations of felony charges for perjury and conspiracy. He was also charged with 25 mysterious money-laundering misdemeanors that flummox elections ethicists since there is no limit on self-financing one’s own campaign, completely obviating any need for Rodriguez to have illegally paid his staff to donate to it. Further, it has recently come to light that these crimes may be the tip of the iceberg. And regulators further afield from LAUSD are noticing Rodriguez’ charter chain too. 

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Today’s Criminal Justice: Blame Everybody But the Criminal

VOICES--The trendy storyline in criminal justice is to blame the prosecutor, blame the police, blame the laws and blame society. Never mind the wake of destruction violent criminals leave on the community, especially economically vulnerable neighborhoods. Never mind the approximately 17,000 Americans murdered in 2016. Never mind those people. Let's now focus on the injustice of putting away rapists, gang members and murderers. 

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13 Russians Indicted … What about Social Media Who Let It All Happen?

VOICES-Austin Beutner, the one-time candidate for Los Angeles mayor and former publisher of the Los Angeles Times, recalled a funny story during a talk he gave at a breakfast meeting hosted by the San Pedro Chamber of Commerce at Ports O’ Call Restaurant. It was about the time Beutner was delivering a speech on how to make a profit in Russia after the fall of the Soviet Union. Beutner was there as part of a Clinton administration team led by Secretary of State Warren Christopher to help Russia transition from communism to a free-market economy. But suddenly, Beutner realized he’d lost his audience. Bewildered, he turned to his interpreter and asked, “What is it that they don’t understand?” 

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Do Better Than Us

VOICES--Stop. Just for a second. I know it’s hard. The news comes at us so fast these days. Stories that, during relatively normal times, would consume us for weeks shoot across our consciousness and then disappear in a flash; like fireworks the next story explodes across our screens while the last one dissipates from our view, and vanishes from our thoughts.

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Parole Board Uncomfortable with the Truth

VOICES--"If you're not catching flak you know you are not over the target" is a saying which apparently originated from WWII pilots, who could tell they were over the target if they could see and feel the antiaircraft fire.  

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Wrong Answer

VOICES--Dear Eve and CD7: At tonight's Sunland-Tujunga Neighborhood Council meeting you answered a question from the audience incorrectly in front of a moderately sized audience of Neighborhood Council members and stakeholders. When asked why the Councilmember had not yet met with the SAFE Coalition you tried to say she had by meeting with several individuals. I viewed the Councilmember answer a similar question in a similar fashion in front of a gang deterrence audience a few months ago. (Photo above: Councilmember Rodriguez center.) 

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Tearing Immigrant Families Apart is Wrong and Unlawful

VOICES--I am deeply concerned about our immigration system using unlawful tactics to tear families apart, rather than respecting the importance of family unity,” said Rep. Roybal-Allard.  “Many immigrant families come to the U.S. out of a desperation to survive. 

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