Tue, Feb

The Dilbert Affair: Extremism in Pursuit of Virtue is a Vice


THE VIEW FROM HERE - The media’s knee-jerk cancel culture reaction to the creator of the cartoon strip Dilbert, Scott Adams, was virtually instantaneous.  The New York Times, however, with its publication of the racist 1619 Project is especially hypocritical due to its long term support of the anti-White racism of Wokeism. Woke originally meant that members of minority groups had a different view of the majority culture which the majority could never have of itself.  Did you ever try looking at your posterior as you walked down the street? Others always have a perspective on you which is beyond your capacity to see. 

What did Scott Adams Say? 

“If nearly one-half of all Blacks are not OK with White people, that is a hate group.” Scott Adams’ Podcast taken from a CNN snippet.   Stop! Wait for the parsing before leaping to conclusions. 

Wokeism is a Paragon of Intolerance.  

The Left has not always behaved in this manner. Eddie Murphy lampooned the errors which Blacks made in their perceptions of White society. (SNL sketch) Around the same era, people dealt with racism in more honest ways. (Chevy Chase Richard Pryor sketch) Each sketch did more to bring Blacks and Whites together than the polarization of wokeism.  

In the Era of Wokeism, Honesty Is Dead 

With the advent of Identity Politics and Wokeism, we have entered into rabidly insane extremism which Torquemada would recognize. One need not say anything racist in order to be universally condemned as a racist.  Don’t criticize 1930's Germans for their silence about the propaganda against Jews, if you claim that Los Angeles City Councilmembers Nury Martinez, Gil Cedillo and Kevin de Leon are anti-Black racists.  Don’t criticize 1930's Germans, if you’ve jumped on the anti-Dilbert bandwagon. 

The Basis of Scott Adams’ Observations

Adams was discussing a Rasmussen poll which found that 53% of Blacks agreed with the statement, “It’s OK to be white.”   26% disagreed and 21% were not sure. 

The poll also found that 66% of Blacks agreed with the statement, “Black people can be racist, too.” 27% of Blacks disagreed and 8% of Blacks were not sure (The CNN snippet wrongly put “76%” of Blacks as agreeing, when it was 66%.) 

Adams then said, “The best advice that I can give White people is to get away from Black people.” CNN then grossly distorted the meaning of the Rasmussen poll by interjecting a comment by Woker ADL that “It’s OK to BE White” has long been used by White Supremacists.  That insertion was trash journalism. Insider lingo by White Supremacists had nothing to do with the poll, but CNN wants to distort the story to paint Scott Adams as an anti-Black racist by pretending he was endorsing White Supremacy.  The New York Times and most of the national media including the woker and anti-Mexican Los Angeles Times vied for Olympic Gold in their virtue signaling by cancelling the cartoon Dilbert.  

Wokeism Rejects both the Declaration of Independence and Martin Luther King 

The core value on which the nation is founded is that each person has inalienable rights, and as MLK said, that means each person is judged on their own character.  By extension, each instance is judged by its own facts. A huge portion of our legal system revolves around making certain that only relevant facts are presented. The purpose of cross-examination of any statement is to understand what it means within a proper context.  If a comedian tells someone, “I killed last night,” and later his wife is found dead, that does not mean he was admitting to murder. 

Let’s Cross-Exam What Scott Adams Said 

(1) We must throw away the ADL’s absurd interjection that agreeing that “It’s OK to be White” means one supports White Supremacy. If that were true, then 53% of Blacks are White Supremacists. (Kaddish is long overdue for the ADL as an anti-discrimination organization.) 

(2) Scott Adams’ math is similar to the Trumpists who think Trump won the election when he got considerably less than 50%.  Adams focused on the fact that 26% of Blacks disagreed with the statement “It’s OK to be White.” Adams then hypes 26% into “nearly 50%.”  I speculate that Adams got to his “nearly 50%” figure by adding the 21% who were “not sure” to the 26% who agreed to get 47%, which would be “nearly one-half of all Blacks.”  While no one knows why a poll respondent would reply “not sure,” “I am not sure” does not mean “Yes, I agree.” Adams’ distortion of 26% to almost 50% qualifies for a Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire demerit. 

(3) Scott Adams sees the glass as half empty when it is more than half-full.  53% of Blacks said that “It’s OK to be White.”  The majority of Blacks agreed two to one – 53% to 26% – that being White is OK. Then, by 66% to 26% Blacks say that Blacks can be prejudiced.  Yet, Adams then labels Blacks a hate group. Huh?  It seems that Blacks were statistically harder on Blacks than on Whites. Adams advised White people to “get the Hell away from Black people.”  Adams’s mentality is similar to woker Identity Politics mindset where the group is more important than the individual and where facts are fungible with fiction. In follow-up Podcasts, Adams insists that each person is to be judged as an individual.  Wokers find that MLK line of thinking to be worse than being a White Supremacist. 

Cancel Culture is Wack 

After listening briefly to the Scott Adams’ Podcasts, when speaking he’s not the most profound guy on the planet, but he does not seem racist.  His angry response to woke racism was a flop. Rather, the Rasmussen poll showed that the majority of Blacks are not on board with Woker anti-white racism.  If Adams wants to express displeasure with Wokers’ group rights stereotyping, he should not use their type of faulty thinking.  Should Adams be cancelled for it? Of course not. Cancel culture is extremism. A better response would be for SNL to lampoon him for thinking 26% is nearly a majority. 

(Richard Lee Abrams has been an attorney, a Realtor and community relations consultant as well as a CityWatch contributor.  You may email him at [email protected].  The opinions expressed by Mr. Abrams are not necessarily those of CityWatchLA.com.)


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