We Have Got to Stop Killing Our Children! You and I Must DO SOMETHING!
BCK FILE—(Editor’s Note: One of the lessons that 50 years of journalism have taught me is: All stories do NOT have two sides. This is one of them. We have got to stop killing our innocent kids on playgrounds and in classrooms where safety is an absolute and wonderful rite of passage. Yes, an entitlement! You and I must do something … and, not knowing what to do is not an acceptable excuse for ignoring your responsibility. Do something. Do anything. Stand up. Speak out. Organize. Demand. Vote wiser. Hold electeds accountable. One more child’s death is on you and me. Beginning this moment, CityWatch pledges to use its 4.5 million click/week platform to give you a voice and to keep reminding all of us to DO SOMETHING … and to continue to REJECT THE BS! Beth Cone Kramer’s perspective, along with other related postings, is the beginning. DO SOMETHING. Otherwise, shame on you! Shame on us all!-Ken Draper, CityWatch Editor.)