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Pelosi’s Identity Politics Is Destroying America


THE VIEW FROM HERE - Here’s how all group rights work.  A leader claims that if people follow him/her, then he/she will make certain everything is A-OK. 

It can be the promise of salvation or economic security. People who are the most susceptible to this Rev Jim Jones style pitch are people whose lives aren’t going right. Altruistic young people too often fall for the claptrap that group rights will bring religious salvation or civil justice. 

Groups which concentrate on constant self-improvement do not lead to violence.  Too often, however, the leader focuses on the evil “Other” as the cause of all his/her group’s troubles.  The more the leader hypes the danger of the Other, the more money and power the leader requires to vanquish the Other. 

This Pattern Describes Pelosi’s Identity Politics 

She gathers up disaffected groups, attributing all their problems to White people.  She draws upon an extensive literature about White Fragility, White Entitlement, The 1619 Project, describing how all White people by virtue of light skin tone have stolen the productivity of Blacks going back to slave days.  The thought is the father of the deed.  Casting an Other as the villain leads to action against the perceived evil doers.  If Jews are the problem, then pogroms and genocide are the answer. If Whites are the problem, then vote away their rights when the minorities become the majority of voters.  May 4, 2018, CNN, Nancy Pelosi's Mistake on Identity Politics, By Carrie Sheffield 

White Supremacists, aka Alt Right, were a tiny faction of America. Law enforcement told Pelosi that they posed a serious domestic danger as they were stuffed with mentally unbalanced paranoids who were prone to violence, e.g. Tim McVeigh and Eric Rudolph, the 1996 Olympic Park Bomber.  These violent extremists were a law enforcement issue, and Pelosi had to stop making them into a political force with her existential threats against them.    October 11, 2018, CityWatch, Group Rights Still Threaten the Nation’s Existence, and   Aug 24, 2021, NY Times, What the ‘Majority Minority’ Shift Really Means for America   In response to these warnings, Pelosi promised that as soon as her minority groups became the majority of the voters, they would do in the Whites.  While the Great Replacement Theory is bunk, Pelosi’s claim that she will make it come true feeds into the paranoia of the Alt Right.  Since their leaders could be described as militarized hysterics, the Right Wing’s response has been a garbled mess of vicious conspiracies.  Their fear scenarios are basically, the Jews are organizing the Blacks to supplant Whites. (Pelosi is not Jewish)  It is hard to  convince paranoids not to take the threats of the opposition leader seriously. 

In 2001, 56% of Americans (56%) believed that Blacks were 30% or higher of Americans. Seventeen percent (17%) thought Blacks were 50% or greater of the population June 4, 2002, Gallup, Public Overestimates U.S. Black and Hispanic Populations This false perception of the number of Blacks is important as it makes the Alt Right feel all the more threatened.  Blacks are less than 14% nationally and less than 9% in Los Angeles. 

The Interplay of Identity Politics and The Pandemic 

While the harm of Pelosi’s Identity Politics was evident with Dylann Roof’s 2015 mass murder of Black churchgoers in Charleston, South Carolina, it did not deter her.  Roof claimed that Blacks were taking over and murdering Whites and no one was doing anything so he took matters into his own hands. Seven years later in Buffalo, New York, 19 years old Peyton Gendron murdered people at a Tops supermarket for the same reason. 

Why Pelosi’s Constant Threats Against White Supremacist Is Criminally Negligent 

Too many young men fall prey to the propaganda about the threats which the Other poses.  Even mentally ill people conform most of their behavior to major cultural norms. The Woker demonization of Whites, however, provides excuses for the Alt Right’s e naive and psychologically vulnerable to turn violent. They perceive themselves as soldiers protecting their group, i.e., “Blood and Soil.”.  When young men like Dylann Roof and Payton Gendron may re-characterize themselves as heroes rather than criminals, they become a mass murderers. 

Blacks hear Pelosi’s Woker Victimization message that all their problems are due to White people.  Woker demands for slavery reparations, however, reduce the social constraints on young Blacks.  If politicos can demand that Whites give back what they have “stolen,” why not use self-help?  Wokerism not only creates a social climate where the Alt Right feels it must strike first, but where Blacks feel they are entitled to take what they want.  Even when only .01% of 1% of each side engages in violence, the entire society is traumatized. 

The Money, the Wonderful, Wonderful Money Which Violence Begets 

Each White Supremacist march shouting, “Jews shall not replace us,” each smash and grab, each follow-home robbery, each wanton murder at a 7-11 store makes tons of the money for Pelosi’s Dems and for the GOP.  More violence means more money for Dems and for the GOP.  Painting crocodile tears on their faces, the fundraising letters gush forth and hundreds of millions pour into the politicos’ coffers. 4-18-21, Hate Money Stalks America 

Wither We Goeth? 

The Alt Right now sees itself as heirs to 1776. Rather than being a handful of ill-kempt losers holding a tiny rally in some park in Idaho, they’ve become patriots saving the Republic.  That is the nature of group rights -- the threats of one side become the justification for violence on the other side.  

Group Rights’ Vicious Cycle 

Identity Politics’ idea that Whites are bad people who have cheated minorities out of justice provokes enrages Whites who have never done anything bad to anyone.  By lessening the threshold for mentally unstable minorities to engage in violent criminality, the Left helps the GOP politicos.  The GOP then demand more guns so that good guys with guns can kill bad guys with a gun. Everyone thinks he’s the good guy.  Pelosi’s Identity Politics has resulted in extreme polarization, where the extremes of each political party veto cooperative efforts. Where does group rights extremism end? Guerilla Civil War!


(Richard Lee Abrams has been an attorney, a Realtor and community relations consultant as well as a CityWatch contributor.  You may email him at [email protected])

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