Mon, Sep

Remembering and Honoring the Lives of LA’s Homeless Youth

VOICES--On Friday, December 21st, the South Los Angeles Homeless TAY and Foster Care Collaborative (Collaborative), along with civic and religious leaders and other local partners, will honor the lives of homeless youth who have passed away and those experiencing loss during the holiday season with an interfaith prayer and candlelight vigil. 

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LABOR DAY 2018: Mayor Salutes Working Men and Women

VOICES--We salute working men and women because they come together each day, in cities and towns across this country, to build America’s future in a way that lifts up the best of who we are: rising above differences to achieve something bigger than themselves, and moving us forward with hard work, unity, and purpose.

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Make a Difference: Event to Save LA's Trees

VOICES--Become one of the people acting on behalf of the Los Angeles Urban Forest, the awesome, citywide shade-tree canopy that fights climate change and the "heat-island" effect, cleans our air, and captures our rainwater to sustain a livable urbanized world.

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What’s Going on in Inglewood: Failure to Disclose Economic Interests?

VOICES--Mayors, City Councilmembers, City Clerk’s and City Treasurer’s are required to submit annual statements of economic interest to the Fair Political Practices Commission commonly known as the FPPC.  The forms are due by April 1st and are signed under penalty of perjury.  After reviewing the form 700s for all members of the Inglewood city council, we found that Mayor James Butts omitted his investment interest in a home located at 8808 S. 5th Ave. and like other investors, he is making money flipping homes in the city of Inglewood.

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Make History!! Be a Part of the Largest River Clean Up in History!!

VOICES--The LA River needs YOU! Friends of the Los Angeles River (FoLAR) is organizing its 29th Annual La Gran Limpieza / Great RIver CleanUp. Now less than a month away from kicking off three weekends of River CleanUp in celebration of Earth Month. This CleanUp is the Largest Urban River CleanUp in the nation’s history - and it relies on the participation of Angelenos like you to take hands-on action in support of River restoration. 

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