Fri, Feb

The American Republic is Under Siege


THE VIEW FROM HERE - The most lethal person to the American Republic is Nancy Pelosi and her racist Identity Politics.  Without Pelosi, there would be no Donald Trump.

Power mongers like Nancy Pelosi hate the republican form of government because it limits power.  While the Constitution is seen as protecting individual rights, the thing which protects the Constitution from being swept away is the Republic which divides up power in such a way that it is extremely hard to abolish individual inalienable rights.  In a pure democracy, a simple majority can vote away anything it wishes including the Constitution. 

Nancy Pelosi Is the Chief Architect of the Republic’s Death 

First, we need acknowledge that the American Political Science Association (APSA) lay a crucial foundation for the subversion of the Republic when it said that we should have two distinct political parties with no overlapping center.  The APSA thought that all politics should be national and controlled by two separate parties with completely different agendas.  Such a dichotomy cannot exist in a republic. It requires that the republic become a democracy. 

Democracy has no use for rights except for the right of the majority to have its way and the minority to have no rights.  In Germany, the Weimar Republic was destroyed by the democratic elections which lead to Hitler’s assuming control.  Contrary to what many people believe, Hitler did not use force to overthrow the Weimar Republic. Few understand that democracy is the way station between a Republic and totalitarianism.  In a democracy, sooner or later the people will elect a tyrant. 

The APSA wanted two distinct parties which would never agree policy so the voters would have a clear choice. When 50.1% decides something, what others think is irrelevant.  While Pelosi was not the first power monger to realize that it is easier corral people into voting blocks based on tribal instincts rather than on the basis of reasoned discourse, she is the one who fashioned Identity Politics.  Under Pelosi’s Identity Politics, people identify with some group. Pelosi’s formula is simple: all minorities are oppressed by the Whites.  Minorities must complain about their terrible injustices, but not acknowledge that Whites have ever done anything laud worthy. Any achievement by a minority must be portrayed as overcoming White bigotry. 

Pelosi declared that when the minorities become the majority of voters, they will simply vote whatever they want.  Voting will be the means to appropriate the wealth of the whites.   

While less than 1% of Whites are White Supremacists, Pelosi and her Woker allies would have the nation believe that all Whites are supremacists who are actively misappropriating the wealth created by the minorities.  This is the theory behind White Entitlement, i.e. by virtue of light skin hue, Whites have wealth to which they are not entitled and they must give it back. 

The July 2020 ADL Woker definition of racism concisely stated: “"Racism: The marginalization and/or oppression of people of color based on a socially constructed racial hierarchy that privileges white people."   (The ADL did not say in which group Jews fell.) 

None of this Goes over Well with Whites  

Many Americans, who see themselves as White, do not take kindly to Pelosi.  They tend to think that their position has to do with their hard work and not  the slavery of Blacks over 150 years ago.  Naturally, power mongers on the right seize upon Pelosi’s Identity Politics and Wokerism with its racist, anti-white Critical Race Theory as posing an existential threat to all Whites.  As the FBI warned in the early aughts, the extreme right wing is violence prone, e.g. Timothy McVeigh.  While there were racist elements in the far right anti-government movement, it was more focused on the predatory nature of the government. McVeigh was extremely upset that he had killed an Iraqi soldier during Desert Storm after he learned that most the Iraqis wanted to surrender and not fight.  If there was a dominant theme among the Alt Right during the 1990's and early 2000's, it was that the government was the threat. 

Pelosi’s Identity Politics Turned Much of the Alt Right “Anti-Minority” 

Pelosi’s Identity Politics agenda thrives upon White bashing resulting in Hillary Clinton’s losing the 2016 election by calling Whites in the Rust Belt Deplorables.  When faced with the DEMs, a political party which was promising to do them in, and the GOP, a political party whose candidate was a madman who promised to protect them, millions of white Americans voted for the madman.  Without Pelosi’s anti-white Identity Politics, there would have been no President Donald Trump. 

Pelosi Trashes the Republic’s Safeguard against a Mad President 

Pelosi used her power as Speaker of the House to trash the Republic’s safeguard against a madman – impeachment. Trump had committed so many impeachable offenses during his first term, that impeachment and conviction by the Senate GOP should have been cakewalk. The GOP did not want Trump to run in 2020; but Pelosi wanted Trump to be the GOP candidate as she figured with Trump running, she could raise untold millions of dollars and get more Dems elected to Congress.  During the 2019 House impeachment hearings, the GOP right was turning away from Trump.  Thus, Pelosi stopped this rising anti-Trump sentiment among the GOP by allowing no more witnesses, knowing that without additional evidence, the GOP could not convict and Trump would remain viable. 

After Trump incited the Jan 6th 2021 insurrection, Pelosi again thwarted the Republic’s impeachment process. Although the Senate GOP had voted to allow The Dems to call as many witnesses as they desired, Pelosi would not let the House Managers call a single witness.  There were scores of Alt Right insurrectionists clamoring to testify that Trump had incited them and then had betrayed them.  With the insurrectionists’ testimony, the GOP Senators could have safely convictrd Trump and bar him from running again. 

The GOP Goes Whacko! 

When a society breaks down into two warring factions mixed with racism, rational discourse is dead.  The GOP has voted that the January 6th insurrection was “legitimate political discourse.”  The tribalism of Identity Politics is that one measures truth by what the chief says and not by reality.  In this respect the Pelosites and the Wokers are no different from the GOP. 

The Voting Rights Bill 

When the Republic’s safeguards have been destroyed, people are left to the democratic process which leads to civil war.  When control of the government rests on the ballot box, both sides will do whatever it takes to win.  The loser will declare that the election was stolen.  The GOP saw the new voting rights bill as nothing more than a preliminary step to steal the 2022 and 2024 elections while the DEMs see the GOP’s tampering with the state legislatures as its laying the basis to steal the election.  No matter who wins, the other side will cry, “foul.”  That is how Pelosi’s Identity Politics is destroying a nation.


(Richard Lee Abrams has been an attorney, a Realtor and community relations consultant as well as a CityWatch contributor. The views expressed herein are his own and do not necessarily reflect the views of CityWatch. You may email him at [email protected])