Thu, Mar

VP Kamala Harris Is Not A Serious Contender for California Governor


MARC'S ANGLE - We just had a major election a month ago but already polls are out for the 2026 midterms, specifically one on our California governors race. Not surprisingly, failed Presidential candidate Kamala Harris leads the pack for the gubernatorial race in California. 

While this may be heartening for Kamala Harris (who sounded like she hit the bottle hard before her concession speech) and the die hard “Vote Blue No Matter Who” voters who refuse to face how bad their candidate was, the polling lead is sadly, an artificial mirage. 

Name recognition goes a long way in polling but given some time, reality and other candidates jockeying for the race, this commanding polling lead will crater. 

We also know that the more the public sees of Kamala, the less they like her. Post-election and without the hopes and dreams of the left pinned on her, her favorability numbers nationally are upside down again at 48-51 and now President elect Trump’s is even at 48-48. 

A month later, we are seeing some post mortems in the media about the extent of how she underperformed against the literal Hitler (a narrative the media pushed but the public didn’t buy). While not as many as I hoped (likely due to the fear of many PC authors scared to criticize a minority woman), her performance was so bad even political prognosticators like Roll Call have shown that she only did slightly better than concurrent Democrats running against her in 11 states (no coattails) while Trump over-performed his party in 37 states by commanding margins (lots of coattails). 

But let’s count the ways of how disastrous Kamala’s real life performance was, as this exercise would hopefully ensure a rigorous primary on the Democratic side, to hopefully get the best candidate after a necessary American political process, a primary, one hopefully akin to a needed trial by fire. However, watching the DNC’s DEI installation of Kamala, I may just be describing a pipe dream. 

Kamala Harris has never actually fought or won a tough race and has been notorious for underperforming. Even when she won her first statewide race and became the state Attorney General in 2010, her race was not called until days after as she underperformed the slate of about 10 other Democrats who won easily. 

In 2014, her pushing of Prop 47 to reduce penalties for theft under $950, has now become a textbook example of a failed social experiment for 10 years. Californian citizens have experienced the worst crimes with no justice. I myself was a victim of my precious, under $950 truck stolen in Artesia and found weeks later in Compton, which I talk about in my book “The Minority Retort”. 

Things got so bad across all demographics and regions in diverse California that this election in 2024, we reversed that leniency to return back to pre-2014 penalties with Prop 36 passing by a landslide 70%. Kamala’s signature legislation was a bust. 

But we knew it was a blatant attempt to curry favor among the left for her presidential aspirations. While she easily transitioned to the U.S. Senate in 2016 due to an easy opponent known for mental breakdowns, she was finally held accountable in 2019 when she ran for President and lost all traction when Democratic Rep. Tulsi Gabbard called out her schizophrenic record on criminal justice and ensured she would drop out before the Iowa caucuses even began. 

Yet due to the DNC’s calculation that DEI was the future, the biggest primary loser was subsequently elevated to Biden’s running mate. Biden would go on to win the presidency due to COVID hysteria, without having to campaign or leave their respective basements. Again, zero accountability. 

Her record as Vice President has been lackluster as the few times she was elevated to the national spotlight, such as her role as Border Czar or appearances with world leaders, plans were quickly reversed and they would pull the plug on the obviously embarrassing Vice President. Kamala became known for her never ending word salads, designed to mask her clear lack of intellectual curiosity and acumen. After her polling high in the short run for President, the greater U.S. population got to see what political junkies have known all along: she’s messy and she rambles incoherently. 

But this fake joy, usually captured as she was sloshed, was what the media sold and believed they would win the day, with the help of a billion dollars and never-ending lapdog coverage of her and her even more embarrassing VP pick, Tim Walz, who was picked for the purpose of not outshining her. Mediocrity breeds even more mediocrity. 

In conclusion, I have talked to many people from all walks of life (California business leaders, rank and file blue collar voters, white collar professionals, etc) who were ok with Biden but were shocked and would never vote for Kamala. She ended up underperforming Biden and Democrats by about 10% in California, dragging down downballot Democrats and resulting in lost seats in the state legislature. 

Once Democrats sober up, I guarantee they will not nominate this proven loser.


(Marc Ang ([email protected]) is a business leader and community organizer in Southern California and the founder ofAsian Industry B2B. He focuses on the minority conservative experience. Marc’s book “Minority Retort” was released on November 9, 2022 through Trinity Broadcasting Network.)