Tue, Mar

My Thoughts for the Holidays


RantZ and RaveZ  - As we conclude the eight-day Hanukkah Celebration and welcome Christmas and the New Year, RantZ and RaveZ wants to shine a BRIGHT LIGHT of Hope and Happiness for all the good in our lives, city, and world.  There is so much good to be thankful for that we often forget and only focus on the negative, hostile and unhappiness we often encounter in our daily lives. 

After focusing on the realities of Homeless, Crime and Violence and taxes and other negative subjects for the past 11 months, it is time to bring light and show appreciation for all the good we encounter and the society we are all part of.  

Along with Christmas we have other holidays celebrated at this time of the year.  A few examples are the following….African – American Kwanzaa, Japan - Omisoka, Spain - Noche Vieja, Italy - La Befana, Peru-Chocolatadas, and South Africa - Boxing Day to name just a few of the many special holidays celebrated around the world. 

As I prepare this Holiday Edition of RantZ and RaveZ the stock market is up in the green which will make many investors very happy.  

I wish everyone a Healthy, Safe and Happy Holiday Season….… 

(Dennis P. Zine is the author of RantZ and RaveZ.  The column is published twice a month to enlighten readers on issues impacting Los Angeles and your community.  Dennis is a 54-year member of law enforcement and a retired elected public official.) 

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