Fri, Feb

Public Hearing on Inglewood Transit Connector Project

SOUTH OF THE 10 - The Inglewood City Council will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, April 5, at 2pm on the Inglewood Transit Connector Project.

The proposed automated people mover will connect Metro’s Crenshaw Line to the Forum, SoFi Stadium, and the Intuit Dome.

The 1.6 mile route will run along Market Street, across Manchester Blvd, and down Prairie, with stops at Pincay and Hardy. EVERY business along Market and Prairie will be impacted by construction.



The transit connector will be elevated and run along the west side of the street, directly in the path of long-time businesses.

The city will consider the following matters associated with the Inglewood Transit Connector (ITC) Project: 

  1. Certification of Environmental Impact Report EA-EIR-2018-073 (EA-EIR-2018-073) to assess the proposed Inglewood Transit Connector Project effect on the environment;
  2. General Plan Amendment No. 2022-001 (GPA-2022-001) to modify the Land Use, Safety and Circulation Elements of the Inglewood General Plan for the Inglewood Transit Connector Project; and
  3. Zone Change No. 2022-001 (ZC-2022-001) to establish a Transportation Corridor Overlay Zone;
  4. Zoning Code Amendment No. 2022-001 (ZCA-2022-001) to make modification to Chapter 12 of the Inglewood Municipal Code (Planning and Zoning) related to the Inglewood Transit Connector Project;
  5. Establish Design Standards and Guidelines for the Inglewood Transit Connector Project.

For more information visit.

Public comments can be submitted to Deputy City Clerk Angela Allen and [email protected]

The meeting will be shown on Spectrum Channel 35 (with no ability to give public comment, on the city’s Facebook page or by calling in on the numbers on the city council agenda

The Library Lecture hall has also reopened for residents wishing to attend and give comment in person.

Documents related to the public hearing can be found here.

(2UrbanGirls has been cited in CityWatchLA, Compton Herald, Daily Breeze, Daily News, Inglewood Today, Intersections South LA, KCRW, KPCC, Los Angeles Times, LA Weekly, LA Watts Times, Mercury News, Orange County Register and The Atlantic.)


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