Swinging for the Fences, California Sports Teams Keep Asking Lawmakers for Special Deals
SPORTS POLITICS--It’s become almost a summer tradition in the California Capitol.
SPORTS POLITICS--It’s become almost a summer tradition in the California Capitol.
BELL VIEW--Remember when George W. Bush said that establishing democracy in Iraq would cause a domino effect in the Middle East – like pushing a giant re-set button?
EASTSIDER-It should come as no surprise that both political parties are total control freaks over their declining percentage of voters. I argue that real, small ‘d’ democracy works just fine, and the Dems should let it be.
WHO’S PULLING THE STRINGS?-As founder and executive director of the Crenshaw Subway Coalition, Damien Goodmon spent years organizing his community in support of adding a Leimert Park stop along the planned Crenshaw-LAX light rail line in Los Angeles, scheduled to open in 2019.
WORKING TOGETHER WORKS-“I love when people that have been through hell walk out of the flames carrying buckets of water for those still consumed by the fire.” ~ Stephanie Sparkle
GUEST WORDS--The University of Southern California in Los Angeles has been at the center of a sexual abuse scandal involving a health center gynecologist.
ALPERN-AT-LARGE-The goal of a north-south rail line between the San Fernando Valley and the Westside, and by extension to LAX, has been the "holy grail" of the countywide rail expansion for decades.
GELFAND’S WORLD--The political assassination that Donald Trump carried out this weekend wasn't against a person, but against a whole way of life. His attack on the G7 alliance has brought a particularly painful form of realization to a head. As David Leonhardt pointed out in a New York Times op ed and Josh Marshall pointed out a day or two earlier in his own blog, one thing is abundantly clear:
CORRUPTION WATCH-Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy’s majority opinion in the June 4, 2018, Masterpiece Cake shop, Ltd. v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission (The Gay Cake Case) represents the best of American jurisprudence.
BCK FILE--On Wednesday of last week, we learned fashion designer Kate Spade had hanged herself in her New York apartment. Just two days later, celebrity chef and travel documentarian Anthony Bourdain (photo above) had ended his life in a Strasbourg hotel.
GUEST WORDS--In November, Californians will have a historic opportunity to vote for a ballot measure — the Affordable Housing Act — that would restore the rights of California cities to implement strong rent control laws.
@THE GUSS REPORT-Los Angeles, we have a problem…and a pattern.
DTLA SKID ROW-The culmination of recent presentations and reports have led to an eye-opening glimpse into the collective mindset of the City of Los Angeles and how it plans to “attack” the widespread, out-of-control existence of homelessness across the city.
DEEGAN ON LA-A special interest group composed of parents who are speaking up for their kids is emerging as a loud voice in a Fairfax area community dispute with developer Ira Smedra.
WHAT’S IN A NAME?--You live in a lovely, single family neighborhood, tree-shaded, consisting mainly of single story homes. Sadly, your elderly neighbor, who raised her family in the home next door, dies, leaving it to her children.
420 FILE--Amid all the excitement around marijuana legalization in America, another newly legal crop has received comparatively little attention: hemp. And yet hemp may prove to be even more transformative, especially in the West's arid landscapes.
PLATKIN ON PLANNING-In cities like Los Angeles, where private greed, not human need and adopted plans, control the real estate development process, we are no longer surprised when new luxury apartment towers spring up next to homeless encampments.
ALPERN AT LARGE--Well, THIS dumpster fire of a primary is over! Jungle, indeed! As in a dangerous, wild, and uncivilized/uncouth experience that probably made everyone feel a little less happy about themselves and their state.
PERSPECTIVE—(Editor’s Note: The US Supremes handed down a long anticipated decision on whether a cake shop in Colorado could refuse to make a wedding cake for a same-sex couple. The justices split 7-2. The decision left many people … it would appear even some of the justices … a bit befuddled. Clarity was in order. So, we call on our friend and attorney Jason Lyon for help. What the hell does this court Masterpiee Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission decision really mean. Here is his response.)
GELFAND’S WORLD-Forgive me, but I actually like the primary system we use here in California.
RANTZ & RAVEZ-Time after time, I’ve heard comments from so-called experts -- including members of the media, commissioners, elected officials and judges -- as they criticize the actions of dedicated, professional police officers who must deal with uncooperative or hostile suspects and motorists they need to question while performing their duty to Protect and Serve the public.
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