Tue, Oct

How Wokeism Destroyed America


THE VIEW FROM HERE - Starting on April 15, 2024, this column began a series of articles that over the millennia, Wokeism in its various incarnations had destroyed every society where it grabbed hold.  See The Dangers of Dichotomy   Abraham Lincoln was more concise when he said that “a nation divided against itself could not long stand.”   The Roman’s stated the same concept as “Divide et Impera” (Divide and Rule).  Lincoln knew that for the Republic to endure, everyone has to share the same basic value, and the Romans knew that in conquering others, it had to turn people against themselves. 

The Wokers and their number one advocate Nancy Pelosi hate our founding values that each individual has inalienable rights including Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness and government’s role is to secure those individual inalienable rights.  Rather she promoted the concept of group rights, e.g., Identity Politics and Wokeism DEI, which are immiscible with individual rights.  One can pour oil and water into the same vessel, but one cannot make them into one.  

Nancy Pelosi was not the first person to fight for group rights over individual liberties. The nation’s bloodiest war was fought to vanquish group rights from our nation.  One-half of the nation could not be based on the rights of Whites to own Black people, while the rest adhered to our founding principles that each individual had the inalienable right of Liberty.  Had Pelosi lived in 1857 when the Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. (19 How.) 393 was written, she would have agreed with Justice Taney that based on skin color, some Americans [have] no individual right to Liberty.  Pelosi’s Identity Politics adopts Justice Taney’s premise, except she promotes minorities as having the superior rights based upon race and Whites as the subservient group.  Pelosi’s decades’ long endeavor to make group rights the basis of government policy was explored in a series of article which were summarized on November 8, 2021 in Nancy Pelosi is The Most Dangerous Person on The Planet. See   The article with its hyperlinks is too long to read unless you’re stranded on a desert island with no hope of rescue.  Briefly, because minorities will be the majority of voters by 2033, mas o menos, Pelosi’s Identity Politics (Wokeism) divided the nation into two groups: The evil oppressors (whites and Jews) and the oppressed (all minorities). When the oppressed minorities were the majority of voters, then they would vote away the property of the Whites.  Hence, the GOP would be vanquished, and Pelosi’s version of the Democrats’ Thousand Year Reich would begin. 

Pelosi began by agitating the extreme far right, e.g., the Nazis, the White Supremacists, and the haters of central government such as Timothy McVeigh, who bombed the Oklahoma Courthouse. Law enforcement told Pelosi to stop her existential threats against the far right as they were paranoid and very violent. Due to the Alt Right’s being an extremely small percent of the population, they were a law enforcement problem and not a social movement.  In Pelosi’s plan, however, violence was crucial to creating a cohesive group of minorities. Pelosi wanted the Alt Right to become a social movement in order to frighten the minorities into her camp.  Group Rights advocates always turn the hatred of their members against an external threat.  The following superb video explains how Pelosi’s went about dividing the nation against itself and as the viewer will see, Donald Trump uses the same approach. 

 See Superb Video  on how group rights lead to mass psychosis. This video is far more valuable, informative and entertaining than anything I’m writing. 

As one will realize after viewing the video, America is suffering from dueling mass psychoses: Wokeism and the MAGA movement, which Wokeism spawned.  Pelosi was not content with fomenting fear of being replaced among the extreme right wing but extended her list of Deplorables to all White people with theories like White Fragility, White Privilege, and the highly racist and historical claptrap of the 1619 Project.  The right-wing fear mongers like Tucker Carlson seized upon Pelosism to aggressively warn Whites of the Grand Replacement Theory.  Pelosi and Carlson got a great boost with the 2011 publication of the French Book The Grand Replacement that Muslims were supplanting White culture in Europe.  To further polarize the nation, as speaker of the House, Pelosi elevated anti-Semites to positions of power. 

“The masses have never thirsted after truth. They turn aside from evidence that is not to their taste, preferring to deify error, . . . whoever can supply them with illusions, is easily their master, whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.”  See Superb Video  

Do Not Be Deceived, the Elites Can Be the Masses 

The elite universities are filled with masses who care naught for truth; they crave belonging and a sense of purpose, be they German university students in the 1930's or American students at Harvard, etc. in 2000's.  Less than seventy years after WWII and The Holocaust, Harvard’s President and the presidents of other colleges believed that calling for the extermination of Jews was OK. While they claimed that they were protecting free speech, they expanded free speech to include physical harassment of Jews. Nor did they see fit for the university itself to employ free speech to combat calls for mass murder of Jews. Wokers fell prey to the delusion that Jews are the cause of all evil since they are classified as the Oppressors.  It should surprise no one that Nancy Pelosi had used her power as Speaker of the House to force upon American colleges and universities the Woke DEI curriculum that White racism is the cause of all of society’s inequities and Jews were the worst of the worst.  Thus, college campuses still rally to support Hamas’s goal to murder all the Jews from the River to the Sea based on the total falsehood that Jews occupy the nation of Palestine. There never has been a nation of Palestine for anyone to occupy.  The Woke mass psychosis has become risible with its Gays For Hamas, but Wokeism has been lethal for tens of thousands of Gazans. 

But for Wokeism, there would be no Obama Doctrine which is essentially Wokeism as foreign policy. Per the Obama Doctrine, America is fundamentally sinful; thus, it should never use force.  In order to atone for past evils, America must always defer to the Oppressed.  Obama and Biden use the Woke Doctrine of Intersectionality so that Israel becomes the cause of all problems and hence Israel should surrender to Hamas and now Hezbollah. In BidenSpeak, “Cease-fire” means Israel lets Hamas win, assume control of Gaza, the West Bank and then rearm itself in to order to attack Israel.  

Biden applies this Woke foreign policy not only to Israel, but also to Ukraine.  From day one, Biden has slow walked and withheld arms from Ukraine and stipulates that Zelenskyy may not use US armaments to attack the Russian bases from which Putin attacks Ukraine.  There is no discernable light between Biden’s and Trump’s solution to Ukraine – Russia wins. 

Briefly during the democratic convention, Kamala Harris abandoned Wokeism, but she got slapped down by Pelosi, Obama and Biden in their shared delusion that Americans love Wokeism and Harris could only win by doubling down on both domestic and international Wokeism.  

Wokeism Is Why Biden Was So Far Behind Trump 

On April 15, 2024, while Hamas Joe Biden was headed for a massive defeat in November 2024, this column asked. “How long will non-Woker Dems tolerate the Hamas supporters endangering Biden's re-election? Will there come a point when Biden realizes that Americans hate Wokeism not only for its anti-Semitism but for its anti-White doctrine, its promotion of unqualified minorities over qualified Whites, and its insane demand for the correct pronouns?”  See here   When even the deluded Wokers could not deny the handwriting on the wall, Joe Biden gave them an out. His obvious senility during the debate allowed them to boot him.  Due to their mass psychosis, however, they failed to realize that Biden was leading to disaster before Americans saw his dementia. They hated his Wokeism.  As the Superb Video explains, people suffering from a mass psychosis cannot perceive their mental illness.  That is true for MAGA and for Wokers. 

Kamala Rejects Wokeism 

Can Kamala Harris be the redeemer who saves America from the Woker psychosis that we are fundamentally evil and must defer to the so-called Oppressed.  Is Kamala cagey or is she caged in by Wokeism? Biden allows Iran to shell our troops in Iraq with no response, except to agree to withdraw them as he did from Afghanistan.  Biden allows Iran via the Houthis to decimate international shipping because Obama Woke Doctrine requires our eternal DEFERRING to terrorists rather than DETERRENCE.  The US has an airfield in Qatar, less than one hundred miles from Iran’s west coast. Good-bye Iranian oil fields.  Instead, Biden acts as Iran’s and Hamas’s PR agent spreading throughout the world more psychotic Woke lies that Israel is the aggressor in the war. 

But for Nancy Pelosi’s tireless efforts to install Wokeism as the Democrat Party’s operating principle and to shun our core values of individual inalienable rights, America would not be divided into two psychotic camps and the world would not be burning.

(Richard Lee Abrams has been an attorney, a Realtor and community relations consultant as well as a CityWatch contributor.  You may email him at [email protected])