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Shame on the Democrats Condemning Joe Biden for Pardoning Hunter


ABE WON’T BE SILENT - Having tragically lost my father when I was in high school, I’m incensed to see the sheer hypocrisy spewed by so many idiotic Democrats trashing Joe Biden for heroically pardoning his son, Hunter. Shame on you and a pox on all your houses.

In a move that naturally has sparked controversy, Joe’s pardon of Hunter has ignited backlash—unfortunately not only—from Republicans. What I can’t stomach these mostly white, pontificating Democrats who have stuck in their meaningless two cents into a situation they couldn’t possibly fathom in their own lives. The wave of condemnation from Dems is so disappointing—yet not surprising. These criticisms reflect a lack of understanding of the principles of justice and compassion, which the Democratic Party has historically claimed to uphold. What say we skip using the word “justice” when we talk about most people in our political class. Names need not be mentioned as there are too many to list here.

Hunter Biden's struggles have been extensively publicized: his battles with drug addiction, sex addiction, and his tumultuous legal affairs that stretch from Los Angeles to Delaware to Kiev, and back. At its core, the president’s pardon was an act of humanity—an acknowledgment of his son’s struggles and an attempt to ensure fair treatment amidst a political environment that has often turned Hunter into a piñata from partisan attackers.

Every president has issued controversial pardons to those they deemed unfairly targeted or excessively punished, sometimes including family members or close allies. Presidents possess the constitutional authority to issue pardons precisely for complex, deeply personal, or politically charged cases. And I refuse to bring Trump into this conversation because this particular moment is a bad reflection on the Democratic Party and its hope for a future beyond Trump. If we can’t protect our own from this level of scrutiny, then where is the hope for any democratic candidate who wants to do anything controversial? Don’t you dare say something as inane and nonsensical as, “When they go low, we go high.” 

Critics argue that the pardon undermines faith in the justice system and appears to grant special privilege. HELLO…POWER IS THE NAME OF THIS GAME!!! While it’s natural for critics to question the optics, Democrats should approach this decision with nuance rather than the kind of condemnation we are seeing from the likes of Gavin Newsom and bloviators like the Pod Save America Yentas. Then again, to quote my sister, Vivian, “Democrats never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.” God forbid, Dems show a modicum of unity AKA shut their pie holes.

By aligning with Republicans and disavowing the Joe’s decision, they give the GOP the ammunition Dems can’t afford to lose. Then again, Dems usually show up with butter knives at gun fights, so it’s not even worth discussing. As an ex-addict, watching Joe save his son is a deep reminder of what I never had. I empathize with Hunter and despise those who can’t respect Joe for what he has done to help is last remaining son. Especially considering the tragic losses Joe has suffered.

The conversation should not center on whether Hunter Biden "deserved" a pardon but rather on the broader context: a politically motivated investigation, a president’s love for his child, and the recognition of redemption. Condemning Joe Biden for this act is not just hypocritical but contrary to the values of compassion and justice that the Democratic Party theoretically champions—or used to anyway.

(ABE GURKO is the executive producer of a documentary “Won’t Be Silent,” about the extraordinary Women of Protest Music. He's an Opinionator who hosts a podcast, "Won't Be Silent," engaging in conversations from the edge of democracy. Abe is a contributor to CityWatchLA.com[email protected])

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