Wed, Mar

If We Have Any Self-Respect, We’ll Fire Gascón, and Vote YES on Prop. 36


ALPERN AT LARGE - It’s that old “if you’re in a hole, stop digging” thing. Do we want rampant but avoidable crime to flourish, or do we want our economy and quality of life to flourish?

Do we want to reward abiding by the law, or do we want to reward breaking the law?

Do we want to get on our knees, and beg the smash-and-grabbers to stop, or do we want to stand and demand those breaking the law to obey it or get used to prison?

Do we want our stores to have everything locked up, and beg an employee to unlock a glass partition just to get toothpaste and underarm deodorant, or do we want to get back to a life of a free and civilized society?

Similarly, do we want our electeds to promote the law, or promote breaking it?

Also, do we want to hold Gascón and all the Soros-funded miscreants, and both Governor Newsom and the Legislature to boot, accountable for what they’ve done to us and our families, or not?

It’s very simple—we’ve got to return to civilization. Get past politics, get past COVID, and get past childish stupidity that really is NOT a left vs. right political thing, but is rather a “grow the hell up” thing for all of us to do.

The whole crazy “stop prosecuting those poor people we call criminals” trend has got to stop. And if some do-gooders (probably have no kids, probably have little to no face- to-face experience with smash-and-grab criminals, probably are indoctrinated in their education and/or just want to control the rest of us) scream, then let them.

I personally would LOVE to refer the smash-and-grabbers and other law-flouters to the addresses of those who will still vote for Gascón…but that’s called “doxing” and that’s not OK.

But if there’s any justice, we would impose the troublemakers upon those who enabled them.

Yet on another note, perhaps society needs to realize and confront some ugly realities before it gets back to the real world…as in we WANT to have all criminals to reform their lives and become contributing members of society...

…but it doesn’t always work out that way. Pity.

But we don’t have to live a life of staying in our homes and wondering when WE will be the next victims of crime. Or if our shopping experience will be more civilized, or if our grocery stores will be open later in the night like we once enjoyed.

Some critical key issues for this November—and these are true whether we’re Democrats or Republicans, partisans or independents:

--George Gascón is a left-wing, police-hating idiot who was voted in by people so infuriated at the police that they threw away all self-respect to the extent they were willing to destroy their own futures, and risk those of their children.

--Those who voted in George Gascón didn’t pay attention to the police and community activists who were screaming “NO!” and decrying Proposition 47 which allowed hundreds of dollars of shoplifting to be “no big thing”.

--Some of us just HATE the police, and/or Republicans, to the point that they will cut off their collective nose to spite their face. Well, now we’re all seeing the results of empowering the foxes to rule the henhouses, and we need to stop.

Enter Gavin Newsom, who’s terrified of the message Proposition 36 has to offer the world: it’s the people who are shucking off Sacramento’s misrule of our state:

--Governor Gavin Newsom wants only ONE thing: to revive his political career because he’s overseen a state that is rife with crime, homelessness, and empowering the lawbreakers over the law-abiders. Outside of California, he’s rightfully viewed as an ass-clown, and if he’s lucky maybe he’ll be a California senator. 

--Proposition 36 restores some of the crimes we idiotically reclassified as misdemeanors to become felonies).

--Our mayors are upset about Governor Newsom confiscating their homelessness and/or crime funds, while our mayors are concerned about their own cities (and political futures!) being destroyed by Sacramento’s left-wing, pro-crime idiocy.

Hence our mayors and the police want Proposition 36, but Governor Newsom and the Sacramento Legislature are terrified that it will show the world how much the citizenry of California despises and resents Sacramento. 

So let’s do a double-whammy against crime, against lawlessness, against governmental malpractice, and against those who would turn our good will against us.

Let’s show some self-respect and love for our communities, for our families, and for civilization in general:

1)   Vote Nathan Hochman as our next L.A. County District Attorney

2)   Vote YES on Proposition 36.

Enough is enough…and we need to tell all of our electeds, at all levels of government, that WE are THEIR bosses, and that civilization is something we cherish more than anything.

(Kenneth S. Alpern, M.D, is a dermatologist who has served in clinics in Los Angeles, Orange, and Riverside Counties, and is a proud husband and father. He was active for 20 years on the Mar Vista Community Council (MVCC) as a Board Member focused on Planning and Transportation, and helped lead the grassroots efforts of the Expo Line as well as connecting LAX to MetroRail. His latest project is his fictional online book entitled The Unforgotten Tales of Middle-Earth, and can be reached at [email protected]. The views expressed in this article are solely those of Dr. Alpern.)

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